One-to-One Configuration

In the one-to-one scenario, a single customer SIP NAT is tied to a single backbone SIP NAT. The home proxy address field value of the backbone SIP NAT must match the home address of the customer SIP NAT. On the customer side, the home address of the customer SIP NAT should be defined as the home address of the customer, the home proxy address field value should match the home address of the backbone SIP NAT, and route home proxy should be set to forced.

The following table lists the field values you need to set to create a one-to-one SIP NAT bridge.

SIP NAT Entity Field Sample Values
Backbone SIP NAT home address IPv4 address of the home realm. For example:

  home proxy address IPv4 address of the home proxy from the perspective of the external realm.

Customer SIP NAT home address
  home proxy address
  route home proxy forced