6.1 About Oracle R Enterprise Client

Oracle R Enterprise includes several components that must be installed separately on each client computer.

Components of Oracle R Enterprise Client

The Oracle R Enterprise client components can be installed in any order:

See Also:

Figure 1-2 for an illustration of the client and server components of Oracle R Enterprise

6.1.1 About Oracle Database Client Software

ROracle, one of the supporting packages used by Oracle R Enterprise, requires an installation of Oracle Database client software to enable communication between an R client and an Oracle database. The Database client can be either Oracle Database Client or Oracle Database Instant Client:

  • Oracle Database Client is distributed with Oracle Database and is based in the Oracle home of the database.

  • Oracle Database Instant Client is a free, standalone implementation of Oracle Database Client. Oracle Instant Client is not based in an Oracle home directory and requires less disk space than Oracle Database Client.

6.1.2 About the Oracle R Enterprise Packages

The Oracle R Enterprise packages are a set of Oracle proprietary packages that support Oracle R Enterprise.

These packages are required on each client computer and on the server computer that hosts Oracle R Enterprise Server. On the server, the Oracle R Enterprise packages are installed automatically by the Oracle R Enterprise Server installation script.


The version of the Oracle R Enterprise packages on the client must match the version of the Oracle R Enterprise packages on the server.

Table 6-1 Oracle R Enterprise Packages

Package Name Description


The top-level package for Oracle R Enterprise.


Corresponds to the open source R base package.


Contains common low-level functionality for Oracle R Enterprise.


Exposes Oracle Data Mining algorithms through R.


Transparently implements dplyr data manipulation functions for ore.frame and ore.numeric objects.


Contains functions for exploratory data analysis.


Supports embedded R.


Corresponds to the open source R graphics package.


Contains functions for advanced analytical modeling.


Enables scoring data in Oracle Database using R models.


Corresponds to the open source R stats package.


Supports XML translation between R and Oracle Database.

6.1.3 About the Oracle R Enterprise Supporting Packages

The supporting packages are a set of open source packages that support the Oracle R Enterprise packages.

Table 6-2 Oracle R Enterprise Supporting Packages

Package Name Description


Provides the infrastructure for representing, manipulating, and analyzing transactional data and patterns (frequent itemsets and association rules).


Supports graphic rendering on Oracle R Enterprise server.


A database interface definition for communication between R and Oracle Database.


Supports the reading and writing of PNG images for Oracle R Enterprise objects.


Provides classification and regression based on a forest of trees using random inputs.


Oracle Database interface for R-based OCI.


Provides statistical modeling functions, including growth curve comparisons, limiting dilution analysis, mixed linear models, heteroscedastic regression, Tweedie family generalized linear models, the inverse-Gaussian distribution and Gauss quadrature.