4.2.1 About Building Oracle Data Mining Models using Oracle R Enterprise

Oracle Data Mining can mine tables, views, star schemas, transactional data, and unstructured data. The OREdm functions provide R interfaces that use arguments that conform to typical R usage for corresponding predictive analytics and data mining functions.

This section has the following topics: Oracle Data Mining Models Supported by Oracle R Enterprise

The functions in the OREdm package provide access to the in-database data mining functionality of Oracle Database. You use these functions to build data mining models in the database.

The following table lists the Oracle R Enterprise functions that build Oracle Data Mining models and the corresponding Oracle Data Mining algorithms and functions.

Table 4-2 Oracle R Enterprise Data Mining Model Functions

Oracle R Enterprise Function Oracle Data Mining Algorithm Oracle Data Mining Function


Minimum Description Length

Attribute Importance for Classification or Regression



Association Rules


Decision Tree



(12.2 feature)

Expectation Maximization



(12.2 feature)

Explicit Semantic Analysis

Feature Extraction


Generalized Linear Models

Classification and Regression





Naive Bayes



Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

Feature Extraction


Orthogonal Partitioning Cluster (O-Cluster)



(12.2 feature)

Extensible R Algorithm

Association Rules, Attribute Importance, Classification, Clustering, Feature Extraction, and Regression


(12.2 feature)

Singular Value Decomposition

Feature Extraction


Support Vector Machines

Classification and Regression About Oracle Data Mining Models Built by Oracle R Enterprise Functions

In each OREdm R model object, the slot name (or fit.name) is the name of the underlying Oracle Data Mining model generated by the OREdm function. While the R model exists, the Oracle Data Mining model name can be used to access the Oracle Data Mining model through other interfaces, including:

  • Oracle Data Miner

  • Any SQL interface, such as SQL*Plus or SQL Developer

    In particular, the models can be used with the Oracle Data Mining SQL prediction functions.

With Oracle Data Miner you can do the following:

  • Get a list of available models

  • Use model viewers to inspect model details

  • Score appropriately transformed data


Any transformations performed in the R space are not carried over into Oracle Data Miner or SQL scoring.

Users can also get a list of models using SQL for inspecting model details or for scoring appropriately transformed data.

By default, models built using OREdm functions are transient objects; they do not persist past the R session in which they were built unless they are explicitly saved in an Oracle R Enterprise datastore. Oracle Data Mining models built using Data Miner or SQL, on the other hand, exist until they are explicitly dropped.

Model objects can be saved or persisted. Saving a model object generated by an OREdm function allows it to exist across R sessions and keeps the corresponding Oracle Data Mining object in place. While the OREdm model exists, you can export and import it; then you can use it apart from the Oracle R Enterprise R object existence.

You can use the MODEL_NAME parameter in odm.settings to explicitly name an Oracle Data Mining object created in the database. The named Oracle Data Mining model object persists in the database just like those created using Oracle Data Miner or SQL. Partitioning and Text Mining

Beginning with Oracle Database 12c, Release 2 (12.2), functions in the Oracle Data Mining package have an argument that specifies settings for an Oracle Data Mining model and some have an argument for setting text mining parameters.

With the odm.setting argument to an OREdm function, you can specify a list of Oracle Data Mining parameter settings. Each list element's name and value refer to the parameter setting name and value, respectively. The setting value must be numeric or string. Refer to Oracle Data Mining User’s Guide for each algorithm's valid settings.

The settings function returns a data.frame that lists each Oracle Data Mining parameter setting name and value pair used to build the model.

Partitioned Oracle Data Mining Models

A partitioned model is an ensemble model that consists of multiple sub-models. To create a partitioned Oracle Data Mining model, use the odm.setting argument with ODMS_PARTITION_COLUMNS as the name and with the names of the columns by which to partition the input data as the value. The OREdm function returns a model with a sub-model for each partition. The partitions are based on the unique values found in the columns.

