Session-recording-group Attribute (for HA only)

For environments that required high availability (HA) requirements, configure the session-recording-group attribute.

To configure the session-recording-group attribute and enable HA:

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ACMEPACKET# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter to access the session router-related objects.
    ACMEPACKET(configure)# session-router
  3. Type session-recording-group and press Enter to access the session recording group-related attributes.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# session-recording-group
  4. name — Enter a unique name for the session recording group that is a collection of one or more session recording servers. This name can be referenced when configuring realm-config, session-agent, and sip-interface. Valid values are alpha-numeric characters. Default is no value specified.
    ACMEPACKET(session-recording-group)# name <SRG Group Name>


    The name of the session recording group must be prefixed with SRG.
  5. (optional) description — Enter a description for the session recording group. Valid values are alpha-numeric characters. Default is no value specified.
    ACMEPACKET(session-recording-group)# description <Recording Group Name>
  6. session-recording-servers — Enter the names of the session recording servers that belong to this session recording group. Valid values are alpha-numeric characters. Default is no value specified.
    ACMEPACKET(session-recording-group)# session-recording-servers SRS1,SRS2


    You must enter multiple servers as values for the session-recording-servers attribute.
  7. strategy — Enter the load balancing strategy that the session reporting client (Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller) uses when sending recordings to the session reporting server. Valid values are:
    • Round-robin (default) - The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller remembers the last SRS that was used. Each new recording session selects the next SRS in the session recording group. When simultaneous-recording-servers is greater than 1, the next n recording servers are selected from the session recording group.

    • hunt - The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller successively attempts to contact SRSs in the session recording group until a successful recording dialog is established with the SRS, starting from the first SRS in the session recording group. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller attempts to contact each SRS in the session reporting group once. When contact is exhausted, the recording device is considered failed. A SIP failure (response greater than 399, timeout or TCP setup failure) causes the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to attempt the next possible SRS. When simultaneous-recording-servers is greater than 1, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller attempts to establish n recording devices in a hunting fashion.

    • least busy - For some 3rd party recording devices, the number of concurrent recording servers proves to be the most taxing for system resources. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller tracks the number of recording servers active to a given SRS at any given time. It uses this information to determine which SRS would be the best candidate for the next RS. The SRS with the fewest number of active recording servers receives the next RS. If two or more SRSs in a session recording group currently have the same number of active recording servers, the SRS configured first in the session recording group takes precedence.

    • lowest sustained rate (fewest-setups-per-minute) - For some 3rd party recording servers, processing large amounts of sessions in a short amount of time proves to be the most taxing on their system's resources. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller tracks the number of recording server setups over a sliding window of five minutes. The SRS within the session recording group with the fewest setups per the window of time is selected as the next candidate for receiving the recorded session. If two or more SRSs in a session recording group currently have the same value for setups in the given window of time, then the SRS configured first in the session recording group takes precedence.

      ACMEPACKET(session-recording-group)# strategy round-robin
  8. simultaneous-recording-servers — Enter the number of simultaneous SIP dialogs that the session reporting client (Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller) establishes to the session reporting servers in the session reporting group per communication session. Valid values are 1 to 3. Default is 0.
    ACMEPACKET(session-recording-group)# simultaneous-recording-servers 2
  9. Enter done to save the session recording group configuration.
    ACMEPACKET(session-recording-group)# done
  10. Enter exit to exit the session recording group configuration.
    ACMEPACKET(session-recording-group)# exit
  11. Enter exit to exit the session-router configuration.
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# exit
  12. Enter exit to exit the configure mode.
    ACMEPACKET(configure)# exit
  13. Enter save-config to save the session recording group configuration.
    ACMEPACKET# save-config
  14. Enter activate-config to activate the session recording group configuration.
    ACMEPACKET# activate-config