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Oracle® Retail Integration Bus Oracle Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide
Release 14.0
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C Appendix: RIB Installation Checklists

This appendix is intended as an aid in the installation of RIB. It is not intended to replace the detailed description of each of the process steps and prerequisites, but to act as a companion to those steps. For a successful installation, a methodical reading and understanding of each step of the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Installation Guide is strongly recommended.

RIB Installation Master Checklist

This checklist covers all of the sequential steps required to perform a full installation of the RIB, using either the GUI RIB Installer (strongly recommended) or a command line installation.

Task Notes

Prepare the WebLogic servers for installation of the RIB Components


Prepare the Oracle Database schemas that the RIB will use.


Prepare the Oracle AQ JMS


Verify the applications the RIB will be integrating to are configured appropriately.

In the documentation for each Oracle application, see the sections on integration with the RIB.

Information to gather for the installation

During the prerequisites steps there is information that should be note that will be used to configure the RIB during the installation process.

Install the RIB using one of these methods:

  • Installation using the RIB Installer GUI

  • Installation using the RIB App Builder Command Line Tools.

It is strongly recommended that the Installation using the RIB Installer GUI method be used.

Verify Application URL settings match RIB installation.

RIB Functional Artifact URLJNDI URL

Complete the setup of RDMT using the same information to gather for the installation.

During either of the installation methods, one of the manual steps will have extracted the rdmt tools to the appropriate directory.

Verify the RIB installation using the RDMT tools.

Install RIHA

RIB Hospital maintenance tool

Install IGS

This step is optional and should be performed only if there is a requirement to do so. See"Integration Gateway Services" in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Implementation Guide.

Prerequisite - Prepare WebLogic Server for RIB Components

Task Notes

Install WebLogic Server 10.3.6

See the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Release Notes for the certifications. See the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Implementation Guide for deployment architectures.

Create the RIB WebLogic managed server instances.

Warning: Each rib-<app> application requires a separate WebLogic managed server instance that is not shared with any other application.

Create the rib-<app>-wls-instance using WebLogic admin console GUI

Log in to the WebLogic admin console GUI (http://<host>:<port>/console) as administrator

On the left side menu, navigate to Environment > Servers

Click New.

Fill in the Name, Port, Listen address of the managed server instance to be create.


Server Name: rib-<app>-wls-instance

Server Listen Address: blrvmo28

Server Listen Port:19007

> with the actual value of the RIB application for the associated retail application.

There are two RIB specific WebLogic instances that must be created regardless of the other application deployment choices.

  • rib-func-artifact-wls-instance. (It is recommended, but not required, that this naming convention be followed.)

These are the optional application instances depending on the deployment choices. It is recommended, but not required that this naming convention be followed:

  • rib-rms-server

  • rib-tafr-server

  • rib-rpm-server

  • rib-sim-server

  • rib-rwms-server

  • rib-rfm-server

  • rib-aip-server

  • rib-oms-server

Click Next. Click Finish.

Make sure you see this instance listed under Servers.

Go to the configurations page of the server and select the host name in the Machine field.

Click Save.

Managed server instance creation is complete.

> with the actual value of the RIB application for the associated retail application. Acceptable values for <app> are "rms", "rwms", "tafr", "sim", "rpm", "rfm" and "aip." Port number must be a unique port.

Note: For information about creating and managing WebLogic managed server instances, see Oracle® Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1.1)

Edit the script $DOMAIN_HOME/base_domain/bin/ to add the following attributes.


JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dweblogic.ejb.container.MDBMessageWaitTime=2 ${JAVA_OPTIONS}"

Sample from startWebLogic:

echo "JAVA Memory arguments: ${MEM_ARGS}"
echo "."
echo "WLS Start Mode=${WLS_DISPLAY_MODE}"
echo "."
JAVA_OPTIONS="-Dweblogic.ejb.container.MDBMessageWaitTime=2 ${JAVA_OPTIONS}"
echo "."
echo "PATH=${PATH}"
echo "."
echo "***************************************************"
echo "*  To start WebLogic Server, use a username and   *"
echo "*  password assigned to an admin-level user.  For *"
echo "*  server administration, use the WebLogic Server *"
echo "*  console at http://hostname:port/console *" echo "******************************


In the startWebLogic script, the above statements must be added before the WebLogic server is started. In other words, the statements must be before these lines:

if [ "${WLS_REDIRECT_LOG}" = "" ] ; then
               echo "Starting WLS with line:"
               echo "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -d64 ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} -Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME}${WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.policy ${JAVA_OPTIONS} ${PROXY_SETTINGS} ${SERVER_CLASS}"
               #echo "${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -d64 ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} -Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME}${WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.policy ${JAVA_OPTIONS} ${PROXY_SETTINGS} ${SERVER_CLASS}"
${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} -Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME}${WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.policy ${JAVA_OPTIONS} ${PROXY_SETTINGS} ${SERVER_CLASS}
               echo "Redirecting output from WLS window to ${WLS_REDIRECT_LOG}"
               #${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java -d64 ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} -Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME}${WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.policy ${JAVA_OPTIONS} ${PROXY_SETTINGS} ${SERVER_CLASS}  >"${WLS_REDIRECT_LOG}" 2>&1 
               ${JAVA_HOME}/bin/java  ${JAVA_VM} ${MEM_ARGS} -Dweblogic.Name=${SERVER_NAME}${WL_HOME}/server/lib/weblogic.policy ${JAVA_OPTIONS} ${PROXY_SETTINGS} ${SERVER_CLASS}  >"${WLS_REDIRECT_LOG}" 2>&1 

Update $WL_HOME/<wlserver_10.3>/server/lib/weblogic.policy file with the information below.

Note: If copying the following text from this guide to UNIX, ensure that it is properly formatted in UNIX. Each line entry beginning with "permission" must terminate on the same line with a semicolon.

Note: <WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME> in the below example is the full path of the Weblogic Domain, <managed_server> is the RIB managed server created and <context_root> correlates to the rib-app ears for all managed servers hosting rib-apps, except for rib-func-artifact-instance. See the example below.

Note: The path tmp/_WL_user/rib-<app>.ear will not be available before the deployment.


grant codeBase "file: <WEBLOGIC_DOMAIN_HOME>/servers/<managed_server>/tmp/_WL_user/<context_root>/-" {


permission "credstoressp.credstore", "read,write,update,delete";

permission "credstoressp.credstore.*", "read,write,update,delete"; };


Note:Add the path to the patch jars. If any patches are installed into WLS (now or in the future) and this line is not included it could cause the RIB to fail. WLS_HOME refers to the location where Weblogic 10.3.6 has been installed.

grant codeBase "file:<<WLS_HOME>/patch_wls1036/patch_jars/-" {permission;permission "credstoressp.credstore", "read,write,update,delete";permission "credstoressp.credstore.*", "read,write,update,delete";};};

Start WebLogic managed server.

Note: This procedure can be done through the command line or through the admin console. Both methods are included below.

Start WebLogic managed server through the command line:

Log in to the machine where WLS was installed with the operating system user that was used to install the WebLogic Application Server (WLS).

Navigate to the DOMAIN_HOME/bin

Example : $cd product/10.3.X_RIB/WLS/user_projects/domains/base_domain/bin

run startManagedWebLogic script with instance name as a parameter

Example: sh rib-rms-wls-instance

Starting WebLogic managed server through admin console.

To be able to properly start RIB managed server instance, the properties below need to be modified in $WL_HOME/wlserver_10.3/common/node manager/nodemanager. properties file:

Change the value of StartScriptEnabled property to true.

Change the value of StartScriptName property to

Restart the NodeManager after making changes.

Sample file:

Creating the WebLogic instances is complete.

Prerequisite - Oracle Database Schemas

Task Notes

Each Oracle Retail Application has an associated set of RIB Artifacts that must be installed as part of the RIB integration. For example, the RIB Hospital Tables, CLOB API libraries, and Oracle Objects.

