6 Control GUI Operations

The DIVArchive Control GUI is a software utility that connects to both the DIVArchive Manager, and the DIVArchive database, to monitor, control, and supervise operations in DIVArchive. Multiple Control GUI instances can be operated simultaneously from any computer that has TCP/IP connectivity to both the DIVArchive Manager and DIVArchive database. The Control GUI is based on Oracle Java and is platform independent.

The Control GUI is not intended for the intensive archive operations of a DIVArchive system. Typically, archive operations are initiated to DIVArchive from a Broadcast Automation or Media Asset Management system. The Control GUI is intended to supplement these operations rather than replace them.

The Control GUI provides the following features:

  • Monitoring of the requests that have been submitted either through the DIVArchive Client API, or from a Control GUI.

  • Monitoring of the status of the Actors, Drives, and Disks connected to DIVArchive.

  • Initiate and submit all DIVArchive Client API available commands, such as Archive, Restore, Partial File Restore, and so on, to DIVArchive for execution.

  • Management of tapes for each library controlled by DIVArchive (such as internalizing, externalizing, and tape repacking).

  • Interrogation and data mining of the DIVArchive database.

See the section related to Oracle DIVArchive Requests or contact Oracle Support for more information. See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

This chapter includes the following information:

Launching the Control GUI and Connecting to the Manager

Use the following procedure to launch the Control GUI and connect to the Manager:

  1. Double-click the Control GUI icon (typically on the computer desktop) to start the Control GUI.

  2. After the interface loads, click the Connect icon on the top left of the screen. The Connect icon is the first icon on the left, above the Home tab.

  3. In the Connect dialog box, enter the Manager's IP address and TCP Port in the IP address and Port fields.

  4. Click the Connect button.

If the connection is successful, the Control GUI will show Connected in the connection status area on the left at the bottom of the screen. If the Control GUI cannot establish a connection the DIVArchive Manager, it will attempt to connect to only the DIVArchive database. Consult your Site Configuration for the connection parameters specific to your site.

User Permissions

After the connection to the DIVArchive Manager is established, the Control GUI will only allow you to monitor DIVArchive operations, and retrieve data from the database. This is known as the User profile.

Not all command functions are accessible while in the User profile mode. This permits situations where monitoring is required but no commands are permitted to be sent to DIVArchive.

To issue requests to DIVArchive, such as Archive or Restore requests, or to eject a tape from a library, you must change to the Administrator profile.

The Administrator profile is password protected. The password for this profile is set during system installation (contact Oracle Support for help with this password).

An Operator and Advanced Operator profile are also present in the Control GUI profiles. The difference between the two profiles is Insert and Eject tape commands are included in the Advanced Operator profile. During normal operation, you use the Operator profile unless you are inserting or ejecting a tape.

Use the following procedure to change profiles:

  1. Click the Profile icon on the top left of the screen. The Profile icon is the third from the left and has two silhouettes on it.

    You can also click the orb on the top left of the screen and click the Change Profile menu item in the resulting menu.

  2. Select the desired profile from the Select New Profile list.

  3. Enter the selected profile's password in the Password field.

  4. Click OK to load the new profile.

Control GUI Preferences

You access the Control GUI Preferences from the Start orb on the top left of the screen as follows:

  1. Click the Start orb on the top left of the main screen.

  2. Click the Tools menu item.

  3. Click the Preferences menu item to display the Preferences dialog box.

  4. On the Preferences tab, you set the Current Requests in the Current Requests field.

    This option identifies the maximum number of requests (including completed or aborted requests) displayed simultaneously in the Manager Current Requests view. When the number of requests displayed exceeds this number, the oldest request is removed as each new request is added.

  5. On the Preferences tab, you set the Max Rows Requestable for Database in the Max Rows Requestable from Database for each of the fields. When a database query is executed, the maximum number of lines returned is limited to these values. If the results of a query exceed this number, the number of queries shown will be the designated number (maximum), and a window will be displayed stating There are nnnn rows matching filters. Change filters to reduce this number under nnnn.

