Selective Early Media Suppression

Normally, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller performs early media blocking based on destination realm. Calls to such realms are prohibited from sending and receiving RTP until a SIP 200 OK response is received, and you can set the direction of the blocked media.

While decisions to block early media are customarily based on SIP-layer addressing, there are cases when the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller can reject early media based on the SDP address in the SDP answer for a 1XX or 2XX response. By comparing the SDP address with the realm prefix or additional prefix address, it can block early media for matching realms. For these cases, you define global or signaling realms—ones that are not tied to SIP interfaces, but which establish additional address prefixes and rules for blocking early media.

This way, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller blocks all early media for SIP interface realms, but can accept it for global realms that reference media or PSTN gateways. This configuration allows early media for calls destined for the PSTN, and blocks it for user-to-user and PSTN-to-user calls.

Selective early media suppression addresses the fact that some service providers need to allow early media for certain user-to-user and PSTN-to-user calls to support, for example, custom ringback tones. The enhancements also address the fact that Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers can themselves lose the ability to decide whether or not early media should be blocked when confronted with hairpinned call flows, or with traffic that traverses multiple Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers.

To address this need, you can configure realm groups. Realm groups are sets of source and destination realms that allow early media to flow in the direction you configure. For example, you can set up realm groups to allow media from PSTN realms to user realms so that users can listen to PSTN announcements, but prohibit early media from user realms to PSTN realms.


The source and destination realms you add to your lists need to be a global signaling realm matching the caller’s SDP address prefix or a SIP realm.