  • Ensure that these have been installed appropriately per the individual applications.

  • Ensure that the TAFR Hospital user and objects exist.

  • Ensure that the RIB user has appropriate access and permissions.

Each Application packages the RIB artifact creation scripts and they are installed at the time of the application's installation.

It is critical to ensure that they have been installed and are the correct version.

The TAFR Hospital is independent of any of the applications and should have a separate user/schema created for it.

It is recommended that all applications have a separate Hospital and that they be logically and operationally associated with that application.

Ensure that each PL/SQL application schema has run the RIB supplied scripts to create the RIB Artifacts:


  • InstallAndCompileAllRibOracleObjects.sql


Verify the XML Developer's Kit for PL/SQL is installed.

RMS Application: Verify that the row in the RIB_OPTIONS table has correct values to match the RIB deployment environment.

XML_SCHEMA_BASE_URL= http://<hostname>:<port>/rib-func-artifact;

Ensure that each Java EE application schema has run the RIB supplied scripts to create RIB artifacts:



Ensure that the schema exists and has run the RIB supplied script to create the RIB Hospital.


In RIB 14.x, there is a separate hospital for all RIB TAFRs. Ensure that there is a user created for the RIB components and the scripts that create the hospital objects have been run. The TAFR Hospital user requires no special permissions.

CREATE USER <tafr hosp user>

IDENTIFIED BY <tafr hosp password>


GRANT "CONNECT" TO <tafr hosp user>;

GRANT "RESOURCE" TO <tafr hosp user>;

ALTER USER <tafr hosp user>


Ensure that the XA grants are made appropriately.

Note: For details, see the Oracle® Database Administrator Guide 11g Release 2.

grant select on v$xatrans$ to public (or <user>);

grant select on pending_trans$ to public;

Verify that the XA scripts have been run on the database. grant select on dba_2pc_pending to public;

grant select on dba_pending_transactions to public;

when using the Oracle Thin driver or later:

grant execute on dbms_system to public;

Prerequisite - Prepare Oracle AQ JMS Provider

Task Notes

Create the Oracle Database instance that will be the JMS Provider.

Oracle Streams AQ is provided by the Oracle Database Enterprise Edition installation.

Note: It is strongly recommended that the Oracle Database instance that is configured to be the JMS provider is not shared with any other applications and not be on the same host (physical or logical) with any other applications.

See "Deployment Architecture" in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Implementation Guide.

Create the AQ JMS user with the appropriate access and permissions to the Oracle Streams AQ packages. This user must have at least the following database permissions.








Sample script:

CREATE USER <rib aq user> IDENTIFIED BY <rib aq password>
GRANT "CONNECT" TO <rib aq user>;
GRANT "RESOURCE" TO <rib aq user>;
GRANT EXECUTE ON "SYS"."DBMS_AQ" TO <rib aq user>;
ALTER USER <rib aq user> 

Information Notes






JMS Provider for RIB Release 14.0 is AQ.

  • jms-server-home: The server home must be in the format OsUser@AqHostName:/AqHomeDirectory

    For example, ribaq@ribaq-lnx-host:/u00/db "jms-url : AQ thin JDBC connection URL.

    For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@ribaq-lnx-host:1521:orcl On AQ on RAC database use the long JDBC URL (for example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ribaq-lnx-virtual-host-1)(PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ribaq-lnx-virtual-host-2)(PORT = 1521))(LOAD_BALANCE = yes))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = orcl)))

  • jms-port: AQ JMS server listener port. This is same as the AQ JDBC listener port (for example, 1521).

  • jms-user: AQ JMS user. This is the database user that can connect to jms-url (see above).

  • jms-password: AQ JMS password. This is the database password that can connect to jms-url.





For each of the WebLogic Servers to which the RIB components will be deployed.

  • weblogic-domain-name: Your weblogic domain name (for example, base_domain).