    • Tapes

    • Archive Objects

    • Require/Release

    • Logged Events

    • Logged Requests

    • SPM Actions

You set the visual window type and color theme on the Look-and-Feel tab using the Look-and-Feel list and the Theme list.

On the Fonts tab, you can leave the fonts at the system default (select the use system default fonts option), or customize the display fonts used in the Control GUI. The default font for the Control GUI is Arial Unicode MS - which supports Unicode characters. Use the following procedure to select custom fonts:

  1. Click the Fonts tab.

  2. Select the use custom fonts option.

  3. To the right of the Labels field, click the Select button to select the font for Labels.

  4. To the right of the Fields field, click the Select button to select the font for Fields.

Manager Log Level Configuration

The Manager's log level is configurable through the Control GUI. If a greater level of detail is required to examine the Manager's activity, you can change the log level without restarting the Manager. Use the following procedure to change the log levels:

  1. Click the Start orb on the top left of the main screen.

  2. Click the Tools menu item.

  3. Click Modify Log Levels menu item.

    The Modify Manager Log Levels dialog box is displayed.

  4. Use the Trace Level list to select the logging level for trace logs.

  5. Use the Service Level list to select the logging level for service logs.

  6. Click OK to save your changes.

Control GUI Dashboard and Quick Launch Buttons

The DIVArchive Control GUI look and feel resembles other Windows-based applications. The Control GUI Dashboard displays information at a glance as soon as the application is started.

The dashboard presents statistics representing system data in the form of bar graphs. Daily and lifetime statistics are displayed below the graphs.

The following graphs are displayed by default:

Daily Operations

This graph reflects a seven day window of Archive, Restore, Partial File Restore, Delete, and Copy operations performed, and a thirty day average of these operations.

Daily Data Transfers

This graph reflects a seven day window of outgoing and incoming DIVArchive data movement, and a thirty day average is displayed.

Storage Distribution

This graph reflects data storage distribution to Nearline disk arrays, tapes in an online ACS, tapes in an offline ACS, and tapes on the shelf.

Monthly Storage Trend

This graph reflects the monthly data archived and deleted. The twelve month average reflects data movement over the past twelve months. Activity in the current month is used for the twelve month average calculation.

Tapes Status

This graph reflects the total number of online tapes managed by DIVArchive that are empty, partially used, and totally full.

Resource Utilization

This graph reflects DIVArchive resource utilization of Actors, tape drives, and transcoders.

Quick Launch Buttons

The following quick launch buttons are located at the top of the Control GUI interface:

Connect to Manager

This is the first button on the left and enables connecting to the DIVArchive Manager. The button has two computers and plus sign images.

Disconnect from Manager

This is the second button from the left and disconnects the Manager connection. This button has two computers and minus sign images.

Change User Profile

This is the third button from the left and enables access to different user profiles (User, Administrator, Operator, Advanced Operator). This button has two silhouettes images.

Display the Dashboard

This is the fourth button from the left and displays the dashboard screen when clicked. This button has a clock image and bar graph image.

Display Manager

This is the fifth button from the left and displays the Manager screen when clicked. This button has a computer image and two arrows, one right-facing and on left-facing.

Display Archived Objects

This is the sixth button from the left and displays the Archive Objects screen when clicked. This button has a video play button image.

Display Logged Requests

This is the seventh button from the left and displays the logged requests screen when clicked. This button has a log file image.

Display Logged Events

This is the last button on the right and displays the logged events screen when clicked. This button has a calendar image.

Control GUI Toolbars and Navigation

DIVArchive's toolbars and navigation use a Windows-style ribbon bar and tabs. You can also perform various functions from the Start orb on the top left of the screen.

The Start orb contains the following menu items:

  • Connect (to Manager)

  • Disconnect (from Manager)

  • Change Profile

  • Connection Information

  • Tools

    • Export Current View

    • Print Current View

    • Generate Thread Dump

    • Modify Log Levels

    • Preferences

You can retrieve the release information of your Control GUI by clicking About DIVArchive CSM on the DIVarchive Start orb.

