Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide
Release 13.0.1 Patch
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4 Run the RIB Application Installer

RIB Application Installer Tasks

The RIB application installer can be used to perform any of the tasks below. For a new install, all tasks are recommended.

For more information about the Preparation, Assembly and Deployment Phases, see the RIB Operations Guide.

Expand the RIB Kernel Distribution

  1. Log in to the UNIX server as the user who will own the RIB development workspace. Create a new directory for the workspace. There should be a minimum of 800 MB of disk space available.

  2. Copy the RIB Kernel package (RibKernelRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga.tar) into the workspace and extract its contents.

  3. Change directories to Rib1301ForAll13xxApps/rib-home. This location will be referred to as <RIB_HOME> for the remainder of this chapter.

How to Run the RIB Application Installer

  1. Expand the RIB Kernel distribution as described above.

  2. Download the RIB Functional Artifacts distribution (RibFuncArtifactRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAllRelease 13.0.1 PatchApps_eng_ga.tar), and copy it into the <RIB_HOME>/download-home/rib-func-artifacts directory. Do not untar the file.

  3. Download the tar file distributions for each rib-<app> application that you will install. Copy the files into the <RIB_HOME>/download-home/all-rib-apps directory. Do not untar the files.

  4. Set the JAVA_HOME environment variable. The JAVA_HOME must be set to a Java 1.5 JDK. If the <RIB_HOME> workspace is located on the same server as the Application Server, then it is recommended to set the JAVA_HOME to $ORACLE_HOME/jdk.

  5. If you are using an X server, such as Exceed, set the DISPLAY environment variable so that you can run the installer in GUI mode (recommended). If you are not using an X server, or the GUI is too slow over your network, unset DISPLAY for text mode.

  6. Make sure that all OC4J instances that you intend to deploy to are currently running.

  7. Change directories to the <RIB_HOME> directory.

  8. Run the script. The RIB installer appears.


    Appendix A contains details on every screen and input field in the installer.

  9. After the RIB installation is complete, it will launch the Oracle Configuration Manager (OCM) installer if possible. If you wish to install OCM at this time, please refer to Metalink Note ID # 559539.1 for instructions.

  10. Restart the rib-<app>-oc4j-instances. During the installation process a shared library is created that contains the JDBC Driver update. For PL/SQL applications, it is necessary to bounce the oc4j instance.

  11. Run the RIB Diagnostic and Monitoring Tools (RDMT) to verify the installation.

Run RDMT to Verify the Installation

The RIB Diagnostic and Monitoring Tools (RDMT) should be used at this time to verify the RIB installation. Please refer to the RIB Operations Guide - Diagnostic and Monitoring Tools for instructions to configure and use the RDMT tools.

Backups and Logs Created by the Installer

The RIB application installer creates the following backup and log files:

Resolving Installation Errors

If an error is encountered while running the installer, the cause of the error must be corrected before making another attempt to run the installer. The installer's log file may contain helpful information for determining the cause of the error. After you have examined the log files, please refer to the troubleshooting guide in Appendix D for a list of commonly encountered errors.

When you are ready to attempt another installation, keep in mind that you may be able to avoid re-entering all your inputs if the previous installation process was far enough along to configure the rib-deployment-env-info.xml. If the installer has already generated the rib-deployment-env-info.xml file, or if you have manually edited the rib-deployment-env-info.xml file, then it is not necessary to re-enter all the inputs in the installer. Verify that the rib-deployment-env-info.xml contains the correct settings, and run the installer with the "Use existing rib-deployment-env-info.xml" option.