  • weblogic-domain-home: The format of the home must follow the format OsUser@WeblogicHostName:/WeblogicDomainPath. For example: ribapp@ribapp-lnx-host:/home/Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain

  • weblogic-admin-server-port: The port where weblogic admin server is listening (for example, 7001)

  • java-home : Java Home directory of the remote Weblogic server (for example, /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_05)





The WebLogic instances for each of your rib-<app> applications that are in-scope.

  • wls-instance-name: The WebLogic managed server instance name. For example, rib-rms will be deployed in rib-rms-server.

  • wls-instance-home: The WebLogic instance server home information. For example, ribapp@ribapp-lnx-host:/home/ Oracle/Middleware/user_projects/domains/base_domain /servers/rib-rms-server

  • wls-listen-port: The WebLogic managed server listen port. For example, 7003.

  • wls-user-alias: User alias for username/password to connect to the WebLogic managed server. The username/password are stored in a wallet file in rib-home/deployment-home/conf/security folder and the rib-deployment-env-info.xml contains the alias name for that. The user name/password to connect to the managed server will be same as the user who starts the WebLogic server.

To configure each rib-<app>, this information is needed for each.

  • The application server where it will be deployed.

  • RIB Hospital database information.

  • PL/SQL application database information.

  • E-mail notification information.

  • jndi information for Java EE applications.

For RIB Hospital database:


<database user>

<database password>

  • database/url: rib-<app> error hospital thin JDBC connection URL. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@ribapp-lnx-host:1521:orcl If RIB Hospital tables are running on RAC database use the long JDBC url format. For example, jdbc:oracle:thin:@(DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST =(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ribapp-lnx-virtual-host-1)(PORT = 1521))(ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = ribapp-lnx-virtual-host-2)(PORT = 1521))(LOAD_BALANCE = yes))(CONNECT_DATA =(SERVICE_NAME = orcl)))

  • <database user>: This is the database user that will be used to connect to rib-<app> error hospital tables.

  • <database password>: This is the database password that will be used to connect to rib-<app> error hospital tables.

For PL/SQL application database:


<database user>

<database password>

See samples in the row above for RIB Hospital Database.

For email notifications:





  • email/email-server-host: The SMPT mail server (for example,

  • email/email-server-port: The SMTP mail server port. (for example, 25)

  • email/from-address: The email address from which the RIB notifications will originate (for example,

  • email/to-address-list: Comma separated list of destination email address to which RIB notifications will be sent (for example,,

joined information for Java EE applications:





jndi/url: The JNDI url for the retail <app> that this rib-<app> is connecting to. The URLs must use the following format.

WLS URL format:t3://host:port/applicationName

For example, t3://

jndi/factory: The JNDI provider factory class name. The factory must be one of the following.

  • WLS factory: weblogic.jndi.WLInitialContextFactory

  • jndi/user: The retail <app> JNDI user name. This is the same as the retail <app> WLS server instance user name.

  • jndi/password: The retail <app> JNDI password. This is same as the retail <app> WLS server instance password.

    For example, weblogic (must be encrypted)

Install Using the RIB Installer GUI

Task Notes

Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set for the user that will be performing these tasks.

> echo $JAVA_HOME

/usr/bin/java/1.7.0+ 64, or Jrockit 1.6 R28 build or later, within 1.6 code line. 64 bit. For Linux and Solaris OS only.

Example: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/java/1.7.0+ 64 bit, 1.7.0+ 64 bit, or Jrockit 1.6 R28 build or later, within the 1.6 code line. 64 bit. For Linux and Solaris OS only.

Make sure that all RIB WebLogic instances that are to be deployed to are running.

Determine the host and file system to create the rib-app-builder home directory on.

> mkdir rib-app-builder

See the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Implementation Guide for guidelines and deployment approaches.

This is an important strategic decision, because all RIB configurations and management for a given deployment will be from this single, central location.

Download and extract the RibKernel<RIB_MAJOR_VERSION>ForAll<RETAIL_APP_VERSION>Apps_eng_ga.tar.

