5.4 Installing Oracle R Enterprise Server Across Exadata Compute Nodes

This section explains how to run DCLI to install Oracle R Enterprise Server across multiple Exadata Linux compute nodes.

The commands are summarized in DCLI Commands Summary for Oracle R Enterprise Server.


Before beginning the installation, review the instructions for installing Oracle R Enterprise Server in Installing Oracle R Enterprise Server.

To install Oracle R Enterprise Server on Exadata using DCLI, follow these steps:

  1. Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME, ORACLE_SID, R_HOME, PATH, and LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variables are properly set on each node, and are defined in the same shell where the DCLI script will run. For example, you could specify values like the following in a bashrc file:

    export ORACLE_HOME=/hostname/app/oracle/product/release_number/dbhome_1
    export ORACLE_SID=ORCL
    export R_HOME=/usr/lib64/R
    export PATH=$PATH:$R_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/bin
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$RHOME_lib:$R_HOME/port/Linux-X64/lib
  2. Go to the Oracle R Enterprise page on the Oracle Technology Network.

    Select Oracle R Enterprise Downloads. On the Downloads page, select Oracle R Enterprise Server and the Supporting Packages for Linux. The following files are downloaded for Oracle R Enterprise, where version is the Oracle R Enterprise, release number.

  3. Log in as root, and copy the installers for Oracle R Enterprise Server and the supporting packages across nodes. For example:

    $ dcli -g nodes -l oracle mkdir -p /home/oracle/ORE
    $ dcli -g nodes -l oracle -f ore-server-linux-x86-64-version.zip -d 
    $ dcli -g nodes -l oracle -f ore-supporting-linux-x86-64-version.zip -d 
  4. Unzip the Oracle R Enterprise Server bundle on each node:

    $ dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle unzip
         /home/oracle/ORE/ore-server-linux-x86-64-version.zip -d
  5. Unzip the supporting packages on each node:

    $ dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle unzip   
         /home/oracle/ORE/ore-supporting-linux-x86-64-version.zip -d 
  6. Install Oracle R Enterprise server components:

    $ dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle "cd /my_destination_directory; ./server.sh -y
          --admin --sys syspassword --perm permtablespace
          --temp temptablespace --rqsys rqsyspassword
          --user-perm usertablespace --user-temp usertemptablespace
          --pass rquserpassword --user RQUSER"


    The server script creates a user for Oracle R Enterprise. By default, the script does not grant the rqadmin role to the user.

    Any Oracle R Enterprise user can execute embedded R, but only those with the rqadmin role can create and drop the R scripts in the database. Use caution when granting the rqadmin role.

    For more information about the role, see About the RQADMIN Role.

  7. Verify Oracle R Enterprise loads.

    > library(ORE)
    Loading required package: OREbase
    Attaching package: OREbase
    The following objects are masked from âpackage:baseâ:
        cbind, data.frame, eval, interaction, order, paste, pmax, pmin,
        rbind, table
    Loading required package: OREembed
    Loading required package: OREstats
    Loading required package: MASS
    Loading required package: OREgraphics
    Loading required package: OREeda
    Loading required package: OREmodels
    Loading required package: OREdm
    Loading required package: lattice
    Loading required package: OREpredict
    Loading required package: ORExml 

5.4.1 DCLI Commands Summary for Oracle R Enterprise Server

The DCLI commands used to install Oracle R Enterprise Server and the supporting packages on a Linux Exadata system are listed in the following example.

Example 5-3 DCLI Command Summary for Oracle R Enterprise Server

dcli -g nodes -l oracle mkdir -p /home/oracle/ORE
dcli -g nodes -l oracle -f ore-server-linux-x86-64-version.zip -d
dcli -g nodes -l oracle -f ore-supporting-linux-x86-64-version.zip -d
dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle unzip
     /home/oracle/ORE/ore-server-linux-x86-64-version.zip -d
dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle /home/oracle/ORE/server.sh
sqlplus / as sysdba
grant RQADMIN to rquser;
dcli -t -g nodes -l oracle ORE -e "library(ORE)"