Configuring Local Policy

To configure local policy:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET(configure)# session-router
  3. Type local-policy and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# local-policy
  4. from-address—Indicate the originating address information by entering a From address value. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard to indicate this policy can be used with all originating addresses.

    You can also use complete or partial E.164 addresses (strings that contain telephone keypad characters) here. Number matching works from left to right. Formats include the following:

    • SIP From address

    • FQDNs

    • IP addresses

    • H.323 CallingPartyAddress

      The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller also supports the asterisk as part of the From address you configure in your local policies.

      This means that for the from-address parameters of a local policy configuration, you can enter values in which an asterisk appears and match them accordingly. You might enter a value that resemble the following example:

    • 123*456


    After entering the from-address value, the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager automatically saves it to the configuration when exiting from local policy.
  5. to-address—Indicate the destination address by entering a To address value. You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard to indicate all this policy can be used for any destination address.

    You can also use E.164 addresses (strings that contain telephone keypad characters) here. Number matching works from left to right. Formats include the following:

    • SIP Request-URI

    • FQDNs

    • IP addresses

    • H.323 CalledPartyAddress

      The system also supports the asterisk as part of the To address you configure in your local policies.

      This means that for the to-address parameters of a local policy configuration, you can enter values in which an asterisk appears and match them accordingly. You might enter a value that resembles the following example:

    • 123*456


    After entering the to-address value, the Oracle Communications Session Delivery Manager automatically saves it to the configuration when exiting from local policy.
  6. source-realm—Enter the realm, or list of realms, you want the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to use to determine how to route traffic. This list identifies from what realm traffic is coming and is used for routing by ingress realm by the local policy.

    You can use the asterisk (*) as a wildcard to indicate this local policy can be used with all realms. The default value is *.Or you can enter a value that corresponds to the identifier of an already configured realm. Formats include the following:

    • realm ID

    • customer name

    • peer name

    • subdomain name

    • VPN identifier

  7. activate-time—Set the time you want the local policy to be activated using the following syntax:
    yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss
  8. deactivate-time—Set the time you want the local policy to be deactivated using the following syntax:
    yyyy:mm:dd hh:mm:ss
  9. state—Indicate whether you want the local policy to be enabled or disabled on the system. The default value is enabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  10. policy-attribute—Configure local policy attributes by following steps 8 through 21.
  11. next-hop—Identify the next signaling host by entering the next hop value. You can use the following as next hops:
    • IPv4 address or IPv6 address of a specific endpoint

    • Hostname or IPv4 address or IPv6 address of a configured session agent

    • Group name of a configured session agent group


      The group name of a configured session agent group must be prefixed with SAG:

      For example:


      next-hop SAG:appserver


      next-hop lrt:routetable


      next-hop enum:lerg

      You can also configure a next hop that has an address of, thereby creating a null route. Different from not having a local policy configured (which would trigger Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller local policy recursion), this terminates local policy recursion and immediately fails the request. In these cases, the system responds a request with a 404 Not Found.

  12. realm—Identify the egress realm (the realm used to reach the next hop) if the system must send requests out from a specific realm.

    The value you enter here must correspond to a valid identifier you enter when you configured the realm. If you do not enter a value here, and the next hop is a session agent, the realm identified in the session agent configuration is used for egress. In H.323, the next hop address is matched against the realm’s address prefix to determine the realm.

  13. replace-uri—Indicate whether you want to replace the Request-URI in outgoing SIP requests with the next hop value.
  14. carrier—Optional. Enter the name of the carrier associated with this route. The value you enter here must match one or more of the carrier names in the session agent configuration.

    Entries in carrier fields can be from 1 to 24 characters in length and can consist of any alphabetical character (Aa-Zz), numerical character (0-9), or punctuation mark (! ” # $ % ^ & * ( ) + - = < > ? ‘ | { } [ ] @ / \ ‘ ~ , . _ : ; ) or any combination of alphabetical characters, numerical characters, or punctuation marks. For example, both 1-0288 and acme_carrier are valid carrier field formats.

  15. start-time—Indicate the time of day (from the exact minute specified) the local policy attributes go into effect. Enter only numerical characters (0-9) and follow the 4-digit military time format. For example:

    The default value of 0000 implies that the defined policy attributes can be considered in effect any time after 00:00:00. The valid range is:

    • Minimum—0000

    • Maximum—2400

  16. end-time—Indicate the time of day (from the exact minute specified) the local policy attributes are no longer in effect. Enter only numerical characters (0-9) and follow the 4-digit military time format. For example:

    The default value of 2400 implies that the defined policy attributes can be considered in effect any time before midnight. The valid range is:

    • Minimum—0000

    • Maximum—2400

  17. days-of-week—Enter any combination of days of the week (plus holidays) you want the local policy attributes to be in effect. You must enter at least one day or holiday here. A holiday entry must correspond with a configured holiday established in the Session Router.

    The default is U-S. The valid values are:

    • U (Sunday)

    • M (Monday)

    • T (Tuesday(

    • W (Wednesday)

    • R (Thursday)

    • F (Friday)

    • S (Saturday)

    • H (Holiday)

      You can enter a range of values separated by a hyphen, for example U-S. And you can enter multiple values separated by commas, for example M,W,F. You cannot use spaces as separators.

  18. cost—Enter a cost value that acts as a unitless representation of the cost of a route relative to other routes reaching the same destination (To address). This value is used as a way of ranking policy attributes.

    The default value is zero (0). The valid values are:

    • minimum—zero (0)

    • maximum—999999999

  19. app-protocol—Enter the signaling protocol to use when sending messages to the next hop. The valid values are:
    • H.323 | SIP

  20. state—Indicate whether you want to enable or disable the local policy. The default value is enabled. The valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  21. media-profiles—Configure a list of media profiles if you want the local policy to route SIP and H.323 traffic by the codecs specified in the SDP. The list of media profiles entered here are matched against the SDP included in SIP or H.323 requests and the next hop is selected by codec.

    The values in this list are matched against the rtpmap attribute of passed SDP, and preference weight for route selection is based on the order in which the matching payload type appears in the SDP’s media (m=) line.

    For example when the following SDP arrives:

    m=audio 1234 RTP/AVP 0 8 18

    that contains the following attributes that correspond to three configured local policies with the same cost:

    • a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000

    • a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000

    • a=rtpmap:18 G729/8000

      the following route selection action occurs:

      The local policy route that corresponds to the a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000 attribute is selected because the payload type of 0 in the attribute line matches the first payload type of 0 listed in the m= line. The codec value of PCMU indicated in this selected attribute is used to find the local policy with the media profiles attribute that includes PCMU in the list.

      Because the value you enter here is matched against the codec values included in the actual passed SDP, it must correspond to accepted industry-standard codec values.

      The following example shows a local policy with a next hop value of the session agent group called gw-sag2.

              source-realm                   *
              activate-time                  2005-01-20 20:30:00
              deactivate-time                N/A
              state                          enabled
              last-modified-date             2005-01-10 00:36:29
              next-hop                       SAG:gw-sag2
              replace-uri                    enabled
              start-time                     0000
              end-time                       2400
              days-of-week                   U-S
              cost                           0
              state                          enabled