> tar xvf RibKernel14.0.0ForAll14.x.xApps_eng_ga.jar

Copy the latest version to the rib-app-builder and then extract it to build your rib-home. This rib-home will be the directory from where you will perform all rib-<app> related tasks from now on.

Download the RibFuncArtifact<RIB_{MAJOR|MINOR}_VERSION>ForAll<RETAIL_APP_VERSION>Apps_eng_ga.tar and put it in rib-home/download-home/rib-func-artifacts directory.

Do not extract the tar file. This will be done by the check-version-and-unpack tool.

Download all the RibPak<RIB_{MAJOR|MINOR}_VERSION>For<RETAIL_APP_NAME><RETAIL_APP_VERSION>_eng_ga.tar and put it in rib-home/download-home/all-rib-apps directory.

Do not extract the tar file. This will be done by the check-version-and-unpack tool.

Return to the root rib-home directory.



This will start the x-term GUI.

For installations using a remote client (x-term) set the DISPLAY variable appropriately first.

> export DISPLAY=[desktop IP]:0.0

Make sure that your local machine has an X-server (such as Exceed) running.

Verify Application URL settings match RIB installation.

RIB Functional Artifact URL


Bounce all rib-<app>-wls server instances.

During the installation a shared library is created that contains the JDBC Driver update. It is necessary to bounce the instance.

Verify the installation using RDMT.

Install Using the RIB App Builder Command Line Tools

Task Notes

Make sure that the JAVA_HOME environment variable is set for the user that will be performing these tasks.

> echo $JAVA_HOME


Example: export JAVA_HOME=/usr/bin/java/jdk1.7.0_05

Make sure that all RIB WebLogic instances that are to be deployed to are running.

Determine the host and file system to create the rib-app-builder home directory on.

> mkdir rib-app-builder

See the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Implementation Guide for guidelines and deployment approaches.

This is an important strategic decision, because all RIB configurations and management for a given deployment will be from this single, central location.

Download and extract the RibKernel<RIB_MAJOR_VERSION>ForAll<RETAIL_APP_VERSION>Apps_eng_ga.tar.

> tar xvf RibKernel14.0.0ForAll14.x.xApps_eng_ga.jar

Copy the latest version to the rib-app-builder and then extract it to build your "rib-home." This "rib-home" will be the directory from where you will perform "all" the rib-<app> related tasks from now on.

Download the RibFuncArtifact<RIB_MAJOR_VERSION>ForAll<RETAIL_APP_VERSION>Apps_eng_ga.tar and put it in rib-home/download-home/rib-func-artifacts directory.

Do not extract the tar file. This will be done by the check-version-and-unpack tool.

Download the RibPak<RIB_MAJOR_VERSION>For<RETAIL_APP_NAME><RETAIL_APP_VERSION>_eng_ga.tar and put it in rib-home/download-home/all-rib-apps directory.

Do not extract the tar file. This will be done by the check-version-and-unpack tool.

Run the rib-home/download-home/bin/ script from rib-home/download-home/bin directory.

This script verifies the version compatibility between the paks and extract the files if they are compatible.

Edit rib-home/deployment-home/conf/rib-deployment-env-info.xml file to specify the deployment environment information.

See the "Information to Gather for Installation in Remote Server" section before starting the edit.

This file (rib-deployment-env-info.xml) is the only file that the user has to edit. See the "Rib-app-builder documentation" for details and examples.

The XML file has four major sections.

  1. app-in-scope-for-integration section:

    In this section you define what applications are in scope for this environment.

  2. rib-jms-server section:

    In this section you define the JMS server information.

    Note: See also"Preinstallation Steps for Multiple JMS Server Setup" in Chapter 4 of this guide.

  3. rib-javaee-containers section:

    In this section you define the "Java EE container information" for each of the rib-<app> that are in scope.

  4. rib-applications section:

    In this section you define the rib-<app> specific information for each of the rib-<app> that are in scope.

    For PL/SQL applications you must define RIB RIB Hospital connection and email notification information.

