show xcode api-stats

The show xcode api-stats command shows the client and server side message counts for the XClient and XServer software components. The main messages are allocate, update, and free of the transcoding resource. The command uses a 100 second window to show recent counts within the sliding window as well as the total and per max (maximum in a sliding window interval). This command is useful for comparing the client and server side counts and seeing where errors may have occurred with the transcoding resources.

ORACLE#show xcode api-stats
                      --------- Client --------   --------- Server --------
Message/Event         Recent      Total  PerMax   Recent      Total  PerMax
                      ------  ---------  ------   ------  ---------  ------
Allocs                     0       5197    4897        0       6355    6055
Updates                    0       1776    1676        0        888     788
Frees                      0       6355    6015        0       6355    6015
Error-Allocs               0          0       0        0         45      45
Error-Updates              0          0       0        0        888     888
Error-Frees                0          0       0        0          0       0
Total                      0      13328   12588        0      14531   13791