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Oracle® ILOM Quick Reference for CLI Commands Firmware Release 4.0.x

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Updated: September 2017

Oracle ILOM Initial Setup

Table 3  Oracle ILOM Initial Setup Commands
CLI Command
Show network configuration
show /SP/network
Configure static IPv4 address
set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=static pendingipaddress=address pendingipnetmask=netmask pendingipgateway=address commitpending=true
Configure static IPv6 address
set /SP/network/ipv6 state=enabled pending_static_ipaddress=ipv6address
set /SP/network commitpending=true
Enable DHCP
set /SP/network pendingipdiscovery=dynamic commitpending=true
Set the Oracle ILOM host name
set /SP hostname=hostname
Set the system identifier
set /SP system_identifier=identifier
Create user account with all privileges
create /SP/users/newusername role=aucro [password=password]
Create user account with host operator privileges
create /SP/users/newusername role=cro [password=password]
Create read-only user account
create /SP/users/newusername role=o [password=password]
Delete user account
delete /SP/users/username
Override DNS servers retrieved from DHCP
set /SP/clients/dns auto_dns=disabled nameserver=nameserver1,nameserver2 searchpath=searchpath1,searchpath2
Set the Oracle ILOM date and time
set /SP/clock datetime=MMDDhhmmYYYY.ss
Configure an NTP server
set /SP/clients/ntp/server/1 address=address
set /SP/clock usentpserver=enabled
Change the external serial port speed
set /SP/serial/external pendingspeed=9600|19200|38400|57600|115200 commitpending=true