SIP Port Mapping for TCP and TLS

In releases prior to S-C6.2.0, the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller (E-SBC) supports SIP port mapping for UDP and now you can enable this feature for SIP sessions using TCP and TLS. Port mapping enables the E-SBC to allocate a unique port number for each endpoint registering through it by giving it a transport address (or hostport) in the registered Contact.

When you enable this feature for TCP and TLS, the E-SBC designates a port from a configured range for each endpoint that registers with SIP servers in the SIP interface’s realm. You establish that range of ports using the port-map-start and port-map-end parameters. Unlike its behavior with UDP port mapping—where the E-SBC sends requests on the SIP interface from the allocated port mapping, the E-SBC sends all requests over an existing connection to the target next hop for TCP/TLS port mapping. If a connection does not exist, the system creates one. So for TCP/TLS port mapping, only the Contact header contains the transport address of the mapping port (i.e., the transport address of the configured SIP port). And the system refuses TCP and TLS connections on the allocated mapping port.

With TCP/TLS port mapping enabled, the E-SBC sends the Path header with the transport address in Register requests, unless you specify that it should not do so. Standards-conformant SIP servers (that support RFC 3327) might attempt to send requests to the allocated mapping port if the Path header is absent.


ACL entries in the NAT table that permit TCP/TLS signaling for a SIP port configuration with TCP/TLS port mapping are the same as they would be for a TCP/TLS SIP port without port mapping enabled. Additional ACL entries that need to be set up for UDP port mapping are not required for TCP/TLS port mapping.

RTN 1684