Specifying the LRT Location

After moving the DID-range-based LRT to the /code/lrt directory on the ESD, use the following procedure to specify the file’s location, and the lookup method.

  1. Move to local-routing-config mode.
    ACMEPACKET# configure terminal
    ACMEPACKET(config)# session-router
    ACMEPACKET(session-router)# local-routing-config
  2. Provide an alias for the LRT file. Later, you will use this alias to assign the LRT to the local policy attributes.
    ACMEPACKET(local-routing-config)# name WestCampus
  3. Provide the name of the file that contains the XML-formatted LTR. This file must currently exist within the /code/lrt directory.
    ACMEPACKET(local-routing-config)# file-name didLRT.xml.gz
  4. Specify the look-up type. For DID-based LRTs, enable string-lookup to ensure that all ranges, including those with an alphabetic prefix (for example, test123), are properly evaluated.
    ACMEPACKET(local-routing-config)# string-lookup enabled
  5. Because the prefix-length (if any) is specified within the XML file, ensure that the prefix-length attribute is set to its default value, 0.
    ACMEPACKET(local-routing-config)# prefix-length 0
  6. Retain default values for other parameters.
  7. Use done, exit, and verify-config to complete this configuration.