6.2 Installing Oracle Database Instant Client

Oracle R Enterprise requires Oracle Database client software.

Oracle Instant Client is suitable for most configurations of Oracle R Enterprise.

This topic includes these sections:

6.2.1 Installing Oracle Database Instant Client on Windows

To Install Oracle Instant Client on Windows:

  1. Create an installation directory for the Oracle R Enterprise client components. For example:

  2. Go to the Oracle Database Instant Client page on the Oracle Technology Network.

  3. Select See Instant Client downloads for all platforms.

  4. On the Instant Client Downloads page, select Instant Client for Microsoft Windows (x64).

  5. On the Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows (x64) page, accept the license agreement.

  6. Choose Instant Client Package - Basic for your version of Oracle Database.

  7. Save the file in the installation directory that you created in Step 1. For example:

  8. Unzip the file. The files are extracted into a subdirectory called instantclient_version, where version is your version of Oracle Database. For example:

  9. Return to the Instant Client Downloads for Microsoft Windows (x64) page.

  10. Accept the license agreement and select Instant Client Package - SDK for your version of Oracle Database.

  11. Save the file in the installation directory that you created in Step 1.

  12. Unzip the file. The files are extracted into the instantclient_version subdirectory.

  13. Add the full path of the Instant Client to the environment variables OCI_LIB64 and PATH. The following steps set the variables to the path used in this example, c:\myoreclient\instantclient_12_1:

    1. In Windows Control Panel, choose System, then click Advanced system settings.

    2. On the Advanced tab, click Environment Variables.

    3. Under System variables, create OCI_LIB64 if it does not already exist. Set the value of OCI_LIB64 to c:\oreclient\instantclient_12_1.

    4. Under System variables, edit PATH to include c:\oreclient\instantclient_12_1.

6.2.2 Installing Oracle Database Instant Client on Linux or UNIX

You can install Oracle Database Instant Client from a zip file on Linux or UNIX systems.

On Linux, you can also install from RPMs.

This topic includes these sections: Installing Oracle Instant Client from a Zip File

  1. Create an installation directory for the Oracle R Enterprise client components. For example:
    mkdir oreclient_install_dir
  2. Go to the Oracle Database Instant Client page on the Oracle Technology Network:
  3. Select See Instant Client downloads for all platforms. On the Instant Client Downloads page, select the Instant Client for your platform.
  4. Accept the license agreement and select the Instant Client Package - Basic RPM for your version of Oracle Database.
  5. Save the file in the installation directory that you created in Step 1. For example:
  6. Unzip the file. The files are extracted into a subdirectory called instantclient_version, where version is your version of Oracle Database. For example:
    unzip instantclient-basic-linux.x64-
  7. Return to the Oracle Database Instant Client page for your platform.
  8. Select the Instant Client for your platform.
  9. On the Instant Client Downloads page for your platform, accept the license agreement and select Instant Client Package - SDK for your version of Oracle Database.
  10. Save the file in the installation directory that you created in Step 1. For example:
  11. Unzip the file. The contents are extracted into the instantclient_version subdirectory.
    unzip instantclient-sdk-linux.x64-
    cd instantclinet_12_1
      /vc11 Installing Oracle Instant Client on Linux from RPMs

  1. Create an installation directory for the Oracle R Enterprise client components. For example:
    mkdir oreclient_install_dir
  2. Go to the Oracle Database Instant Client page on the Oracle Technology Network:
  3. Choose See Instant Client downloads for all platforms.
  4. On the Instant Client Downloads page, choose Instant Client for Linux x86-64.
  5. On the Instant Client Downloads page for Linux, accept the license agreement and select the RPM for Instant Client Package - Basic.
  6. As the root user, install the RPM:
    rpm -i oracle-instantclient12.1-basic-
  7. Return to the Instant Client Downloads page for Linux x86-64.
  8. Accept the license agreement and download the RPM for Instant Client Package - SDK for your version of Oracle Database. As root, install the RPM:
    rpm -i oracle-instantclient12.1-sdk-
  9. The RPMs place the files in standard locations that the ROracle configuration script can find. For example, Oracle Instant Client 12.1 is installed in/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib.
  10. After installing Oracle Instant Client, add the path of the Oracle Instant Client libraries to LD_LIBRARY_PATH. For example:
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/lib/oracle/12.1/client64/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH