Applicable Settings

In the system configuration, you establish a group of settings in the options parameter that control the log cleaner’s behavior:

  • ramdrv-log-min-free—Minimum percent of free space required when rotating log files.

    When the amount of free space on the RAMdrive falls below this value, the log cleaner deletes the oldest copy of the log file. The log cleaner also uses this setting when performing period cleaning.

  • ramdrv-log-max-usage—Maximum percent of the RAMdrive the log files can use.

    The log cleaner removes old log files to maintain this threshold.

  • ramdrv-log-min-check—Minimum percent of free space on the RAMdrive that triggers the log cleaner to perform a full check of log files.
  • ramdrv-min-log-check—Minimum time (in seconds) between log cleaner checks.
  • ramdrv-max-log-check—Maximum time (in seconds) between log cleaner checks. This value must be greater than or equal to the ramdrv-min-log-check.
  • ramdrv-log-lifetime—Maximum lifetime (in days) for log files. You give logs unlimited lifetime by entering a value of 0.