Partitioned models can automate scoring by allowing you to reference the top-level model only, which causes the proper sub-model to be chosen based on the values of the partitioned column or columns for each row of data to be scored.

The partitions function returns an ore.frame that lists each partition of the specified model object and the associated partition column values of the model. Partition names are system-determined. The function returns NULL for a non-partitioned model.

Text Mining Attribute Settings

Some OREdm functions have a ctx.settings argument that specifies text mining attribute settings with which you can specify Oracle Text attribute-specific settings. With the odm.settings argument, you can specify the Oracle text policy, the minimal number of documents in which each token occurs, and the maximum number of distinct features for text mining. With the ctx.settings argument, you specify the columns that should be treated as text and the type of text transformation to apply.

The ctx.settings argument applies to the following functions:

  • ore.odmESA, Explicit Semantic Analysis

  • ore.odmGLM, Generalized Linear Models

  • ore.odmKMeans, k-Means

  • ore.odmNMF, Non-Negative Matrix Factorization

  • ore.odmSVD, Singular Value Decomposition

  • ore.odmSVM, Support Vector Machines


To create an Oracle Text policy, the user must have the CTXSYS.CTX_DDL privilege.

See Also:

Creating a Model that Includes Text Mining in Oracle Data Mining User’s Guide for valid text attribute values.

Example 4-8 Example of Text Mining with ore.odmKMeans

This example uses the odm.settings and ctx.settings arguments. The figure following the example shows the output of the histogram(km.mod1) function.

x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
           matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")

X <- ore.push (data.frame(x))
km.mod1 <- NULL
km.mod1 <- ore.odmKMeans(~., X, num.centers = 2)

km.res1 <- predict(km.mod1,X,type="class",supplemental.cols=c("x","y"))
km.res1.local <- ore.pull(km.res1)
plot(data.frame(x = km.res1.local$x, 
                      y = km.res1.local$y), 
                      col = km.res1.local$CLUSTER_ID)
points(km.mod1$centers2, col = rownames(km.mod1$centers2), pch = 8, cex=2)


# Text mining with ore.odmKMeans
title <- c('Aids in Africa: Planning for a long war',
                 'Mars rover maneuvers for rim shot',
                 'Mars express confirms presence of water at Mars south pole',
                 'NASA announces major Mars rover finding',
                 'Drug access, Asia threat in focus at AIDS summit',
                 'NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS image: typical crater',
                 'Road blocks for Aids')
response <- c('Aids', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Aids', 'Mars', 'Aids')

# TEXT contents in character column
KM_TEXT <- ore.push(data.frame(CUST_ID = seq(length(title)),
                                                 RESPONSE = response, TITLE = title))

# Create text policy (CTXSYS.CTX_DDL privilege is required)
ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.create_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

# text column attribute specification
km.mod <- ore.odmKMeans( ~ TITLE, data = KM_TEXT, num.centers = 2L,
                odm.settings = list(ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL",
                                               ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS = 1,
                                               ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES = 3,
                                    kmns_distance = "dbms_data_mining.kmns_cosine",
                                    kmns_details = "kmns_details_all"),
                ctx.settings = list(TITLE = "TEXT(TOKEN_TYPE:STEM)"))
print(predict(km.mod, KM_TEXT, supplemental.cols = "RESPONSE"), digits = 3L)

ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.drop_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

Listing for This Example

R> x <- rbind(matrix(rnorm(100, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2),
+             matrix(rnorm(100, mean = 1, sd = 0.3), ncol = 2))
R> colnames(x) <- c("x", "y")
R> X <- ore.push (data.frame(x))
R> km.mod1 <- NULL
R> km.mod1 <- ore.odmKMeans(~., X, num.centers = 2)
R> km.mod1

ore.odmKMeans(formula = ~., data = X, num.centers = 2)

clus.num.clusters                                  2
block.growth                                       2
conv.tolerance                                  0.01
details                                  details.all
distance                                   euclidean
iterations                                         3
min.pct.attr.support                             0.1
num.bins                                          10
random.seed                                        0
split.criterion                             variance
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                         ON