    For Java EE applications you will need to define RIB Hospital connection, email notification information and the connecting retail application's (for example, <app>) JNDI information.

Edit the app-in-scope-for-integration section to match the desired deployment.

Define what application are in scope for this environment.

      <app id="rms" type="plsql-app"/>
      <app id="tafr" type="tafr-app"/>
      <app id="sim" type="javaee-app"/>
      <app id="rwms" type="plsql-app"/>
      <app id="rpm" type="javaee-app"/>
      <app id="rfm" type="plsql-app"/>
      <app id="aip" type="javaee-app"/>
      <app id="oms" type="soap-app"/>

Edit the rib-jms-server section.

See "Preinstallation Steps for Multiple JMS Server Setup"in Chapter 4 of this guide.

For AQ:


Edit the application server section

For example:





Configure the WebLogic instances for each of your rib-<app> applications that are in scope.

<wls id="rib-rms-server">



<wls-listen-port protocol="http">7003</wls-listen-port>



Configure the rib-applications section:

In this section you define the rib-<app> specific information for each rib-<app> that in scope.

For PL/SQL applications you must define the RIB Hospital connection, application database connections, and email notification information.

<rib-app id="rib-rms" type="plsql-app">
<deploy-in refid="rib-rms-wls-instance" /> 

<rib-app id="rib-rms" type="plsql-app">
<deploy-in refid="rib-rms-server"/> 
<app id="rms" type="plsql-app">

For Java EE applications, you must define RIB admin GUI information, RIB Hospital connection, email notification information, and the connecting retail application's (<app>) JNDI information.

For SOAP application, you must define the RIB Admin GUI information, RIB Hospital connection, email notification information, and the end point application url information.

<app id="oms" type="soap-app">
        <!--  Do we want this location or derive by default? -->
        <!--  TODO : We need pick the ws policy from this location and push the policy to server. -->

Run the rib-home/application-assembly-home/bin/ script with setup-security-credential from rib-home/application-assembly-home/bin directory.


./ -setup-security-credential

This will ask for user name and password information for aliases provided in the rib-deployment-env-info.xml file. The user names and passwords are stored in a wallet file inside rib-home/deployment-home/conf/security directory.

After that this will generate/assemble a rib-<app> and make it ready for deployment

The RIB apps are now ready to deploy.

Execute the rib-home/deployment-home/bin/ script with the appropriate command line parameter.

This script is located in the rib-home/deployment-home/bin directory.

> -prepare-jms

This creates a new JMS server with all RIB configured topics.

> -verify-error-hospital rib-<app>

This verifies:

  1. Error-hospital database configurations by testing the connection to the database.

  2. If the error-hospital tables are created in the schema.

Note: Database must be already running.

> -deploy-rib-func-artifact- war

This deploys the rib-func-artifact.war to the Java EE container.

> -deploy-rib-app-ear rib-<app>

This deploys the rib-<app> to the Java EE container. Repeat this step for all rib-<app> that is in scope for this integration environment.

Note: <app> must be rms, rwms, tafr, sim, rpm, or aip.

Bounce all of the rib-<app>-wls-instances.

During the installation a shared library is created that contains the JDBC Driver update. It is necessary to bounce the wls instance.

Verify Application URL settings match RIB installation.

RIB Functional Artifact URL


Verify the installation using RDMT

RDMT - Information to Gather

The following are necessary directory parameters.

RDMT Home Directory


RDMTLOGS Directory

Rib1400ForAll14xxApps/rib-home/tools-home/rdmt /RDMTLOGS

Temp Files Directory

Rib1400ForAll14xxApps/rib-home/tools-home/rdmt /RDMTLOGS/tmp

RIB App Builder rib-home Directory


The following are parameters for JMS Provider.


<rib aq user>

AQ JMS Password

<rib aq password>

AQ JMS Database Name





The following are WebLogic parameters for JMX functions.

WebLogic/JMX Host

JMX Req Port


WebLogic Instance name


WebLogic App Name


WebLogic User Name

<weblogic user>

WebLogic Password

<weblogic password>

The following are parameters for each hospital (RMS, RWMS, SIM, and others).

