14 External Procedures

This chapter describes how to create an environment on BS2000, where external C procedure calls can operate. External JAVA methods are not supported on BS2000.

This chapter complements the chapter about External Procedures in the Oracle Database Development Guide.


The default configuration for external procedures does not require a network listener to work with Oracle Database and the extproc agent. The extproc agent is spawned directly by Oracle Database and eliminates the risks that the extproc agent might be spawned by Oracle Listener unexpectedly. This default configuration is recommended for maximum security.

You can change the default configuration for external procedures and have the extproc agent spawned by Oracle Listener. To do this, you must perform additional network configuration steps.

Having the extproc agent spawned by Oracle Listener is necessary if you use:

The AGENT clause of the LIBRARY specification or the AGENT IN clause of the PROCEDURE specification such that you can redirect external procedures to a different extproc agent.

14.1 Loading External Procedures

This section complements the corresponding part in Oracle Database Development Guide. It shows how to use an external C procedure stored in a dynamic load library (DLL) with Oracle on BS2000. In this context a DLL is specified as a LMS library in the BS2000 environment or a shared object in the POSIX environment.

Perform the following steps to load external procedures:

14.1.1 Define C Procedures

Define the C procedures using one of the prototypes.

Refer to Oracle Database Development Guide for the prototypes. Compile the C procedures either in the BS2000 environment or in the POSIX program environment.

BS2000 Program Environment

Compile the program using the BS2000 C/C++ compiler. The created LLM object must be stored in a LMS library. You must consider the default settings LOWER-CASE-NAMES=*NO and SPECIAL-CHARACTERS=*CONVERT-TO-DOLLAR of the C/C++ compiler option MODULE-PROPERTIES. These default settings cause the conversion of all lowercase letters in the entry names to uppercase and of all underscores (_) in the entry names to dollar signs ($).

POSIX Program Environment

Use the POSIX installation of the BS2000 C/C++ compiler to compile the program in the POSIX shell. You must consider that on default lower case letters in entry names will be translated to upper case letters and underscores in entry names will be translated to dollar signs. Use the option –K llm_case_lower,llm_keep to retain lower case letters and underscore characters when entry names are generated.

The example shows how to compile the source C_concat.c:
$ /usr/bin/cc -c -K llm_case_lower,llmcase_lower -B 
extended_external_names -D_OSD_POSIX –I 
/u01/app/oracle/product/12.2.0/dbhome_1/rdbms/public C_concat.c

Use the tool genso to generate a shared object. The following example illustrates how to create the shared object C_utils.so for the C procedure, char *concat(ctx, str1, str1_i, str2, str2_i, ret_i, ret_l) in the source file C_concat.c :

$ /usr/bin/genso -o lib/C_utils.so C_concat.o

Refer to Oracle Database Development Guide for the C code example.

14.1.2 Set Up the Environment

When you use the default configuration for external procedures, Oracle Database spawns extproc directly. You need not make configuration changes for listener.ora and tnsnames.ora. Define the environment variables to be used by external procedures in the file extproc.ora located at $ORACLE_HOME/hs/admin using this syntax:

SET name=value (environment_variable_name=value)

If the load library is a BS2000 LMS library you must set the variable EXTPROC_DLLS to ANY, For example:


If the load library is a POSIX shared object you can set the variable EXTPROC_DLLS as described in Oracle Database Development Guide. If you have not specified the full qualified file path for the shared object then you must set the variable LD_LIBRARY_PATH. Following is an example of an extproc.ora file for the shared object file C_utils.so, which resides in the /home/oracle/lib directory:

SET LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/oracle/lib

To change the default configuration for external procedures and have your extproc agent spawned by Oracle Listener, configure your listener.ora and tnsnames.ora as follows. The listener.ora file must have the following entries:


      (ENVS=”EXTPROC_DLLS=ANY LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/home/oracle/lib”)
      (PROGRAM= extproc)))

Assign the environment variables to be used by external procedures to the parameter ENVS. When extproc.ora is in use, it precedes the same environment variables of ENVS in listener.ora file.

The tnsnames.ora file must have the following entry:


Now, you can start the extproc listener.

14.1.3 Identify the DLL

The objects in the DLL contain the functions called as external procedures. When extproc is loaded, these functions are dynamically linked to the program. Use the CREATE LIBRARY statement to create a schema object called an alias library, which represents the DLL. The name of the DLL must match the filename specified in the value of the extproc.ora variable EXTPROC_DLLS.

CREATE LIBRARY [schema_name.]library_name
  {IS | AS} 'file_path'
  [AGENT 'agent_link'];

For the default configuration you must not specify the parameter AGENT. An example for a BS2000 LMS library is as follows:

CREATE LIBRARY C_utils AS '[$extp_userid.]C.UTILS.MODLIB';

An example for a POSIX shared object is:

CREATE LIBRARY C_utils AS '[path/]C_utils.so';

If you want to change the default configuration for external procedures and have your extproc spawned by an Oracle Listener, then you must define a database link which is used with the AGENT parameter of the CREATE LIBRARY statement.

CREATE DATABASE LINK agent_link USING 'extproc_agent';

14.1.4 Publishing External Procedures

Oracle Database can use only external procedures that are published through a call specification, which maps names, parameter types, and return types for your C external procedures to their SQL counterparts. It is written like any other PL/SQL stored procedure except that, in its body, instead of declarations and a BEGIN END block, you code the AS LANGUAGE clause.

The following example illustrates how you can publish an External Procedure as a PL/SQL function:

   str1 IN VARCHAR2,  
   str2 IN VARCHAR2)  
NAME "concat" 
LIBRARY C_utils 
str1   STRING,  
str1   INDICATOR short,  
str2   STRING,  
str2   INDICATOR short,  

14.1.5 Running External Procedures

Calling an external C procedure depends on the type of publishing the external procedure as a PL/SQL procedure, package. or function.

An example of how to publish the external C procedure as a PL/SQL function is described in the Oracle Database Development Guide.

You can also run this function within a select statement as follows:

select plsToC_concat_func('hello ', 'world') from DUAL;

If your external procedure writes messages to STDOUT, then you can find these messages in the L.sid.EXTP.SYSOUT.tsn file. Set the environment variable BGJOUT to KEEP to avoid the cleanup of the L.sid.EXTP.SYSOUT.tsn file.