R> summary(km.mod1)

ore.odmKMeans(formula = ~., data = X, num.centers = 2)

clus.num.clusters                                  2
block.growth                                       2
conv.tolerance                                  0.01
details                                  details.all
distance                                   euclidean
iterations                                         3
min.pct.attr.support                             0.1
num.bins                                          10
random.seed                                        0
split.criterion                             variance
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
prep.auto                                         ON

            x          y
2 -0.07638266 0.04449368
3  0.98493306 1.00864399

R> rules(km.mod1)
   cluster.id rhs.support rhs.conf lhr.support lhs.conf lhs.var lhs.var.support lhs.var.conf   predicate
1           1         100      1.0          92     0.86       x              86    0.2222222 x <= 1.2209
2           1         100      1.0          92     0.86       x              86    0.2222222 x >= -.6188
3           1         100      1.0          86     0.86       y              86    0.4444444 y <= 1.1653
4           1         100      1.0          86     0.86       y              86    0.4444444  y > -.3053
5           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       x              48    0.0870793  x <= .4324
6           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       x              48    0.0870793 x >= -.6188
7           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       y              48    0.0893300  y <= .5771
8           2          50      0.5          48     0.96       y              48    0.0893300  y > -.5995
9           3          50      0.5          49     0.98       x              49    0.0852841 x <= 1.7465
10          3          50      0.5          49     0.98       x              49    0.0852841   x > .4324
11          3          50      0.5          50     0.98       y              49    0.0838225 y <= 1.7536
12          3          50      0.5          50     0.98       y              49    0.0838225   y > .2829