You can retrieve the connection information of your Control GUI by clicking Connection Information on the DIVArchive Start orb.

The following sections describe the tabs on the ribbon bar. Each tab contains icons to display different screens as described.

Home Tab: Dashboard

Clicking this button will take you directly to the DIVArchive main dashboard screen that displays general system information and statistics. The dashboard view is described n the previous section.

Home Tab: Manager (Current Requests View)

The Current Requests view primarily displays the current requests submitted to DIVArchive that are currently in, or pending, execution. Requests that have completed, aborted, or encountered warnings during execution are also displayed. This feature only applies when the Control GUI is connected to DIVArchive. Completed or aborted requests before the connection are not displayed. The number of pending, executing, completed, and aborted requests displayed while connected depends on the Control GUI preference settings. Right-clicking a request produces a context menu with additional options.

Request Steps

The Step column indicates the current operation of the request being performed by DIVArchive. A short description of each step is as follows:


A tape is being inserted into a drive. The mounting step is completed once the tape is fully threaded, positioned at the tape header, and the DIVArchive label on tape verified with that of the barcode label.

If the label does not match, the request will be aborted, and the tape will be set to Not Writable. This situation could occur if there is a mismatch in the DIVArchive Actor-Drives configuration, or the tape has already been used in another archive system (and therefore has a tape label not usable by DIVArchive). The latter example is a protection feature in shared library environments, where the tape has not been set to Set ID 99 (that is, not in use by DIVArchive).

Tapes from other archive systems must first have their tape label cleared before using them in DIVArchive. Contact Oracle Support for assistance to use such tapes.


This step involves ejecting a tape from a drive. A DIVArchive Actor first issues an Eject command to the drive (in which it rewinds, unthreads and ejects the tape), and the DIVArchive Robot Manager issues a dismount command to the library to return it to a tape bin. If the drive cannot complete the request, the request is terminated and the drive set to Out of Order.


When reading from tape, the tape is positioned to the selected object. When writing to tape, the tape is positioned to the End of Data (that is, to the position where the last object was written). If this process takes too long, DIVArchive will time out the operation and attempt to dismount the tape. If this also fails, the drive will be set to Out of Order.


The DIVArchive object displayed in the Object column is being read from tape. If this step takes too long (for example, the drive is in a hung state), DIVArchive will time out the step and attempt to use another drive (or instance if available).


The DIVArchive object displayed in the Object column is being written to tape. If this step takes too long, (for example, the drive is in a hung state), DIVArchive will attempt to write the object to another tape in another drive.


This step is rewriting the tape's label and moving the End of Data pointer therein before writing to the tape in an archive operation. This will be seen on a tape which has previously been used by DIVArchive but has since had all objects deleted and consequently returned to the Unused Tapes Sets.


Data is either being transferred to a source from an Actor cache or from a destination to the Actor cache.

Waiting for Operator

This step holds the request in a suspended state and is waiting for human intervention, such as inserting tapes in library's Cartridge Access Port.

Waiting for Resources

DIVArchive resources required for this request are currently in use by another request and the request will be executed when they become available. Resource availability can also be influenced by the Request Priority of other requests much lower in the queue.

DIVArchive incorporates an intelligent feature (which must be enabled in the DIVArchive configuration) whereby requests with a lower request priority will be boosted over higher priority requests if they involve a tape that is already mounted from a previous request. This feature can substantially reduce the amount of tape mounting and dismounting, and speed up the executions of all requests overall.

Clearing Completed Requests

Completed, Aborted, Partially Aborted, or Cancelled requests can be cleared from the Current Requests Queue by clicking the Clear or Clear All buttons on the View tab or the Current Requests context menus.

Canceling a Request

You can cancel a running or pending request by first selecting the specific request to be canceled, and either clicking Cancel from the command menu or from the Current Request context menu.


The current operation (or step) on a request that is currently being executed may need to complete before the request is actually canceled by DIVArchive.

Changing the Request Priority

If there are several pending requests in the Current Requests Queue, DIVArchive will process each request based on its Request Priority.

