5 Configuration Utility Operations


The Configuration Utility is only intended for experienced users. Incorrect or incomplete changes in the Configuration Utility can adversely affect DIVArchive operations, possibly delete data from the archive, or prevent the DIVArchive Manager from running. If you are unsure about making changes contact Oracle Support for assistance.

All information relating to DIVArchive objects that have been archived including (but not limited to) where they are stored, tape locations, DIVArchive Configuration, and so on, is stored within the DIVArchive database.

You access the DIVArchive database through the DIVArchive Configuration Utility. Although the utility is only intended for use by trained administrators, from an operational perspective some functions of the utility may need to be occasionally accessed by non-administrators.

Operators should only access the Configuration Utility if they need to perform alterations of the attributes for one or more tapes, such as repack status or Set ID.

The utility can be installed and run on any host with TCP/IP connectivity to the DIVArchive database, Manager, and Robot Managers.

Disks or tape drives that have been set to Out of Order (displayed in the Disks or Drives views in the Control GUI) must not have the status altered until the source of the problem is investigated and rectified by an administrator.

This chapter includes the following information:

Launching the Configuration Utility and Connecting to the Database

You launch the Configuration Utility by double-click the DIVArchive Configuration Utility icon on the desktop. Use the following steps to connect to the DIVArchive database:

  1. Click File, then Connect.

    You can also click the Connect icon on the icon bar.

  2. Enter the following information in the appropriate fields when the DB Connection dialog box appears:

    User Name

    Enter the Oracle database user name.


    Enter the Oracle database password.


    Enter the Oracle System Identifier.

    IP Address

    Enter the IP address of the host computer where the DIVArchive database is installed.

    Oracle Port

    Enter the Oracle Listener Port number.

The connection status is indicated in the Configuration Utility notification area at the bottom of the screen. If the connection fails, an error message will be generated in the notification area including the error code returned from Oracle. If you cannot connect, contact Oracle Support.

Configuration Utility Tabs

The following sections describe each tab within the DIVArchive Configuration Utility. Contact Oracle Support for more information on each tab.

System Tab

The System tab defines key parameters for your DIVArchive installation and is the starting point for creating your DIVArchive configuration. SeeAppendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

It is recommended to create a drawing of the system components including the data and control paths between them, how they interact with each other, established naming conventions for resources (such as disks), and the workflow of the platform before entering details into the Configuration Utility. Some parameters are difficult to change later after they have dependencies from other configuration parameters in the database.

A transcoder is not coupled to a single Actor. The transcoder is selected after the Actor is selected. Therefore, you no longer need to define a LOCAL Transcode Actor as a destination. A local Actor destination is dynamically and temporarily (only in memory - not stored in the database) created for the Actor that is chosen as part of resource selection. The Actor column was removed from the Transcoders area in the Configuration Utility.

The transcoder server and cache location is embedded in the working directory on the Transcoders Entry screen in the following format:

[actor:actor_name,transcoder:trancoder_ip_address],cifs://username: password@\\transcoder_cache_ip_address\transcoder_cache

The actorPath parameter must be specified if a Linux Actor will be used for transcoding with a Vantage Transcoder as follows:

[actor:actor_name, actorPath:actor_path,transcoder:trancoder_ip_address],cifs://username: password@\\transcoder_cache_ip_address\transcoder_cache


The order of the actor, actorPath, and transcoder settings is important. The order of the parameters must be actor, followed by actorPath, followed by transcoder.

The actorPath represents the path the Linux Actor uses to transfer content to and from the SMB network share (transcoder cache) on a Linux system.


The original method of configuring Local Source/Destinations tied to actors is still supported so legacy configurations continue to function.

If a transcoder address is not specified in the transcoder's working directory, a local transcoder address of will be assumed as the transcoder address. Linux-based Actors only support Telestream Vantage transcoding operations.

To notify the Actors of any changes in the configuration, click Notification, Notify Actors while connected to the Manager. The Actors must be running and connected to the Manager to receive the notifications.

Syntax Examples

These syntax examples are designed for Vantage. They can also be used with Flip Factory, but the [transcoder: ip_address] directives are ignored, and the CIFS URL is not used to acquire the transcoder address. The flipFactory.host parameter of the actor/bin/transcoding/ffsubmitter.properties file will be used for the [transcoder…] directives.


DIVArchive 7.5 ends Oracle support for Telestream Flip Factory. Oracle will provide best efforts to assist customers to transition to other transcoding solutions.

