Setting a Preferred Codec for a Session Agent

To set a preferred codec for a session agent configuration:

These instructions assume that you want to add this feature to a session agent that has already been configured.

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-agent and press Enter. The system prompt changes to let you know that you can begin configuring individual parameters.
    ORACLE(session-router)# session-agent
  4. Select the session agent where you want to apply this feature.
    ORACLE(session-agent)# select
    1: realm=       ip=
    2: sessionAgent2  realm=tester ip=
  5. options—Set the options parameter by typing options, a Space, the option name preceded by a plus sign (+) (preferred-codec=X), and then press Enter. X is the codec that you want to set as the preferred codec.
    ORACLE(session-agent)# options +preferred-codec=PCMU

    If you type options preferred-codec=X, you will overwrite any previously configured options. In order to append the new option to the session agent’s options list, you must prepend the new option with a plus sign as shown in the previous example.

  6. Save and activate your configuration.