show mbcd errors

The show mbcd errors command displays statistics related to MBCD task errors. The following fields are explained:

  • XCode Internal Errors—Number of uncategorized errors due to Transcoding session error.
  • XCode Alloc Errors—Number of times that buffer allocation failed for transcoding tasks.
  • XCode Update Errors—Number of errors encountered when attempting to update an entry in the Transcoding table upon receipt of the first packet for a media flow.
  • XCode Delete Errors—Number of errors encountered when attempting to delete an entry in the Transcoding table.
  • XCode Over Cap Errors—Number of Transcoding sessions denied once session capacity is reached.
  • XCode Over License Cap—Number of Transcoding sessions denied once license capacity is reached.
    ORACLE# show mbcd errors
    MBC Errors/Events              ---- Lifetime ----
                            Recent      Total  PerMax
    Client Errors                0          0       0
    Client IPC Errors            0          0       0
    Open Streams Failed          0          0       0
    Drop Streams Failed          0          0       0
    Exp Flow Events              0          0       0
    Exp Flow Not Found           0          0       0
    Transaction Timeouts         0          0       0
    Server Errors                0          0       0
    Server IPC Errors            0          0       0
    Flow Add Failed            180        180     180
    Flow Delete Failed           0          0       0
    Flow Update Failed           0          0       0
    Flow Latch Failed            0          0       0
    Pending Flow Expired         0          0       0
    ARP Wait Errors              0          0       0
    Exp CAM Not Found            0          0       0
    Drop Unknown Exp Flow        0          0       0
    Drop/Exp Flow Missing        0          0       0
    Exp Notify Failed            0          0       0
    Unacknowledged Notify        0          0       0
    Invalid Realm                0          0       0
    No Ports Available           0          0       0
    Insufficient Bandwidth       0          0       0
    Stale Ports Reclaimed        0          0       0
    Stale Flows Replaced         0          0       0
    Telephone Events Gen         0          0       0
    Pipe Alloc Errors            0          0       0
    Pipe Write Errors            0          0       0
    Not Found In Flows           0          0       0
    XCode Internal Errors        0          0       0
    XCode Alloc Errors           0          0       0
    XCode Update Errors          0          0       0
    XCode Delete Errors          0          0       0
    XCode Over Cap Errors      180        180     180
    XCode Over License Cap       0          0       0
    SRTP Capacity Exceeded       0          0       0