7.3 ハング・マネージャの診断およびロギング



また、ハングの検出に関する詳細な診断をトレース・ファイルで確認できます。トレース・ファイルとアラート・ログのファイル名はdatabase instance_dia0_で始まります。

  • トレース・ファイルは$ ADR_BASE/diag/rdbms/database name/database instance/incident/incdir_xxxxxxディレクトリに格納されます。

  • アラート・ログは$ ADR_BASE/diag/rdbms/database name/database instance/traceディレクトリに格納されます。

例7-1 ローカル・インスタンスのハング・マネージャ・トレース・ファイル


Trace Log File .../oracle/log/diag/rdbms/hm1/hm11/incident/incdir_111/hm11_dia0_11111_i111.trc
Oracle Database 12c Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
*** 2016-07-16T12:39:02.715475-07:00
HM: Hang Statistics - only statistics with non-zero values are listed

            current number of active sessions 3
              current number of hung sessions 1
  instance health (in terms of hung sessions) 66.67%
       number of cluster-wide active sessions 9
         number of cluster-wide hung sessions 5
   cluster health (in terms of hung sessions) 44.45%

*** 2016-07-16T12:39:02.715681-07:00
Resolvable Hangs in the System
                      Root       Chain Total               Hang
   Hang Hang          Inst Root  #hung #hung  Hang   Hang  Resolution
     ID Type Status   Num  Sess   Sess  Sess  Conf   Span  Action
  ----- ---- -------- ---- ----- ----- ----- ------ ------ -------------------
      1 HANG RSLNPEND    3    44     3     5   HIGH GLOBAL Terminate Process
  Hang Resolution Reason: Although hangs of this root type are typically
    self-resolving, the previously ignored hang was automatically resolved.

kjznshngtbldmp: Hang's QoS Policy and Multiplier Checksum 0x0

  Inst  Sess   Ser             Proc  Wait
   Num    ID    Num      OSPID  Name Event
  ----- ------ ----- --------- ----- -----
      1    111  1234     34567    FG gc buffer busy acquire
      1     22 12345     34568    FG gc current request
      3     44 23456     34569    FG not in wait

例7-2 ハングしたセッションを示すアラート・ログ内のエラー・メッセージ


Errors in file .../oracle/log/diag/rdbms/hm1/hm1/trace/hm1_dia0_i1111.trc  (incident=1111):
ORA-32701: Possible hangs up to hang ID=1 detected
Incident details in: .../oracle/log/diag/rdbms/hm1/hm1/incident/incdir_1111/hm1_dia0_11111_i1111.trc
DIA0 requesting termination of session sid:44 with serial # 23456 (ospid:34569) on instance 3
     due to a GLOBAL, HIGH confidence hang with ID=1.
     Hang Resolution Reason: Although hangs of this root type are typically
    self-resolving, the previously ignored hang was automatically resolved.
DIA0: Examine the alert log on instance 3 for session termination status of hang with ID=1.

例7-3 ハング・マネージャによって解決されたセッションのハングを示すアラート・ログ内のエラー・メッセージ


Errors in file .../oracle/log/diag/rdbms/hm1/hm11/trace/hm11_dia0_11111.trc  (incident=169):
ORA-32701: Possible hangs up to hang ID=1 detected
Incident details in: .../oracle/log/diag/rdbms/hm1/hm11/incident/incdir_169/hm11_dia0_30676_i169.trc
DIA0 terminating blocker (ospid: 30872 sid: 44 ser#: 23456) of hang with ID = 1
     requested by master DIA0 process on instance 1
     Hang Resolution Reason: Although hangs of this root type are typically
    self-resolving, the previously ignored hang was automatically resolved.
     by terminating session sid:44 with serial # 23456 (ospid:34569)
DIA0 successfully terminated session sid:44 with serial # 23456 (ospid:34569) with status 0.