HA Node Parameters

To establish a pair of Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers as an HA node, you need to configure basic parameters that govern how the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers:

  • Transition on switchover
  • Share media and call state information
  • Checkpoint configuration data

The following example shows what an HA configuration might look like in the ACLI.

        state                          enabled
        log-level                      WARNING
        health-threshold               75
        emergency-threshold            50
        port                           9090
        advertisement-time             500
        percent-drift                  210
        initial-time                   1250
        becoming-standby-time          45000
        becoming-active-time           100

You need to configure the two Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controllers to be HA node peers. To enable configuration checkpointing, you must to configure two peers in the ACLI, one for the primary and one for the secondary Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller. The HA node peers configuration also allows you to configure destinations for where to send health and state information. Unless you create Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller peers and destinations configurations, HA will not work properly.

The following example shows what an HA configuration might look like in the ACLI.

                name                           netnetsd1
                state                          enabled
                type                           Primary
network-interface              wancom1:0
                name                           netnetsd2
                state                          enabled
                type                           Secondary
                        network-interface              wancom1:0