If you need a specific request to execute before (or after) the requests that precede it in the queue, you can manually adjust that request's priority to be higher (or lower) than that of the preceding requests. Raising (or lowering) a request's priority can also be achieved through the DIVArchive Client API using a third party archive initiator.

Raising a pending request's priority does not stop, or pause, any requests that are currently executing. This simply changes the order in which the pending request will be processed by DIVArchive, except if a resource being used by a running request (such as a specific tape) becomes available after that running request has completed an operation. The order of request execution may also be influenced if the DIVARCHIVE_PRIORITY_TIER setting in the DIVArchive configuration is enabled (that is, a request lower in the queue will have this value added to its request priority if it involves a tape already mounted).

By default, DIVArchive will periodically increment the request priority of all requests in the queue. This prevents low priority requests (such as Copy to Group) from continually being overridden by higher priority requests and getting stuck indefinitely in the queue.

Retrying a Request

You can resubmit a previously completed or failed request to DIVArchive using the Retry command. This is useful for resubmitting similar requests where few of the details change between them. For a request that was terminated (for example, because a parameter was incorrectly entered, or a Source/Destination was briefly offline), the failed request can be retried without having to submit a completely new request.

Home Tab: Actors

The Actors view provides an indication of the status of each Actor defined in the Configuration Utility and any currently running requests. This view is displayed by selecting Actors in the Home tab.

Selecting one of the Actors will display the currently running request on that Actor in the window below it. If the DIVArchive Manager cannot establish a connection to an Actor, it is displayed as Off. Right-clicking on an Actor displays that Actor's configuration.

Home Tab: Robot Managers

The Robot Managers button on the Home tab displays the robots identified in the DIVArchive system.

Home Tab: Libraries

The Libraries view gives the information and an indication of the status of each of the libraries connected to DIVArchive. This screen displays the Serial Number, Name, Type, ACS, Status, First Utilization Date, Total Tapes, Total Data Stored, Total Capacity, and Free Capacity for the connected libraries.

You double-click the library to display the Library Entry Detail screen. This view offers information concerning the specified library.

Home Tab: Drives

The Drives view displays the status of each tape drive in the libraries connected to DIVArchive, what (if any) tape is mounted in each drive, and current operations being performed on the tape in the drive. Online or offline status for a drive is configured in the Drives frame of the Drives tab in the Configuration Utility.

If DIVArchive encounters a problem with a particular drive, it will set the drive to Out of Order as a safety measure. When a drive is set to this state it will not be used for DIVArchive operations.


If a drive has been set to Out of Order, the cause of the error must be investigated before setting the drive back to Working Well in the Configuration Utility.

Home Tab: Disks

The Disks view displays the online status and capacities of disks configured in DIVArchive. The status of a disk can be set through the Disks tab of the Configuration Utility. If DIVArchive has automatically set a disk to Out of Order, the cause of the error must be investigated before setting the disk back to Working Well. If DIVArchive encounters an I/O error with the disk, it is set to Out of Order automatically by DIVArchive.

The column titled Consumed Size represents the space in kilobytes consumed by the content on disk. This column is especially useful for cloud accounts with unlimited disk space, because it provides visibility into the amount of content stored in the cloud.

The Cloud Storage Class column associated with the array is also displayed in this view. Non-cloud disks have a storage class of NONE. Cloud disks have a storage class of Standard (immediately available for download from the cloud) or Archive (requires a maximum four hours to download from the cloud).

Home Tab: Tapes

You display this view by selecting Tapes on the Home tab. You must at least be connected to the DIVArchive database to access this view. The Tapes view provides flexible search criteria (located at the top of the screen) to execute DIVArchive database queries about the tapes managed by DIVArchive. You can execute search queries independently whether the DIVArchive Manager is running or not. However, the Control GUI must be connected to the DIVArchive database.

