Media Policing

Media policing controls the throughput of individual media flows in the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller, which in turn provides security and bandwidth management functionality. The media policing feature works for SIP, H.323 and SIP-H.323 protocols. The media policing feature also lets you police static flows and RTCP flows.

The term media policing refers to flows that go through the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. Flows that are directed to the host application are not affected by media policing.

You can use media policing to protect against two potential security threats that can be directed against your Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller:

  • Media DoS—Once media flows are established through the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller, network resources are open to RTP media flooding. You can eliminate the threat of a media DoS attack by constraining media flows to absolute bandwidth thresholds.
  • Bandwidth Piracy—Bandwidth policing ensures that sessions consume no more bandwidth than what is signaled for.