Shared transcoder with both the transcode engine and share on the same host:


Transcode engine on actor1. Either of these two examples function correctly (host



Shared transcoder with transcode engine on host and share on NAS host


Shared transcoder with transcode engine on host and share on NAS host with forced Actor selection:


Actor Configuration in the Database

With the exception of the Service Name and Service Port, all Actor configuration settings are located in the Configuration Utility under Actor Advanced and Partial Restore Settings tabs of the Actor panel under the Systems tab. Some settings are only available In Engineering Mode. Contact Oracle Support for configuration and parameter details. SeeAppendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Robots Tab

The Robots tab is present in all DIVArchive installations (although not every installation necessarily has a library). It defines basic associations with the robotics software and hardware components.

The Robots tab screen consists of the following frames:

Robot Managers

This frame defines (to DIVArchive) the connection parameters to each host running a DIVArchive Robot Manager instance.


This frame displays the tape or DVD libraries currently configured through one or more DIVArchive Robot Managers and their online status.

Media Compatibility

This frame maps the Tape Media Type defined in the Tapes tab, to the Drive Types defined in the Drives tab.

Although entries in this area can be manually removed, they can only be added or updated during a database synchronization with a Robot Manager.

Robot Managers-ACS

This frame associates each Robot Manager with an Automated Cartridge System (ACS) number.

Although entries in this area can be manually removed, they can only be added by performing a database synchronization with the specific Robot Manager.

Disks Tab

The Disks tab defines the physical disks that are usable by DIVArchive, how they are grouped together for either permanent or cache storage, and how each disk is logically accessed by the Actors.

The Disks tab screen consists of the following frames:


An Array defines a logical association of disks in which one or more physical disks are assigned for use by DIVArchive. The Array Name is equivalent to the Group Name for a tape.


This frame displays the symbolic name and location for each disk in your system, whether confined to a single host or shared between hosts. These disks are then assigned to Arrays.

Actor-Disk Connections

In this frame you configure how each disk is logically connected to each DIVArchive Actor, and how it is to be used. A new frame has been added under the Disks tab where you configure Storage Cloud accounts.

For shared disks accessible by more than one Actor, the disk connection must be declared for all Actors. SeeAppendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Drives Tab

The Drives tab is where the drives in your tape libraries are identified and configured for use with DIVArchive and its Actors. In some installations, a tape library and its drives may be shared with other applications and the configuration options enable you to disable any of the identified drives from DIVArchive.

The Drives tab consists of the following frames:


This frame displays the drives currently identified to DIVArchive in a database synchronization and their current status.

Drive Properties

This frame displays the drive models currently configured for use with DIVArchive.

Although entries in this frame can be manually removed, they can only be added by performing a database synchronization with a Robot Manager.


Indicates to DIVArchive which Actors have access to the drives configured in the Drives frame.

Tapes Tab

The Tapes tab defines each Tape Media Type capacity in DIVArchive, and each individual tape's write, repack or to be cleared status. Tapes that do not contain any DIVArchive objects (that is, are empty or are from another archive application in a shared library environment) and have been ejected from a DIVArchive managed library can also be deleted from the DIVArchive database in this tab.


Frequent I/O errors on a tape (or many tapes) should be promptly investigated. A faulty tape drive can introduce damage to many tapes if not attended to quickly.

The Tapes tab consists for the following frames:

Tape Properties

This frame displays the Tape Types and configuration parameters currently configured in DIVArchive after a library database synchronization. Do not alter any settings in this frame.

Empty Ejected Tapes

This frame displays the tapes that no longer have any DIVArchive content and have been ejected from an attached library. The minus icon on the top right of this frame will remove any selected tapes from the DIVArchive database.

Inserted Protected Tapes

When a tape is externalized, DIVArchive sets it to Protected Mode. This state must be manually removed using the Edit button on the top right of the frame after reinsertion into the library if the tape is to have new content written to it.

The list displayed is not dynamically updated. Click the Refresh button on the top right of the frame if the tape you want unprotected is not listed. This will refresh the displayed list.

Tape States

A tape will appear in this frame if either the Enable for Writing or the Enable for Repack states is set to N. DIVArchive can automatically disable the Enable for Writing state if it encounters an error during a read, write, or repack operation.

The Tape States frame gives an overall indication of the reliability of your tape drives. Tapes appearing in this frame (if not manually inserted) indicates that either a read or write error occurred on that tape during DIVArchive operations. If you have many tapes present here, this may indicate an issue with one or more of your tape drives and should be promptly investigated.

Altering the Tape Status

You can use the Tapes tab in the Configuration Utility to alter the following states for one or more tapes. However, WORM Media marked as NOT-WRITABLE cannot be marked WRITABLE using the Configuration Utility.

  • The Protected Status (as determined in the Tapes tab of the Control GUI). You would normally only remove this state if the tape was removed in error from the library and still requires content to be written to it.

