Telephony Fraud Protection Data Types and Formats

Use the information in the following tables when you create or edit a fraud protection list in the Add Fraud Protection Entry and Modify Fraud Protection Entry dialogs.

Data Type Descriptions

The following table describes the data types listed in the Type drop-down list.

Type Description
from-hostname The hostname from the SIP FROM header.
from-phone-number The phone number from the SIP FROM header
from-username The user name from the SIP FROM header.
to-hostname The hostname from the SIP TO header.
to-phone-number The phone number from the SIP TO header.
to-username The user name from the SIP TO header.
user-agent-header The SIP User-Agent header.

Match Value Formats

The following table describes the formats required for the data types.

Match Value Format
hostname Enter the exact IP address or FQDN.
username Enter the exact user name. For example: joe.user or joe_user.
user-agent-header Enter the exact text match to the SIP User-Agent header. For example: equipment vendor information.
phone-number You can use the following characters for phone-number:
  • Asterisk *. Use to indicate prefix matching, but only at the end of the pattern. For example, use 555* not *555. Do not use * in any other patterns, for example, in brackets [ ], parentheses ( ), or with an x.
  • Brackets [ ]. Use to enclose ranges in a pattern. Syntax: [min-max]. For example: 555 [0000-9999].
  • Parentheses. ( ) Use to enclose optional digits in a pattern. For example: 555xx(xxxx) means 555 with between 2 and 4 following digits.

  • Character x. Use as a wildcard a the end of a dial pattern to mean 0-9. For example: 555xxx means a number starting with 555 followed by 3 digits.