HA Node Health And State Configuration

To configure where to send health and state information within an HA node:

  1. From the peers configuration, type destinations and press Enter.
    ORACLE(rdncy-peer)# destinations
  2. address—Set the destination IPv4 address and port of the other Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller in the HA node to which this Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will send HA-related messages. This value is an IPv4 address and port combination that you enter as: IPAddress:Port. For example,
    • The IPv4 address portion of this value is the same as the IPv4 address parameter set in a network interface configuration of the other Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller in the HA node.

    • The port portion of this value is the port you set in the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller HA Node/redundancy configuration for the other Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller in the node.

  3. network-interface—Set the name and subport for the network interface where the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller receives HA-related messages. Valid names are wancom1 and wancom2. This name and subport combination must be entered as name:subport; for example, wancom1:0.

    The network interface specified in this parameter must be linked to a phy-interface configured with rear interface parameters. The phy-interface’s operation type must be control or maintenance, and so the subport ID portion of this parameter is 0. The subport ID is the VLAN tag.