Alarm Synchronization

Two trap tables in the ap-smgmt.mib record trap information for any condition on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller that triggers an alarm condition. You can poll these two tables from network management systems, OSS applications, and the Session Delivery Manager to view the fault status on one or more Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller s.

The two trap tables that support alarm synchronization, and by polling them you can obtain information about the current fault condition on the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller . These tables are:

  • apSysMgmtTrapTable—You can poll this table to obtain a summary of the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller ’s current fault conditions. The table records multiples of the same trap type that have occurred within a second of one another and have different information. Each table entry contains the following:
    • Trap identifier
    • System time (synchronized with an NTP server)
    • sysUpTime
    • Instance number
    • Other trap information for this trap identifier
  • apSysMgmtTrapInformationTable—You can poll this table to obtain further details about the traps recorded in the apSysMgmtTrapTable table. The following information appears:
    • Data index
    • Data type
    • Data length
    • The data itself (in octets)

Trap tables do not record information about alarm severity.

The apSysMgmtTrapTable can hold up to 1000 entries, and you can configure the number of days these entries stay in the table for a maximum of seven days. If you set this parameter to 0 days, the feature is disabled. And if you change the setting to 0 days from a greater value, then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller purges the tables.