3.1 About R and Oracle R Enterprise

Oracle R Enterprise requires an installation of R on the server computer and on each client computer that interacts with the server.

R is third-party, open source software. Open source R is governed by GNU General Public License (GPL) and not by Oracle licensing.

See Also:

3.1.1 About ROracle

ROracle is an open source R package that enables interaction between R and an Oracle database. ROracle is maintained and supported by Oracle.

ROracle is one of the open source supporting packages that is used by Oracle R Enterprise. The supporting packages are introduced in Client and Server Components of Oracle R Enterprise and described in Table 6-2.

3.1.2 Oracle R Distribution and Oracle R Enterprise

Oracle recommends that you use Oracle R Distribution, Oracle's free distribution of R, with Oracle R Enterprise. Oracle R Distribution offers significant advantages for Oracle R Enterprise.

Why Oracle R Distribution?

  • Oracle R Distribution simplifies the installation of R for Oracle R Enterprise.

  • Oracle R Distribution is supported by Oracle for customers of Oracle Advanced Analytics, Oracle Linux, and Oracle Big Data Appliance.

  • On Windows and Linux, Oracle R Distribution simplifies integration with the Intel Math Kernel Library (MKL). MKL greatly improves the performance of many mathematical computations in R, including highly vectorized and threaded Linear Algebra, Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT), Vector Math, and Statistics functions. (See Configuring Oracle R Distribution to Use MKL on the Client.)

  • On Oracle Solaris, Oracle R Distribution automatically uses Sun Performance Library. Like MKL for Linux and Windows, Sun Performance Library offers improved performance of many mathematical computations. Sun Performance Library is part of Oracle Solaris Studio.

3.1.3 Open Source R and Oracle R Enterprise

Although Oracle recommends that you use Oracle R Distribution whenever possible, you can use open source R with Oracle R Enterprise.

If you choose to use open source R, then you must build it from source. Use the following configuration parameters:

./configure  --with-lapack --with-ICU=no --enable-R-shlib

See Also:

The R Installation and Administration manual at R Manuals for information about building R from source