The introduction of the Sony Optical Drives, you can view whether a media is Write-Once by clicking on the tape (the Write-Once property is displayed in the Tape Properties window). The Blu-ray discs are shown as tapes and viewable in the Tapes view panel of the Control GUI. The Write Once Media column displays this information as either Y or N indicating whether the tape is Write-Once. You can also filter the view so only Write-Once media is displayed.

Right-clicking on a specific tape in the Tapes view will produce a context menu with the additional options you can perform on the selected tape. The Tape Properties dialog is for informational purposes only. No data within the tape can be directly manipulated by an operator from this dialog box. Selecting the Properties menu item on the Tapes context menu displays the Tape Properties screen for the selected tape.

Home Tab: Sources Destinations

The Control GUI Sources Destinations view provides information about the sources and destinations identified in the DIVArchive system. You view this display by clicking the Sources Destinations button on the Home tab. This view displays the source or destination Name, Product System, Type, Address, and First Utilization Date. Double-clicking one of the entries displays the Entry Details dialog box.

The information in the dialog box Core frame includes Name, Type, Production System, Site ID, and First Utilization Date fields.

The information in the dialog box Connection frame includes Address, Root Path, and Options fields.

The information in the dialog box Data Limits frame includes Max Throughput, Max Accesses, Max Read Accesses, and Max Write Accesses fields.

The information in the dialog box is not editable and is only for informational purposes.

Action Tab

You perform most object-based operations (Archive, Restore, Copy, Delete, and so on) from the Action tab on the ribbon bar.

When restoring the same file to the same destination twice in parallel, the behavior on Windows and Linux is different. On Windows, the first restore (they cannot arrive exactly at the same time) will lock the file so that the second one will terminate. On Linux, there is no such lock at the file system level. Both restores are executed at the same time, and both will write to the same file. The content of the resultant file is not predictable.

On the right side of the Action tab is the Tape Actions button. You click the Tape Actions button to perform various tape operations. Most tape operations are self-explanatory. However the Automatic Repack operation requires some description and is covered in the following section.

Automatic Repack

When DIVArchive writes an object to a tape, the object can only be appended to where the last object was written on that tape. When any object is subsequently deleted from a tape, the space from that object cannot be reused. Eventually, as more and more objects are deleted, tape fragmentation occurs and potentially develops a considerable amount of unusable space in the tape library.

This unusable space can be reclaimed by repacking the tape. The DIVArchive repack process reads all material from the tape being repacked to a temporary cache and then writes it back to a new tape in the same group as the original (sequentially).

You can perform a manual tape repack by clicking the Repack Tape button, or triggered automatically when tape fragmentation and used capacity thresholds are exceeded.

You enable or disable Automatic Repack by clicking the Automatic Repack button on the Action tab.


Automatic Repack ignores WORM Media. If WORM Media is repacked manually, the space is not recoverable.

Clicking the Automatic Repack button displays a dialog box. To enable Automatic Repack select the check box, and then click the Send button. To disable it, deselect the check box, and then click the Send button.

After enabling Automatic Repack, a second dialog box is displayed for you to configure the repack parameters including Tape Filling Threshold (%), Tape fragmentation threshold (%), Start Time, Duration, and Repack tapes from selected group.

Manage Tab: Objects

You display this view by clicking Objects on the Manage tab. You must at least be connected to the DIVArchive Database to access this view. You can search objects

You select an object and right-click it to display the objects context menu. These commands are a subset of those from the Action tab menu and perform the same functions. At this context level, the request window (by default) does not automatically specify an instance of the object in the Instance field of the request. You can manually enter a specific instance in this field before the command is sent. If the Instance field is left blank, the command will deal with all instances of the object. For example, if you select Delete from this menu, and no instance number is specified in the request, DIVArchive will delete all instances of the object.

The Object Properties dialog box displays an object's properties, instances, and components. A valid instance number must be specified in any command issued from this view or you will receive an error message when submitting the command.

This includes removing the instance number entirely from the request. For example, you cannot delete all instances of an object from this menu by leaving the Instance field empty. This view will not permit the last instance of the object to be deleted and DIVArchive will automatically terminate this request.

