Set the Boot Parameters

You can use Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) or a static identification to specify the source on image files.

  1. Open the vSphere Client application to the Home page.
  2. Expand the left-hand tabs to display all VMs.
  3. Ensure that the target VM in powered ON.
  4. Select the Console tab, and click anywhere within the window to identify that tab as the source of keyboard input.
  5. Logon in User mode.
  6. Use the enable command to enter Privileged mode.
  7. Use the configure terminal command to enter Configuration mode.
  8. Use the bootparam command to set the boot parameters.
  9. Use the done and exit commands to return to Privileged mode.
  10. Use the reboot force command to reboot the VM.

    The following two screen shots illustrate the use of static IP (which sets the IP Address, Netmask, and Gateway boot parameters), and DHCP (which requires only the Flags boot parameter).