  • Remove tapes from the DIVArchive database that no longer contain any DIVArchive objects (that is, all objects from the tape have been migrated to another tape or have been deleted) and have been externalized from a DIVArchive attached library. These could be faulty tapes that will never be reused by DIVArchive, or tapes used by a third party backup application that shares a DIVArchive attached library.

  • Alter the Read-Only or Repack status for one or more tapes.

Any tape that is marked not writable is displayed in the Tape States frame. A permanent read error on a tape will cause DIVArchive to automatically disable the repack status for that tape. Both write and repack states for a tape can be changed by using the Edit button on the top right of the frame.

Sets, Groups & Media Mapping Tab

You allocate new tapes into pools for use by DIVArchive on the Sets, Groups & Media Mapping tab. The Set ID represents each media pool and is typically used to distinguish different types of tape media. However, you can also dedicate a specific set of tapes to specific groups.

A Group is a logical name for the storage of DIVArchive objects. Each group is assigned a Set ID of tapes to draw upon. Each group can only be assigned one Set ID, but several groups can share the same Set ID.

The Sets, Groups & Media Mapping screen consists of the following frames:

Unused Tapes Sets

This frame displays empty tapes that are recognized by DIVArchive and the library module where they are located. you can define the Set ID of each tape in this frame.


You add, remove, or edit existing groups, and each group's association with the tape pools defined in the Unused Tapes Sets in this frame.

A group can only be removed when it no longer contains any DIVArchive objects.

Additional Set IDs for the Unused Tape Sets frame are only available after they are first created in a group. Tapes that must not be used by DIVArchive must be configured with a Set ID of 99.

Media Mapping

Media Mapping enables DIVArchive to automatically alter the specified media in an archive request to another Disk Array, Tape Group or Storage Plan. Therefore, the storage for Archive requests can be altered without requiring any changes in the archive initiator (automation or MAM system).

Assigning Tapes to Set IDs

When new tapes are inserted (using Insert Tape from the Control GUI) they are automatically assigned the default Set ID of 1.

If the tapes you inserted belong to a different set (for example, multiple Set ID's have been used to differentiate media types in mixed drive environments) they must be manually updated with the correct Set ID in the Configuration Utility.

The lists are not dynamically updated. If the required tapes, groups, and (or) media mappings are not listed, you click the Update button to refresh the list.

When you click the Unused Tape Sets frame Edit button the Edit Row dialog box is displayed indicating the parameters for the selected Tape Set. In this dialog box, you select the Set ID for the tape from the list.

Selecting 99 as the Set ID value identifies the tape as not usable by DIVArchive. In particular, this applies to cleaning tapes installed in the library if they are reported to DIVArchive after a library audit (the typical cleaning tape barcode is CLNXXXX).

In some installations where DIVArchive shares it's libraries with other applications, tapes in use by those applications should also have Set ID 99 to prevent DIVArchive from using them.

The Edit Multiple Rows dialog box appears when multiple tapes are selected and you click the Edit button. In this case, the Set ID is updated on all selected tapes.

Media Tab

The Media tab displays information (properties) for the media identified in the DIVArchive system. This display is for informational purposes and read-only. You click the Refresh button to refresh the displayed list.

Storage Plans Tab

The Storage Plans tab enables creating simple and advanced rules for automated management and movement of content within the archive.

The Storage Plans screen consists of the following frames:

Storage Plans

This frame displays Storage Plan name definitions.


This frame identifies filter definitions related to the Storage Plan objects. It enables you to perform actions on all or specific objects (based on the object filters).

Media Groups

This frame defines the Tape Groups or Disk Arrays to be allocated to Slots, and whether content deletion will be managed by the Oracle DIVArchive Storage Plan Manager.

For detailed configuration information, refer to the Oracle DIVArchive Storage Plan Manager (SPM) Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.5 Additional Features documentation library. See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Slots Tab

This tab defines the Slots associated with the Storage Plans for the Storage Plan Manager. Slots define which Tape Groups or Disk Arrays are related to each storage plan, and the parameters for storage plan execution.

DIVArchive 7.5 enables SPM to retry failed Copy, Delete and Restore actions after the configured failed action retry interval set in the SPM configuration file.

Refer to the Oracle DIVArchive Storage Plan Manager (SPM) Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.5 Additional Features documentation library for detailed information.

Manager Setting Tab

You use the Manager Setting tab in the Configuration Utility to set numerous parameters related to media, checksum, complex objects, and the metadata database.

See the Oracle DIVArchive Installation and Configuration Manual in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.5 Core documentation library, or contact Oracle Support for more information.