H.232 Service Modes Configuration

These are the ACLI parameters that you set:

isgateway             Enable the stack to run as a gateway
registration-ttl      Number of seconds before the registration becomes invalid
terminal-alias        List of aliases for terminal
auto-gk-discovery     Enable automatic gatekeeper discovery
multicast             RAS multicast address
gatekeeper            Gatekeeper's address and port
gk-identifier         Gatekeeper's identifier
h245-tunneling        Enable H.245 Tunneling support
prefixes              List of supported prefixes
process-registration  Enable Registration Request processing
allow-anonymous       allowed requests from H.323 realm

To configure the service mode for the H.323 interface:

  1. allow-anonymous—Enter the admission control of anonymous connections from an H.323 realm accepted and processed by this H.323 stack. The default value is all. The valid values are:
    • all—Allow all anonymous connections

    • agents-only—Allow requests from session agents only

    • realm-prefix—Allow session agents and addresses matching the realm prefix

  2. is-gateway—To use this interface as an H.323 gateway, leave this parameter set to enabled, its default value. If you want to use this interface as an H.323 gatekeeper, set this parameter to disabled. Valid values are:
    • enabled | disabled

  3. terminal-alias—Enter a list of one or more aliases that identify the H.323 interface. This value is either the gateway alias or the gatekeeper identifier, depending on the mode you configure for the interface. The aliases are set in the sourceInfo information element of outgoing ARQs.