Telephony Fraud Protection File Activation

After you create, edit, or upload the fraud protection file, you must activate the file before the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (E-SBC) can use it as the source of the fraud protection lists. The system recognizes only one file at a time as the active file.

The first time you configure the E-SBC to manage fraud protection, the system activates the file when you save and activate the configuration. After the initial configuration, the system does not refresh the fraud protection file when you save and activate other configuration changes on the E-SBC. The exception occurs when you specify a new file name in the fraud protection configuration, make changes to other configurations, and save and activate all of the changes at one time.

After the initial configuration, use the following methods to activate the fraud protection file.

  • New File—After you create or upload a new file, go to the Fraud Protection configuration page, enter the name of the new file, and click Save. The system prompts for activation upon a successful Save. Note that you can decline the inline activation and manually activate the file later. For example, you might want to edit an uploaded file before activation.
  • Overwrite File—When you upload a file with the same name as the specified file, for example a file that you updated outside of the E-SBC, the system prompts for activation upon upload.
  • Edit File—When you edit the specified file directly from the Web GUI, the system prompts for activation after you save the edits.
  • Refresh File—When you want to use the ACLI to refresh the fraud protection file, FTP the file to the E-SBC and use the notify fped refresh command. The name of the file that you refresh must match the name of the file specified in the configuration.


The system displays an alert on the Notifications menu to remind you that the fraud protection file needs activation.