Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller MIME ISUP Parameters

  • isup-msg-type—Refers to specific ISUP message types (such as IAM and ACM). The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses with the msg-type parameter (which identifies the SIP message) in the matching process. You enter values in this parameters as a list of numbers rather than as an enumerated value because of the large number of ISUP message type, and the range is between 0 and 255.
  • isup-spec—Specifics how the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller is to parse the binary body; valid values are the enumerated type. The values for this parameter are these SIP ISUP formats
    • ANSI-2000—Corresponding to ANSI T1.113-2000
    • ITU-99—Corresponding to ITU Q.763

      Because ISUP messages do not identify their format, you must designate which you want to use.

  • isup-parameter-rules (sub-configuration)—If you are familiar with HMR, then think of this parameter as being similar to the element-rule for a SIP header rule. You use it to create, manipulate, and store different parameters in the body of the ISUP message. Two parameters for this rule are unique: parameter-rule and parameter-format.
    • parameter-rule—Using ISUP parameter mapping, this setting identifies which of the ISUP parameters on which your want to perform manipulation. This parameter takes values between 0 and 255, and you must know the correct ISUP mapping value for your entry. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller calculates the offset and location of this parameter in the body. Note that the value returned from the body does not the type or length, only the parameter value. For example, a parameter-type value of 4 acts on the Called Party Number parameter value.

      In accordance with the ISUP specifications, only certain message types are allowed to have optional parameters. And if optional parameters are present, an offset field must exist for them; so its value is 0 even if there are no optional parameters in the SIP message. For example, if you define a SIP ISUP rule that applies to all message types and adds a parameter that is neither fixed nor variable, The system adds it as an optional parameter regardless of whether that message type should not support optional parameters.

      If you define an ISUP parameter rule with an add action and an empty new-value, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses the default for that parameter. If you define an ISUP parameter rule with a replace action and no parameters exist, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will not perform any action. This behavior is consistent with that of SIP header rules in that a value can only be replaced if it already exists. If there is a value and no new value is set, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller set it as a zero-length parameter.

    • parameter-format—This parameter converts the specific parameter to a string representation of that value. Valid values for parameter-format are: number-param, hex-ascii (default), binary-ascii, ascii-string, and bcd.

      Both match and new values are encoded and decoded by the designated parameter-format type. In this regard, the match-value decodes the parameters and the new-value encodes the ASCII string into the respective binary format.

      Note if you enter a new-value setting larger than the size of the parameter, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will perform no operation and will generate a corresponding error log message.

      The following table provides information about the values you can enter:

      parameter-format Setting Description
      hex-ascii Default.

      Converts the entire binary body. Non-hexadecimal characters fail in matching against the body part if they are in the match-value setting and non-hexadecimal characters places in a new-value setting result in no operation being formed.

      binary-ascii Converts each hexadecimal value to its corresponding string, binary representation. For example, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllerwould convert the ISUP parameters with a hexadecimal binary value of 8A to 10001010. Non-binary digit characters fail when matching against the body part if they are contained in the match-value setting and non-binary characters in the new-value setting results in no operation being performed.
      ascii-string Treats the binary parameter as true ASCII in raw format. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller supports only the printable range of ASCII characters.

      If a value in the ISUP parameters cannot be decoded to ASCII, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller returns an empty string. Non-printable or meta characters cannot be entered as new-value settings, so this presents no issues for encoding.

      bcd In ISUP speak, BCD refers to the binary forma of the number used as a half a byte nibble, with the byte’s lower nibble containing the first digit and the higher containing the second digit. For example, the number 127 is encoded as the two binary bytes 0x2107 on the wire.

      Using this mode, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller treats the binary ISUP content as BCD; it should decode it from 0x2107 to the string 1270, and from a string of 127 it should decode it as 0x2107.

      Since a byte has two nibbles, a nibble might have to be added. And when the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller performs decoding, it cannot know that a BCD byte represents one or two ASCII digits—so it assumes there are two. The number-param setting decodes the parameter as a common number parameter. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sees the odd/even bit as in the first bite as telling it how many nibbles to decode correctly, and it will set the odd-even when it decodes.

      Non-binary digit characters fail to match against the body part if they are contained in the match value, and non-binary characters in the new value results in no operation being performed.

      number-param As the decimal value of the specified number type, treats the parameters as a generic number parameter type. For example, a parameter-type 4 acts on the Called Party Number parameter.

      When the action type is replace or add, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller automatically sets the parameter’s odd-even bit based on the number being inserted in relation to the new-value setting. If the Numbering Plan Indicator bits are 0b001 (ISDN, E.164), then the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller sets the Nature of Address field to 0b0000100 (international). If this number type is added to a non-existent parameter field, then the Numbering Plan Indicator field is 0b0000011 (national number). If this number type is added to a non-existent parameters field, then the Numbering Plan Indicator field will be set to 0b001 (ISDN,E.164) and the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllerwill also follow the previous rules.

      Regardless of the action type you set, the string represented for match-value use for this type will be the numbers of the address fields after the BCD coding. There will be a leading plus sign (+) if the Number Plan is 0b001 and the Nature of Address is 0b0000100 ((international); otherwise, there will not be a plus sign (+).

      If it cannot convert the data field to a number parameter, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller will return an empty string. And if the new-value is not in digit form or cannot fit in the specified parameter type field, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller takes no action.