User Name

<rms user>


<rms password>

Database (SID)


Database Host

Listener Port


RDMT - Installation

The following are the steps required to complete RDMT installation.

Task Notes

Make sure that the Java path is set Java 7.0.

> java -version

The RDMT Java support classes require Java 7.0, and installation will perform a check and fail if the path is not correct. Prior to the installation, verify that your Java version is correct.

Download the Rdmt14.0.0ForAll13.x.x Apps_eng_ga.tar.

The recommended location is in rib-home/tools-home directory. There is an empty rdmt subdirectory already there. This is only a placeholder.

RDMT can be installed under any user in any directory.

Extract the tar file.

> tar xvf

Rdmt14.0.0ForAll13.x.x Apps_eng_ga.tar

Extract the tar file. It will create or over-write a directory call rdmt.

Execute the script.

> ./

cd to the rdmt directory and execute the script supplied with the toolkit.

If rdmt is extracted under rib-home, it updates the necessary rdmt configuration files if installed under rib-home/tools-home/rdmt directory.

The script checks if rdmt is installed under rib-home. If so, it fetches and updates all the necessary configuration information from rib-deployment-env-info.xml present under rib-home/deployment-home/conf directory. Also, it configures for all the rib-<app>s depending upon the applications in scope as defined in rib-deployment-env-info.xml.

If rdmt is extracted in some other directory outside rib-home, it updates the necessary rdmt configuration files if installed in some other directory with rib-home present on same server.

Once prompted for rib-home path, provide the same and it fetches and updates all the necessary configuration information from rib-deployment-env-info.xml present under specified rib-home/deployment-home/conf directory.Also, it configures for all the rib-<app>s depending upon the applications in scope as defined in rib-deployment-env-info.xml.

If rdmt is extracted in a remote server with no rib-home present, answer prompts for RIB configuration values during Setup if installed in a remote server with no rib-home present on that server.

The installation script will prompt for the configuration settings need to run the tools in the toolkit (See the section, "Information to Gather for Installation in Remote Server", in this manual.) Note: After the installation, these configurations can be changed at any time via any text editor in the appropriate configuration file.

Answer prompts for the additional JMX configurations. Answer yes to configure additional rib-apps in case of remote installation.

After prompting for the necessary configuration parameters, the setup script updates the various configuration files and then prompts the user for additional JMX configurations that the user will be interested in.

It is recommended that you configure all the rib-apps that have been installed in the RIB Installation process and then run the RibConfigReport. This report will run a battery of tests that will validate the RIB components installed.

The script will set the permissions to 700 (-rwx------) on all tools and files within the rdmt directory structure.

There are configurations that contain passwords.

Run Configuration Report

This report will execute using all of the configuration parameter that have been supplied and will verify them against the RIB installation

Installation is complete.

RIB Hospital Administration (RIHA) - Installation

The following is a checklist for Oracle Retail RIHA installation.

Task Notes

Verify the JRE Installed on server/PC where RIHA will be installed.

The minimum and preferred Java Runtime Engine (JRE) version to use with RIHA is 1.7.

The RIB XSDs must be made network-accessible for RIHA to properly display RIB messages.

The RIB Functional Artifact URL (for example, should be accessible to all RIHA users.

Verify RIHA version is compatible with RIB version.

Due to changes in the underlying RIB architecture RIHARelease 14.0 is compatible only with RIB14.0.X and higher.

Verify ADF runtime is available in the WebLogic 10.3.6 domain where RIHA will be installed.

RIHA model and view components needs ADF runtime to function properly.

Ensure the Firefox browser version is 3.5 or higher.

RIHA GUI works better in Firefox version 3.5 or higher.

