Bandwidth CAC for Aggregate Emergency Sessions

You can configure the maximum amount of bandwidth on your Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller you want used specifically for priority (emergency) calls in the realm configuration’s max-priority-bandwidth parameter. You set this limit on a per-realm basis, and the limit is enforced for nested realms. Setting a bandwidth limit specifically for priority calls allows the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to reject calls exceeding the threshold, and also to accept calls that exceed the bandwidth limit for non-priority calls (set in the max-bandwidth parameter).

The bandwidth limit for emergency calls operates in conjunction with the bandwidth limits you can set for all other types of calls. When an emergency call comes in, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller checks the non-priority bandwidth limit. If bandwidth is sufficient, the call goes through and the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller decrements the bandwidth used from the pool of the amount available.

However, if a priority call exceeds the max-bandwidth setting, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller checks the max-priority-bandwidth parameter. If is it within the limit for priority calls, the system allows the call and decrements the amount of used bandwidth from what is available.

When there is not enough bandwidth in either the priority or non-priority pool, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller rejects the call with the corresponding error code and reason phrase.

Any bandwidth subtracted from either pool during a session is returned to that pool as soon as the session ends.