If a file (or part thereof) of an object instance is spanned across two or more tapes, and only one tape of the set is externalized, the instance is still considered externalized. However, an object (that is, all instances) is only considered externalized if all instances of that object are externalized.

Clicking on the Instances tab in the bottom section of the Object Properties screen displays the object's Instances screen. This view displays the instances of the object and the elements of each instance.

Clicking on the Components tab in the bottom section Object Properties screen produces the Object Component screen. Clicking on a displayed component will display the component's information at the bottom of the window.

Manage Tab: Requests

You display this view by clicking on Requests on the Manage tab. This view is limited to 300 lines by default. Completed, canceled, and aborted requests are cleared if the Control GUI is disconnected or relaunched. The Requests view is provided for retrieval of previously completed requests from the DIVArchive database. It is commonly used by Oracle Support to troubleshoot a previously reported issue.

Errors can be identified quickly by clicking the Errors column. Once a particular request's Request ID is determined, it can be entered in the Events view to export the request's event log from the Control GUI to a text file. You can search the displayed requests using the search area at the top of the screen.

Double-clicking on a request displays the Request Properties screen for viewing information (including Request Properties, Object Properties, Archive Properties and Events List) about the selected request. Up to fifty thousand logged requests are stored in the DIVArchive database. Once this number of requests is reached, the oldest requests are overwritten. For most facilities, this provides at least approximately six to twelve months of logged requests.

Manage Tab: Media

You display this view by clicking on Media on the Manage tab. This view displays information for each of the tape groups and disk arrays identified in the DIVArchive system. You filter the search using the lists at the top of the screen.

The Name list can be a full or partial media name including wildcards. An asterisk will display all media names.

You use the Type list to select viewing All media types, only Groups, or only Arrays.

You click Refresh after making your filtering selections to update the display.

Double-clicking on the tape group or disk array displays a dialog box with details about that group or array. The screen is for informational purposes only and is not editable.

Manage Tab: Require/Release

You display this view by clicking on Require/Release on the Manage tab. You must at least be connected to the DIVArchive database to access this view. This view allows an operator to query the DIVArchive database for the following:

  • Released instances that can be externalized from any libraries managed by DIVArchive.

  • Externalized instances that are required to be inserted into a library.

  • A list of tapes that must be inserted to fulfill Restore requests (required tapes).

  • A list of tapes you can externalize from a library (releasable tapes).


A releasable tape only contains released instances.

You use the filters at the top of the screen to limit the type and number of results returned from your query. You run your query by clicking Refresh on the top right of the screen. There are only two filters available as follows:


Select the Begin and End dates and times to search. Select the Enable check box to enable this option for the query. Deselect the check box to not include this option in the search.


You use this list to select viewing either Required & Externalized tapes (only required tapes that are externalized are displayed), or Released & Inserted tapes (only released tapes that are internalized and inserted are displayed).

At the bottom of the screen are the Required Tapes button and the Releasable Tapes button. The Required Tapes button generates a list of tapes required to be inserted into the library. The Releasable Tapes button generates a list of tapes that have their instances released, and can be externalized from the library.

Clicking either button displays the associated dialog box. The Required Tapes screen enables you to view, print, or save the list to a text file. The Releasable Tapes screen enables you to view, print, save the list to a text file, or eject the tape by clicking the Eject Tape button.

Manage Tab: SPM Actions

You display this view by clicking on SPM Actions on the Manage tab. You must at least be connected to the DIVArchive database to access this view. This view is only applicable to installations having the Oracle DIVArchive Storage Plan Manager (SPM) installed. It enables more detailed information to be extracted from the DIVArchive database related to the actions that have been initiated to DIVArchive from the SPM module. See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

You use the filters at the top of the screen to limit the type and number of results returned from your query. You run your query by clicking Refresh on the top right of the screen.

Right-clicking on a result returned by the SPM Actions query displays the SPM Actions Context menu. The menu has only two options as follows:

Request Properties

This displays the request's events list associated with the SPM Action. This is only applicable to SPM Actions where the Request ID is nonzero.

