Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide
Release 13.0.1 Patch
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5 Post-Installation Tasks

Oracle Application Tasks

Verify that correct URL's to the RIB Functional Artifacts are configured in the Java EE Applications.

RDMT Installation

The RIB Diagnostic and Monitoring Tool (RDMT) kit is a collection of command line tools, written in Unix shell script along with supporting Java classes packaged in jar files. There are various tools to address these areas:

Information to Gather for Install

Table 5-1 Necessary Directory Parameters

Parameters Setting

RDMT Home Directory


RDMTLOGS Directory

Rib1301ForAll13xxApps/rib-home/tools-home/rdmt /RDMTLOGS

Temp Files Directory

Rib1301ForAll13xxApps/rib-home/tools-home/rdmt /RDMTLOGS/tmp

RIB App Builder rib-home Directory


Table 5-2 Parameters for JMS Provider

Parameter Setting



AQ JMS Password


JMS Connection URL


Table 5-3 OC4J Parameters for JMX Functions

Parameter Setting



JMX Req Port


OC4J Instance name


OC4J App Name


OC4J User Name


OC4J Password


Table 5-4 Parameters For Each Hospital (RMS, RWMS, SIM, etc…)

Parameter Setting

User Name




Database URL


Installation Steps

  1. The RDMT Java support classes require Java 5.0, and install will perform a check and fail if the path is not correct. Before you begin the installation process, verify that your Java version is correct.

  2. Determine the location for installation. The recommended location is to put it in rib-home/tools-home directory. There is an empty rdmt subdirectory already there. This is only a placeholder. However, RDMT can be installed under any user in any directory.

  3. Download the tar file (RdmtRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga.tar) and extract it.

    > tar xvf RdmtRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga.tar

  4. cd to the rdmt directory and execute the script supplied with the toolkit.

    > ./

  5. Answer prompts for RIB configuration values during setup. The installation script will prompt for the configuration settings need to run the tools in the toolkit.


    After the installation, these configurations can be changed at anytime via any text editor in the appropriate configuration file.

  6. Answer yes to configure additional rib<-app>s. It is recommended that you configure all the rib-apps that have been installed in the RIB Installation.

  7. Run the RibConfigReport. This report will run a battery of tests that will validate the RIB components installed.

RIB Hospital Administration Tool

The RIB Hospital Administration Tool (RIHA) is a Java executable/application provided to perform RIB administration functions in the RIB Hospital database.


The minimum and preferred Java Runtime Engine (JRE) version to use with RIHA is 1.5 This JRE must be installed on the host where RIHA will be installed prior to running the configuration script.

Installation Steps

RIHA can be installed on either a PC running a Windows operating system or in a UNIX environment. It is suggested, but not required, that it be installed where RIB13 has already been installed and configured.

  1. Copy the RihaRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga.tar file to the location where RIHA will be installed.

    Table 5-5





  2. Decompress the tar file with an archive utility (e.g.: WinZip for windows or unzip for UNIX). This will extract all RIHA files into a directory named RihaRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga.

  3. Downloading hibernate.

    RIHA uses Open Source O-R mapping tool called hibernate ( Due to licensing limitation RIHA cannot ship hibernate along with its package, so hibernate 2.1.8 has to be download by the person installing RIHA. RIHA has been certified with only hibernate 2.1.8, do not download any other hibernate version.

    Download hibernate ( and extract the hibernate2.jar file from inside the zip file. Copy the hibernate2.jar to appropriate directory shown in the table below.

    Table 5-6


    C:\RIB_Tools\RIHA\RihaRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga\external-lib


    $RIB_HOME/tools-home/riha/RihaRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga/external-lib

  4. Go to the appropriate "bin" directory and execute the RIHA configuration executable file. This script, located in the path displayed in the table below, will run the rest of the installation and configuration process.

    Table 5-7


    C:\RIB_Tools\RIHA\RihaRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga\bin\riha-config.bat


    $RIB_HOME/tools-home/riha/RihaRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga/bin/

    Create a user login. RIHA provides users with access to information contained in the applications RIB Hospital database. Users can view and modify this data and control the variables that make possible the feedback of messages into the system. Because of this, limiting the accessibility to this tool is imperative. RIHA supports the creation of user logins to guarantee that only designated users can execute this tool.

