5 Administering Oracle Database

This chapter describes how to administer Oracle Database 12c Release 2 for BS2000.

Common administration tasks are described in the following sections:

5.1 Using the SQL*Plus Utility

SQL*Plus is the primary command-line interface to administer your Oracle database. You can use SQL*Plus to start up and shut down the database, set database initialization parameters, create and manage users, create and alter database objects, and so on.

See Also:

“SQL*Plus” for more information about how to use SQL*Plus on Fujitsu BS2000

5.2 Startup and Parameter Files

Oracle uses the following parameter files when starting the database:

  1. The environment definition file ORAENV, which contains BS2000-specific information. In the ORAENV file, identify the database that has to be started or shut down. You can use this file to set the required environment variables.

  2. The initialization file INIT.ORA or the server parameter file SPFILE, which exists in all Oracle Database implementations and contains database-specific parameters.

This section describes the following:

5.2.1 The Environment Definition File ORAENV

The ORAENV file is identified by sid.P.ORAENV, where SID is the system identifier. The same ORAENV file must be used by SQL*Plus in BS2000 and by all background jobs.

If you use SQL*Plus in the POSIX shell, then you must specify the requested BS2000 parameters that are set in the ORAENV file. You can set the variables in the POSIX environment or use the facility to access the BS2000 ORAENV file as described in “Setting Variable in the POSIX Program Environment.”

Ensure that the value for sid in the POSIX file name oraenvsid matches the value of the environment variable ORACLE_SID. For example, if you created a POSIX file oraenvsid with sid in uppercase, then you must set the environment variable ORACLE_SID to exactly the same value.

$ export ORACLE_SID
$ sqlplus /nolog
$ SQL> connect / as sysdba

See Also:

5.2.2 The Initialization File INIT.ORA

To start up a database, you require the INIT.ORA parameter file. This file contains a list of specifications for the Oracle database. The platform independent parameters set up the instance and the database.

5.2.3 The Server Parameter File SPFILE

You can choose to maintain initialization parameters in a binary server parameter file. A server parameter file is initially built from a traditional text initialization parameter file using the CREATE SPFILE command. If you enter the following command:


where neither SPFILE name nor PFILE name is specified, then Oracle looks for a text initialization file sid.DBS.INIT.ORA and creates a server parameter file sid.DBS.SPFILE.ORA.

5.2.4 About Using the Initialization File

A default initialization file, called $ORACINST.DEMO.DBS.INIT.ORA, is distributed with Oracle Database. During database creation, this file is copied to the DBA user ID and renamed to sid.DBS.INIT.ORA, where sid is the 1 to 4 character system ID you specified at the beginning of the database creation procedure.

Oracle determines the value of sid by retrieving the ORASID environment variable defined in the ORAENV file for the database. When you issue the STARTUP command without specifying the PFILE, Oracle locates the initialization parameter file by examining file names in the following order:



  3. sid.DBS.INIT.ORA

If you want to use a different initialization file, then use the argument PFILE. For example, to bring up a previously created database using an initialization file called TEST.INIT.ORA, enter the following:


At the SQL*Plus prompt, enter:


5.3 Preparing a Remote Startup of a Database Instance Using SQL*Plus

This section describes the preparations that are required to start up a database instance remotely using SQL*Plus:

  1. Usually, Oracle Database 12c Release 2 listener parameter file, LISTENER.ORA does not contain a static service registration section (SID_LIST) for a database service. In case of a remote startup, you must define this section for the desired database. For example:
                         (SID_DESC = 
                          (SID_NAME = ORCL)))

    The listener must be running on the computer where you want to start the instance. The listener must statically register the instance. If the listener does not run under the same user ID as the instance that you want to start, then you must do one of the following:

    • Use the Oracle environment variables sid_USER, user_ACCOUNT, and user_PASSWORD to specify the required LOGON authorization parameters in the ORAENV file of the listener.

    • Use SECOS, Fujitsu's Security Control System for BS2000.

