Basic Static Flow Configuration Overview

This section outlines the basic static flow configuration, without NAT ALG. You configure static flows by specifying ingress traffic criteria followed by egress re-sourcing criteria.

When configuring static flows, the following conventions are used:

  • An address of matches all addresses. This token is used as the wildcard for both IPv4 and IPv6 static flows
  • Enclose the address portion of an IPv6 address in brackets: [7777::11]/64:5000
  • Not specifying a port implies all ports.
  • Not specifying a subnet mask implies a /32, matching for all 32 bits of the IPv4 address , or a /128 matching for all 128 bits of the IPv6 address.
  1. Set the static flows’ incoming traffic-matching criteria. First set the ingress realm where you expect to receive traffic that will be routed via a static flow. Second, set the traffic’s source IP address, source subnet, and source port or port range criteria. Third, set the traffic’s destination IP address, destination subnet, and destination port criteria. This is usually an external address on theOracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller.
  2. Set the criteria that describes how traffic should be translated on the egress side of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. First set the egress realm where you want to send the traffic to be routed by this static flow. Second, set the traffic’s source IP address, source subnet, and source port or port range criteria. This is usually an external address on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. Third, set the traffic’s destination IP address, destination subnet, and destination port criteria.
  3. Set the protocol this static flow entry acts upon. This type of packet, as the payload of the IP packet, remains untouched as traffic leaves the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller . Specifying a layer 4 protocol here acts as another criteria to filter against for this static flow.

    The combination of entries in the ingress realm, ingress source address, ingress destination address, and protocol fields must be unique. For bidirectional traffic, you need to define a separate static flow in the opposite direction.