    The following prompts ask the user to enter the credentials to create a new user login for RIHA. More than one user can be created.

    Example 5-1

    Starting RIHA configuration utility...
    Create a new user login:
    Enter User Id: dannich
    Enter User First Name: Daniel
    Enter User Last Name: Nicholson
    Enter password: <password not shown>
    Verify password: <password not shown>
    User dannich created.
    Do you want to create another user? (y/n): n
    Creating hibernate configuration files...
    You can access multiple Error Hospital databases by setting multiple
    configuration files (even for the same product). Select [D]one when

    Next, the user is presented with a list of standard Retail applications to choose from and configure the database connection where the RIB Hospital of each application resides. It also prompts the user for the server hosting the XSD files for the RIB messages. Once the necessary information is entered, the user is returned to the Retail applications list to either configure a new connection or complete this process. Version Release 13.0.1 Patch of the RIHA allows users to either enter a standard database JDBC connection string or a RAC database JDBC connection URL.

    1. Standard database connection string setup process:

      Example 5-2

      Please choose a product for configuring database information:
      1) AIP  - Advanced Inventory Planning
      2) SIM  - Store Inventory Management
      3) RMS  - Retail Merchandising System
      4) RPM  - Retail Price Management
      5) RWMS - Retail Warehouse Management System
      6) TAFR - TAFR Hospital Tables
      ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [D]one): 3
      Please choose the type of database for configuring database information:
      (1)RAC Database
      (2)Non-RAC Database
      ([1], [2]:2
      Enter the connection URL [E.g: jdbc:oracle:thin:@mspdev57:1521:orcl ] :
      Enter user name: rmsseint121user
      Enter password: <password not shown>
      Verify password: <password not shown>
      Enter name of server hosting xsd files (e.g.: http://mspdev85
      Enter port number of server hosting xsd files (e.g.: 8080): 7777
      Please choose a product for configuring database information:
      1) AIP  - Advanced Inventory Planning
      2) SIM  - Store Inventory Management
      3) RMS  - Retail Merchandising System
      4) RPM  - Retail Price Management
      5) RWMS - Retail Warehouse Management System
      6) TAFR - TAFR Hospital Tables
      ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [D]one): D
    2. RAC compatible database connection URL setup process:

      Example 5-3

      Please choose a product for configuring database information:
      1) AIP  - Advanced Inventory Planning
      2) SIM  - Store Inventory Management
      3) RMS  - Retail Merchandising System
      4) RPM  - Retail Price Management
      5) RWMS - Retail Warehouse Management System
      6) TAFR - TAFR Hospital Tables
      ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [D]one): 3
      Please choose the type of database for configuring database information:
      (1)RAC Database
      (2)Non-RAC Database
      ([1], [2]:1
      Enter the connection URL [E.g:
      jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = mspvip72)(PORT = 1521))
      (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = mspvip73)(PORT = 1521))
      (LOAD_BALANCE = yes))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = dvolr02))) ] :
      jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDR
      ESS = (PROTOCOL= TCP)(HOST = mspvip94) (PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL =
      TCP)(HOST = mspvip95)(PORT = 1521))(LOAD_BAL
      ANCE = yes))(CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = dvolr05)))
      Enter user name: rmsseint121user
      Enter password: <password not shown>
      Verify password: <password not shown>
      Enter name of server hosting xsd files (e.g.: http://mspdev85
      Enter port number of server hosting xsd files (e.g.: 8080): 7777
      Please choose a product for configuring database information:
      1) AIP  - Advanced Inventory Planning
      2) SIM  - Store Inventory Management
      3) RMS  - Retail Merchandising System
      4) RPM  - Retail Price Management
      5) RWMS - Retail Warehouse Management System
      6) TAFR - TAFR Hospital Tables
      ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6], [D]one): D
    3. Finally the user is prompted to enter the full path for the Web browser to use when displaying the online help.

  5. RIHA is configured and ready. Execute the RIHA start executable file to start using the RIB Hospital Administration tool.

    Table 5-8


    C:\RIB_Tools\RIHA\RihaRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga\bin\riha.bat


    $RIB_HOME/tools-home/riha/RihaRelease 13.0.1 PatchForAll13.x.xApps_eng_ga/bin/