    See Also:

    "Configuring the Network" for more information
  2. Create a password file with the Oracle utility, ORAPWD under the user ID of the instance that you want to administer. To run the ORAPWD utility on BS2000, use the following command:
    *file=password_file password=my_password entries=10

    See Also:

    Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for more information about how to use the ORAPWD utility
  3. The name of the password file is derived from the SSSIDPWF parameter. Ensure that you add this parameter to the ORAENV file of the instance that you want to start:
    SSSIDPWF = password_file
  4. The parameter REMOTE_LOGIN_PASSWORDFILE must be set to EXCLUSIVE in the initialization file of the instance:
  5. Execute SQL*Plus on the remote computer and connect as user sys to a server task of the instance that you want to start. The following example shows the commands for SQL*Plus on a UNIX client. The net service name orcl_on_bs2000 is used to address the remote instance on the BS2000 computer:
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect sys@orcl_on_bs2000 as sysdba
    Enter password:
    SQL> startup

5.4 Automatic Diagnostic Repository

Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) is a file-based hierarchical data store for depositing diagnostic information produced by diagnostic framework clients. The repository contains data describing incidents, traces, dumps, alert logs, health check records, SQL Trace information, and other information essential for problem diagnosis.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for more information about Automatic Diagnostic Repository

This section describes the following:

5.4.1 Automatic Diagnostic Repository Directories and Files

Automatic Diagnostic Repository (ADR) is a directory structure that is stored outside of the database. It is therefore available for problem diagnosis when the database is down.

The directories and files of the Automatic Diagnostic Repository are stored in the POSIX file system.

See Also:

Oracle Database Administrator’s Guide for information about the directory structure

The ADR root directory is known as ADR base. Its location is set by the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST initialization parameter. For example:


If this parameter is omitted or left null, then the database sets the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter upon startup as follows:

  • If the environment variable ORACLE_BASE is set, then the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter is set to the directory designated by ORACLE_BASE.

  • If the environment variable ORACLE_BASE is not set, then the DIAGNOSTIC_DEST parameter is set to ORACLE_HOME/log.

Within ADR base, there can be multiple ADR homes, where each ADR home is the root directory for all diagnostic data, such as, traces, dumps, alert log, and so on, for a particular instance of a particular Oracle product or component.

Oracle Net Services also stores diagnostic data in the ADR. The location for diagnostic information for Oracle Net Services is set by the ADR_BASE and ADR_BASE_listener_name parameters. These are set in the sqlnet.ora and listener.ora Oracle Net Services parameter files.

See Also:

Oracle Database Net Services Administrator's Guide for more information about diagnostic information for Oracle Net Services

You can read the text files of the Automatic Diagnostic Repository with text editors such as vi or edtu, or with POSIX shell commands such as cat or more.

You can investigate ADR with the ADRCI utility.

5.4.2 ADR Command Interpreter Utility

ADR Command Interpreter (ADRCI) utility enables you to investigate problems, view health check reports, and package first-failure diagnostic data within a command-line environment. You can then upload the package to Oracle Support. ADRCI also enables you to view the following:

  • Names of the trace files in the ADR.

  • Alert log with XML tags stripped, with and without content filtering.

You must execute the ADRCI command-line utility in the POSIX shell. Before you start the ADRCI utility, you must set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable. The system variable PATH must be extended by the path name of the Oracle bin directory, $ORACLE_HOME/bin. You can set the environment variables by executing the .profile.oracle profile in the appropriate Oracle home directory. Additional environment variables, such as ORACLE_SID, are not required.

See Also:

After setting these environment variables, start the ADRCI utility in the POSIX shell by entering adrci after the POSIX shell command prompt.


You cannot start the ADRCI utility in the BS2000 program environment. ADRCI utility must be started in the POSIX shell.

Display the current ADR base with the ADRCI show base command. The current ADR home can be displayed with the show homes command.

Set ADR base with the set base command. You can set ADR home with the set home command.

The show alert command shows the contents of the alert log in a text editor.

If you use a blockmode terminal, then the default editor for ADRCI on Fujitsu BS2000 is edtu. If you use an xterm terminal, after having logged in to POSIX through rlogin or ssh, then the default editor for ADRCI is vi.

You can either select the preferred text editor by setting the environment variable EDITOR before starting the ADRCI utility or specify your preferred text editor within ADRCI with the ADRCI set editor command.


The editor vi does not work on blockmode terminals and the editor edtu does not work on xterm terminals.

With ADRCI, you can invoke Incident Packaging Service (IPS) to create packages for incidents with the following commands:

ips create package
ips generate package

Upload the resulting zip file to Oracle Support.