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Oracle® Retail Service Backbone Installation Guide
Release 14.1.2
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4 Preinstallation Tasks

Before you begin installation, check to be sure that you have the most recent version of this installation guide. Oracle Retail installation guides are available on the Oracle Technology Network.

Prepare WebLogic Application Server

Oracle Service Bus (OSB) supports 3 types of topologies: Admin-only, Admin + Managed Server and Cluster. The first two topologies are non-clustered topologies which are not high-available, therefore we recommend using Cluster topology and this document describes how to configure a sample cluster topology for RSB applications.

Steps for Configuring OSB Domain

This section describes step-by-step process of creating and configuring an OSB domain using the configuration wizard. In this configuration, there are following servers:

  • One Admin Server

  • Three Managed Servers: rsb_server1, rsb_server2 and rsb_http_proxy.

  • Cluster: The cluster consists of rsb_server1 and rsb_server2 as managed servers. OSB features are deployed on this cluster. Also, rsb_server1 hosts the singleton resources of OSB.

  • Managed server rsb_http_proxy acts as the proxy server of the cluster. It does not have OSB code installed on it.

Perform the following steps to create a new WebLogic domain:

  1. Run <WLS_HOME>/wlsserver_10.3/common/bin/config.sh.

  2. Select Create a new WebLogic domain option. Click Next.

    Surrounding text describes image001.png.
  3. Select the OSB features for the domain.

    Surrounding text describes image002.png.
  4. Enter the Domain name, for example: rsb_domain.

    Surrounding text describes image003.png.
  5. Enter Name (Username) and User password for the domain. Please note down the username and password. These are required again in the compilation phase of RSB.

    Surrounding text describes image004.png.
  6. Select the JDK (1.7) and Start Mode.

    Surrounding text describes image005.png.
  7. Provide the database details for SOAINFRA and MDS Schema. Connection details (as highlighted in the screenshot) for both schemas must be provided. The schema must be created already using the RCU tool. Specify configuration information for both schemas (in this example; rsb_soainfra and rsb_mds).

    Surrounding text describes image006.png.
  8. Test the JDBC Schema connection.

    Surrounding text describes image007.png.
  9. Select the options for creating managed servers and cluster.

    Surrounding text describes image008.png.
  10. Enter Admin Server details. If you are using SSL, you can enable SSL in this step and specify the SSL port.

    Surrounding text describes image009.png.
  11. Enter details of all managed servers. If you are using SSL, you can enable the SSL in this step and specify the SSL port. Click Next.

    Surrounding text describes image010.png.


    Due to known vulnerabilities, SSLv3.0 is not considered secure and should be disabled in WLS. For secured installations the latest TLS version is recommended

  12. Enter the cluster name.

    Surrounding text describes image011.png.
  13. Add managed servers to the cluster. Notice that the proxy server, rsb_http_proxy, is not added to the cluster because we need that server as the HTTP proxy of the cluster.

    Surrounding text describes image012.png.
  14. Enter HTTP Proxy details.

    Surrounding text describes image013.png.
  15. Configure Machine details. Click Unix Machine and specify the Name, Node Manager hostname and port. Click Next.

    Surrounding text describes image014.png.
  16. Add servers to the machine. Add all the servers.

    Surrounding text describes image015.png.
  17. The next screen shows all the deployments that have been targeted to appropriate servers. You must not make any changes in this screen.

    The next screen shows all the services that have been targeted to appropriate servers. You must not make any changes in this screen.

    Surrounding text describes image016.png.
  18. From the Configuration Summary page, click Create.

    Surrounding text describes image017.png.
  19. Domain creation confirmation page

    Surrounding text describes image018.png.
  20. Grant required permission for WebLogic to access the credential store. Edit the <wlsHome>/wlserver_10.3/server/lib/weblogic.policy file and add the following permission, after replacing <domain-home> with the correct value.

    grant codeBase "file:<domain-home>/-" {

    permission java.security.AllPermission;

    permission oracle.security.jps.service.credstore.CredentialAccessPermission "credstoressp.credstore", "read,write,update,delete";

    permission oracle.security.jps.service.credstore.CredentialAccessPermission "credstoressp.credstore.*", "read,write,update,delete";


  21. Edit the DOMAIN-HOME/bin/setDomainEnv.sh to add the max and min memory requirement for the servers. It is recommended to use 2GB or more for max memory.

    USER_MEM_ARGS="-Xms1024m -Xmx2048m -XX:MaxPermSize=1024m"

  22. If NodeManager is used to control the servers in the cluster, edit WL_HOME/common/nodemanager/nodemanager.properties file to change the StartScriptEnabled property to true and make sure the StartScriptName property is set to startWebLogic.sh. Below is a sample from the file:


HTTPS Configuration for WebLogic Server

If you are using https (for Policy A), you will have to configure the following:


For additional information on configuring Policy A or Policy B, see the Oracle Retail Service Backbone Security Guide.

  1. Enable https port for AdminServer, Http Proxy Server and all managed servers. Specify the Listen Address. The Listen Address must match the CN entry of the server certificate. Sometimes the CN entry of the server certificate is the fully qualified name (for example, rsbhost.example.com) instead of the short hostname (for example, rsbhost). If the entries do not match, the security configurations will not work.

    Surrounding text describes image019.png.
  2. Enable secure replication. Enable the Secure Replication Enabled option available in Environment --> Clusters --> <cluster name> --> Configuration --> Replication

    Surrounding text describes image020.png.
  3. Set the Frontend Hostname for the cluster. This should match the CN entry of the certificate. Environment --> Clusters --> <cluster name> --> Configuration --> HTTP

    Surrounding text describes image021.png.
  4. Enable WebLogic plug-in. Check WebLogic Plug-In Enabled checkbox in Environment --> Clusters --> <cluster name> --> Configuration --> General --> Advanced. After the change, Save, Activate Changes and restart the Admin Server.

    Surrounding text describes image022.png.