RAMdrive Log Cleaner

The RAMdrive log cleaner allows the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller to remove log files proactively and thereby avoid situations where running low on RAMdrive space is a danger. Because even a small amount of logging can consume a considerable space, you might want to enable the RAMdrive log cleaner.

The RAMdrive cleaner periodically checks the remaining free space in the RAMdrive and, depending on the configured threshold, performs a full check on the /ramdrv/logs directory. During the full check, the RAMdrive cleaner determines the total space logs files are using and deletes log files that exceed the configured maximum lifetime. In addition, if the cleaner finds that the maximum log space has been exceeded or the minimum free space is not sufficient, it deletes older log files until the thresholds are met.

Not all log files, however, are as active as others. This condition affects which log files the log cleaner deletes to create more space in RAMdrive. More active log files rotate through the system more rapidly. So, if the log cleaner were to delete the oldest of these active files, it might not delete less active logs files that could be older than the active ones. The log cleaner thus deletes files that are truly older, be they active or inactive.