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Oracle® Retail Service Backbone Implementation Guide
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6 RSB Components

RSB is an integration product that consists of a kernel and other independently deployable components. These components are:

RSB Kernel - Infrastructure

RSB Kernel contains the core infrastructure of RSB. It is distributed as an archive file. When extracted it builds the directory structure required for the lifecycle management of other components of RSB. The archive contains the directory structure, scripts for various lifecycle operations and libraries required for RSB.

RSB Kernel includes tools for generation of OSB projects with built-in instrumentation, tools for automating lifecycle management of services and tools for automatic enablement of certified web service security policies.

The kernel must be downloaded to a directory where you want to place the rsb-home directory structure. rsb-home serves as the central configuration management location for retail services. It also enforces standardization and verification of retail enterprise services.

On extraction of the kernel, the entire directory structure and other required scripts and jars are created as required. Since all of the lifecycle operations are based on a well defined directory structure, the location and permissions of the kernel structure is very important.

After the kernel is extracted, other components of RSB are manually downloaded and copied to the location reserved for them. Again, it is important that these components are copied to the correct location.

RSB Admin Console App

The RSB admin console app is a web based ADF application called Retail Integration Console (RIC). In this release only monitoring features are supported. This tool offers many features including consolidated view of activities, message flow information, deployment topology, performance and diagnostic information as wells as an integration guide with detailed information.

RSB Admin application is a separate deployment unit that needs to downloaded and copied into the download-home/admin-app directory. The application is then compiled to incorporate the configuration changes for your environment. After compilation the application is deployed to the admin server using the deployer script.

This application can be accessed using the URL http://<host>:<port>/rsb-admin. Replace <host> and <port> with corresponding values of the AdminServer of the RSB domain.

RSB Functional Components

RSB Functional paks are distribution units for retail applications in the scope of integration. There are different types of functional components addressing various domains.

Integration guide

Integration guide is a collection of documents and architecture diagrams that describe in detail how the integration between various applications works. There is direct contextual link from RIC to the integration guide. Integration guide is deployed as a web application and links are dynamically generated at the RSB compilation phase to give maximum contextual relevance.

This is a separate download and deployment unit for RSB.

RSB Service Infrastructure DB

OSB and OWSM (Oracle Web Service Manager) policies require runtime database schema for its functioning. These database schemas are required to be created with Repository Creation Utility (RCU). This application is available in oracle download site ( It is important that the schemas are created with this tool. Manual creation of the required database components are error prone. It is also important that the RCU version must be the one mentioned in the installation documents. If you are creating schema in a different version of RCU, the OSB system may not work properly.

While creating the schema, you should choose a prefix (The recommended prefix is RSB) and select two schemas as highlighted in the diagram below. The tool will select any other dependent schemas. Please do not deselect these.

Surrounding text describes image006.png.

In addition to the OSB requirement, RSB needs a table created for its own functioning. RSB Instrumentation collects meta data and payload of the services invoked and persists into this table. It is recommended to keep the RSB table in a schema separate from OSB Schema.


See also RCU Users Guide