Add an SPL Plug-in to the Configuration

You must add an SBC Programming Language (SPL) plug-in file to the spl-config element before the system can execute the plug-in. The system ignores any SPL plug-in that exists in the /code/spl directory that is not included in the spl-config element.

Before You Begin
  • Confirm that you have Superuser permissions

In the following procedure, you add the name of one or more SPL plug-ins to the spl-config configuration element. Note that the system executes SPL plug-ins in the order in which they were configured.

  1. Access the spl-config configuration element.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
    ORACLE(configure)# system
    ORACLE(system)# spl-config
  2. Type plugins , and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ACMESYSTEM(spl-config)# plugins
  3. Type name, a space, and the name of the SPL file.
    ACMESYSTEM(spl-plugins)#name MediaPlayback.1.0.spl
    ACMESYSTEM(spl-plugins)#name LyncEmergencyCall.1.0.spl
    ACMESYSTEM(spl-plugins)#name SipHeaderExtensionMetadata.1.2.spl
    ACMESYSTEM(spl-plugins)#name UniversalCallId.1.spl
    ACMESYSTEM(spl-plugins)#name ComfortNoiseGeneration.1.1.spl
  4. Type done to save your work.
  5. Save and activate the configuration.
Next Steps
  • If your deployment supports a High Availability (HA) pair configuration, see "Synchronize SPL Files Across HA Pairs."