SIP Realm Options Configuration

To configure options:

Labels enclosed in <> indicate that a value for the option is to be substituted for the label. For example, <value>. In order to change a portion of an options field entry, you must re-type the entire field entry.

  1. Navigate to the options parameter in the SIP configuration or SIP interface elements.
  2. Enter the following:
    options Space <option name>=”<value>”

    For example, if you want to configure the refer-to-uri-prefix option (the add-on conferencing feature):

    Type options, followed by a Space.

    Type refer-to-uri-prefix, followed by an equal sign (=).

    Type the opening quotation mark (“) followed by conf, another equal sign and the closing quotation mark.

    Press Enter.

    For example:

    options refer-to-uri-prefix=conf=

    If the feature value itself is a comma-separated list, it must be enclosed in quotation marks.