Deploy EAR

RIHA app can be deployed from rib-home

Steps to deploy riha app from rib-home:

  1. Download the RibHospitalAdministration-Web-14.0.0ForAll14.x.xApps_eng_ga.tar and extract it to RIB_INSTALL/rib-home/tools-home

  2. Navigate to the location rib-home/tools-home/riha/conf

  3. Edit the with riha-admin-server-connection-url value

  4. Compiling the riha-app by executing tools-home/riha/bin: ./ -setup-security-credential

  5. Prepare weblogic for riha deployment by executing ( Creating Datasource for no of apps in scope of rib-deployment info xml) tools-home/riha/bin: ./ -prepare-wls

  6. Deployment by executing tools-home/riha/bin: ./ -deploy-riha-app

  7. Undeploying by executing tools-home/riha/bin: ./ -undeploy-riha-app


    1. The target server name where RIHA app should be deployed in riha-deployment properties

      For example:

      riha-wls-target-name=AdminServer - Means riha app will deploys to 'AdminServer'
      riha-wls-target-name=m1 - Means riha app will deploys to Managed Server 'm1'
    2. The cluster name where RIHA app should be deployed

      For example:

      riha-wls-target-name=no_cluster - Means riha app will deploys to target name given for the property riha-wls-target-name
      riha-wls-target-name=New_Cluster_1 - Means riha app will deploys to cluster named New_Cluster_1

Log in to the WebLogic Console

Log in to the WebLogic server console where RIHA will be installed.

Post Deployment Configuration

Test Deployment

  1. In the left pane, select Deployments > Applications.

  2. Select the installed RIHA application.

  3. Select Context > Test.

Integration Gateway Services (IGS) Installation - Information to Gather

The following are the details for the RIB AQ JMS.

Field Name Example Comment

Database Name


AQ Database instance name

Host Name

Database system



Database listener port

Database User Name

<rib aq user>

AQ user


<rib aq password>

AQ user password

IGS - Installation (Optional)

IGS - Verify Installation

Task Notes

Verify the IGS Application installation using the Administration Console.

For the Test Client link to be visible the server must be in Development mode.

For more detailed verification testing, see Chapter 4, "Integration Gateway Service (IGS) Testing," in the Oracle Retail Integration Guide Operations Guide.

Navigate to Deployments page.

Navigate to the Deployments page. On the Summary of Deployments page, locate the igs-service on. Click the plus sign next to the ig-service to expand the tree. Locate the Web Services section.

Click any Web service to move to Settings for ASNInPublishingService page.

For example, ASNInPublishingService.

Select the Testing tab.

Click the + next to the service name to expand the tree.

Locate the Test Client link. Select to move to the WebLogic Test Client page.

Select Ping operations.

Select the Ping operation. Fill in test data in the string arg0: text box. Click Ping.

The test page will show the request message and the response message.

Task Notes

Install IGS component.

This component is optional and should be installed only if there is a requirement to do so. See "Integration Gateway Services" in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Implementation Guide.

Prepare Oracle WebLogic Server

Prerequisite. Work with System and Application administrators on appropriate deployment. See "Integration Gateway Services" in the Oracle Retail Integration Bus Implementation Guide.

Create IGS WebLogic Server

The igs-service.ear file should be deployed on its own WebLogic server.

When naming the WebLog instance, it is recommended (but not required) that the .ear file name is used (without the extension), along with underscore, wls_instance.

For example, if the .ear file name is igs-service.ear, the instance name would be igs-service_wls_instance.

Prepare to deploy the IGS application:

The recommended location is rib-home/tools-home directory. There is an empty integration-bus-gateway-services subdirectory already there. This is only a placeholder.

Download the IntegrationGatewayService14.0.0ForAll14.0.0Apps_eng_ga.tar

Extract the tar file

>tar -xvf


Modify the file

Update the WlsUrl property in this file to the WebLogic URL where IGS is going to be deployed.

For example, t3://

Update the WlsTarget property in this file tothe name of the WebLogic instance to which it will be deployed.

For example, igs-service-wls-instance

Install IGS

Run the located under rib-home/tools-home/integration-bus-gateway-services/bin

The script will prompt for the WebLogic user name and password.

The script will configure the server and install IGS.