Reschedule Action

If the SPM-initiated request failed (for example, the medium or associated Actors for the slot were unavailable), this enables you to retry that SPM Action.

Analytics Tab: Metrics

You display this screen by clicking on Metrics on the Analytics tab. The Metrics view provides a set of filters to narrow your searches. Information can be filtered by Metric Definition, Collection Interval, Aggregation Item, Resource Name, Value, Count, Start Date, and Last Update Date. The Metric Definition list contains the metrics defined in the Configuration Utility plus the built-in ones (DIVAPROTECT*).

See the Oracle DIVArchive DIVAprotect User's Guide in the Oracle DIVArchive 7.5 Additional Features documentation library for more information.

Analytics Tab: Events

You display this screen by clicking Events in the Analytics tab. You must at least be connected to the DIVArchive database to access this view. The Events view is typically used with the Requests view for troubleshooting purposes. You can filter the displayed results using the filters at the top of the screen including Dates (Start and End dates and times), Severity (Information, Warnings, Errors, and Critical), Request ID, and Description.

When a particular request fails, you can export the log of that request to a text file and send it to Oracle Support (when requested). This information can also be collected directly by the Oracle Support Engineer using the DIVArchive Customer Information Collection Tool.

When the query is run for the failed request's Request ID (usually retrieved from the Requests view), it shows the same events of that request's event log. You can save this file as a text file by selecting Export.

DIVArchive stores a maximum of one million events in its database. When the number of logged events exceeds this value, DIVArchive will begin overwriting the existing events beginning with the oldest entry.

Analytics Tab: Drive Alert Logs

You display this screen by clicking Drive Alert Logs in the Analytics tab. This view lists errors reported by tape drives. This information is vendor-specific and may vary depending on the make and model. You can filter your search using the filters at the top of the screen. For example, you can look for errors related to a particular tape.

Analytics Tab: Library Alert Logs

You display this screen by clicking Library Alert Logs in the Analytics tab. This view lists errors reported by direct-attached SCSI protocol libraries. This information is vendor-specific and may vary depending on the library make and model. You can filter your search using the filters at the top of the screen.

Analytics Tab: DIVArchive Information

You display this screen by clicking DIVArchive Information in the Analytics tab. The amount of storage that DIVArchive will manage is dictated by the DIVArchive configuration. When the total managed capacity reaches ninety percent of the capacity, DIVArchive will begin issuing periodic warning messages in the Manager Requests view of the Control GUI.

The warning messages become more frequent when the managed capacity meets the configured capacity. When this limit is reached, no further Archive requests are accepted by DIVArchive and they will be automatically terminated. However, Restore requests will continue to be accepted.

See Appendix A for Oracle DIVArchive options and licensing information.

Analytics Tab: Database Logs

You display this screen by clicking DIVArchive Information in the Analytics tab. This view lists errors reported to the Oracle database. A set of filters is available to narrow down searches. For example, you can look for errors related to a particular tape.

View Tab: Properties, Clear, Clear All

You use the View tab to view the properties of selected items in other Control GUI screens. You highlight the items (object, system component, and so on) in the original screen, click the View tab, and then click the Properties button.

The Clear and Clear All buttons on the View tab clear one or more requests, errors, warnings, and so on from the appropriate screens.

Exporting the Current View

To export the information currently displayed in almost any Control GUI view, click the Start orb, and then click Export Current View from the Tools menu.

Exporting is available for the Home Tab: Tapes view and all other views in the Control GUI except the following tables:

In the file save dialog box that appears, select an existing file or specify the name of a new file that will receive the information in the currently displayed table. Use the following procedure to save, and then view, the events in a spreadsheet such as Excel:

  1. Enter the .csv extension after your file name in the File Name field.

  2. Click Export to complete the export of the view.

The content of the exported view will depend upon the current filter selection. If the filters have been modified since the last query, and you have not clicked Refresh, the exported log will not represent the current filter selections. Also, if the table in the Detailed View is empty when the view is exported, the destination file will contain nothing except two lines indicating the current filter selections.