MIME ISUP Manipulation Configuration

This section shows you how to configure MIME ISUP manipulation.

  1. In Superuser mode, type configure terminal and press Enter.
    ORACLE# configure terminal
  2. Type session-router and press Enter.
    ORACLE(configure)# session-router
  3. Type sip-manipulation and press Enter. If you are adding this feature to an existing configuration, then remember you must select the configuration you want to edit.
    ORACLE(session-router)# sip-manipulation
  4. Type mime-isup-rules and press Enter.
    ORACLE(sip-manipulation)# mime-isup-rules
  5. name—Enter a name for this MIME ISUP rule. This parameter is required and has no default.
  6. content-type—Enter the content type for this MIME rule. This value refers to the specific body part in the SIP message body that is to be manipulated. For example, given a SIP Content-Type header with the value multipart/mixed;boundary=unique-boundary-1, you would enter a content-type value of application/sdp to manipulate specifically on the SDP portion of the SIP message.

    To manipulate the SIP preamble or epilogue, enter the keyword @preamble or keyword @epilogue.

  7. action—Choose the type of action you want to be performed: none, add, delete, manipulate, store, sip-manip, and find-replace-all. These are the same actions you can select when configuring SIP header manipulation. The default is none.
  8. comparison-type—Enter the way that you want body part of the SIP message to be compared. This choice dictates how the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller processes the match rules against the SIP header. the default is case-sensitive. The valid values are: case-sensitive, case-insensitive, boolean, refer-case-sensitive, refer-case-insensitive, and pattern-rule.
  9. msg-type—Enter the SIP message type on which you want the MIME rules to be performed. Valid values are any, request, and reply. The default value is any.
  10. methods—Enter the list of SIP methods to which the MIME rules applies. There is no default for this parameter.
  11. match-value—Enter the value to match against the body part in the SIP message. This is where you can enter values to match using regular expression values. Your entries can contain Boolean operators.
  12. new-value—When the action parameter is set to add or to manipulate, enter the new value that you want to substitute.
  13. isup-spec—Specify how the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller is to parse the binary body; valid values are the enumerated type. The values for this parameter are these SIP ISUP formats:
    • ANSI-2000 (default)—Corresponding to ANSI T1.113-2000

    • ITU-99—Corresponding to ITU Q.763

  14. isup-msg-type—Identify the specific ISUP message types (such as IAM and ACM) on which to operate. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller uses with the msg-type parameter (which identifies the SIP message) in the matching process. You enter values in this parameters as a list of numbers rather than as an enumerated value because of the large number of ISUP message type, and the range is between 0 and 255. There is no default for this parameter.
  15. mime-header—Enter the value to be used for comparison with the specific header in the body part of the SIP message. There is no default for this parameter.

    To configure ISUP parameters rules:

  16. Follows Steps 1 through 4 above.
  17. Type isup-parameter-rules and press Enter.
    ORACLE(sip-mime-isup-rules)# isup-param-rules
  18. name—Enter a name for this ISUP parameter rule. This parameter is required and has no default.
  19. mime-header—Enter the value to be used for comparison with the specific header in the body part of the SIP message. There is no default for this parameter.
  20. action—Choose the type of action you want to be performed: none, add, delete, manipulate, store, sip-manip, and find-replace-all. The default is none.
  21. comparison-type—Enter the way that you want the header in the body part of the SIP message to be compared. This choice dictates how the Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller processes the match rules against the SIP header. the default is case-sensitive. The valid values are: case-sensitive, case-insensitive, boolean, refer-case-sensitive, refer-case-insensitive, and pattern-rule.
  22. match-value—Enter the value to match against the header in the body part of the SIP message. This is where you can enter values to match using regular expression values. Your entries can contain Boolean operators.
  23. new-value—When the action parameter is set to add or to manipulate, enter the new value that you want to substitute.
  24. parameter-type—Using ISUP parameter mapping, enter which of the ISUP parameters on which your want to perform manipulation. This parameter takes values between 0 and 255, and you must know the correct ISUP mapping value for your entry. The Oracle® Enterprise Session Border Controller calculates the offset and location of this parameter in the body. Note that the value returned from the body does not the type or length, only the parameter value. For example, a parameter-type value of 4 acts on the Called Party Number parameter value.
  25. parameter-format—Enter how you want to convert specific parameter to a string representation of that value. Valid values for parameter-format are: number-param, hex-ascii (default), binary-ascii, ascii-string, and bcd. Both match and new values are encoded and decoded by the designated parameter-format type. In this regard, the match-value decodes the parameters and the new-value encodes the ASCII string into the respective binary format.
  26. Save your work.