R> clusterhists(km.mod1)
   cluster.id variable bin.id lower.bound upper.bound               label count
1           1        x      1 -0.61884662 -0.35602715 -.6188466:-.3560272     6
2           1        x      2 -0.35602715 -0.09320769 -.3560272:-.0932077    17
3           1        x      3 -0.09320769  0.16961178  -.0932077:.1696118    15
4           1        x      4  0.16961178  0.43243125   .1696118:.4324312    11
5           1        x      5  0.43243125  0.69525071   .4324312:.6952507     8
6           1        x      6  0.69525071  0.95807018   .6952507:.9580702    17
7           1        x      7  0.95807018  1.22088965  .9580702:1.2208896    18
8           1        x      8  1.22088965  1.48370911 1.2208896:1.4837091     4
9           1        x      9  1.48370911  1.74652858 1.4837091:1.7465286     4
10          1        y      1 -0.89359597 -0.59946141  -.893596:-.5994614     2
11          1        y      2 -0.59946141 -0.30532685 -.5994614:-.3053269     4
12          1        y      3 -0.30532685 -0.01119230 -.3053269:-.0111923    11
13          1        y      4 -0.01119230  0.28294226  -.0111923:.2829423    24
14          1        y      5  0.28294226  0.57707682   .2829423:.5770768    13
15          1        y      6  0.57707682  0.87121138   .5770768:.8712114    12
16          1        y      7  0.87121138  1.16534593  .8712114:1.1653459    26
17          1        y      8  1.16534593  1.45948049 1.1653459:1.4594805     5
18          1        y      9  1.45948049  1.75361505  1.4594805:1.753615     3
19          2        x      1 -0.61884662 -0.35602715 -.6188466:-.3560272     6
20          2        x      2 -0.35602715 -0.09320769 -.3560272:-.0932077    17
21          2        x      3 -0.09320769  0.16961178  -.0932077:.1696118    15
22          2        x      4  0.16961178  0.43243125   .1696118:.4324312    10
23          2        x      5  0.43243125  0.69525071   .4324312:.6952507     2
24          2        x      6  0.69525071  0.95807018   .6952507:.9580702     0
25          2        x      7  0.95807018  1.22088965  .9580702:1.2208896     0
26          2        x      8  1.22088965  1.48370911 1.2208896:1.4837091     0
27          2        x      9  1.48370911  1.74652858 1.4837091:1.7465286     0
28          2        y      1 -0.89359597 -0.59946141  -.893596:-.5994614     2
29          2        y      2 -0.59946141 -0.30532685 -.5994614:-.3053269     4
30          2        y      3 -0.30532685 -0.01119230 -.3053269:-.0111923    11
31          2        y      4 -0.01119230  0.28294226  -.0111923:.2829423    24
32          2        y      5  0.28294226  0.57707682   .2829423:.5770768     9
33          2        y      6  0.57707682  0.87121138   .5770768:.8712114     0
34          2        y      7  0.87121138  1.16534593  .8712114:1.1653459     0
35          2        y      8  1.16534593  1.45948049 1.1653459:1.4594805     0
36          2        y      9  1.45948049  1.75361505  1.4594805:1.753615     0
37          3        x      1 -0.61884662 -0.35602715 -.6188466:-.3560272     0
38          3        x      2 -0.35602715 -0.09320769 -.3560272:-.0932077     0
39          3        x      3 -0.09320769  0.16961178  -.0932077:.1696118     0
40          3        x      4  0.16961178  0.43243125   .1696118:.4324312     1
41          3        x      5  0.43243125  0.69525071   .4324312:.6952507     6
42          3        x      6  0.69525071  0.95807018   .6952507:.9580702    17
43          3        x      7  0.95807018  1.22088965  .9580702:1.2208896    18
44          3        x      8  1.22088965  1.48370911 1.2208896:1.4837091     4
45          3        x      9  1.48370911  1.74652858 1.4837091:1.7465286     4
46          3        y      1 -0.89359597 -0.59946141  -.893596:-.5994614     0
47          3        y      2 -0.59946141 -0.30532685 -.5994614:-.3053269     0
48          3        y      3 -0.30532685 -0.01119230 -.3053269:-.0111923     0
49          3        y      4 -0.01119230  0.28294226  -.0111923:.2829423     0
50          3        y      5  0.28294226  0.57707682   .2829423:.5770768     4
51          3        y      6  0.57707682  0.87121138   .5770768:.8712114    12
52          3        y      7  0.87121138  1.16534593  .8712114:1.1653459    26
53          3        y      8  1.16534593  1.45948049 1.1653459:1.4594805     5
54          3        y      9  1.45948049  1.75361505  1.4594805:1.753615     3
R> histogram(km.mod1)
R> km.res1 <- predict(km.mod1, X, type="class", supplemental.cols = c("x","y"))
R> head(km.res1, 3)
            x           y CLUSTER_ID
1 -0.43646407  0.26201831          2
2 -0.02797831  0.07319952          2
3  0.11998373 -0.08638716          2
R> km.res1.local <- ore.pull(km.res1)
R> plot(data.frame(x = km.res1.local$x,
+                  y = km.res1.local$y), 
+                  col = km.res1.local$CLUSTER_ID)
R>  points(km.mod1$centers2, col = rownames(km.mod1$centers2), pch = 8, cex = 2)
R>  head(predict(km.mod1, X))
        '2'          '3' CLUSTER_ID
1 0.9992236 0.0007763706          2
2 0.9971310 0.0028690375          2
3 0.9974216 0.0025783939          2
4 0.9997335 0.0002665114          2
5 0.9917773 0.0082226599          2
6 0.9771667 0.0228333398          2
R> head(predict(km.mod1,X,type=c("class","raw"),supplemental.cols=c("x","y")),3)
        '2'          '3'           x           y CLUSTER_ID
1 0.9992236 0.0007763706 -0.43646407  0.26201831          2
2 0.9971310 0.0028690375 -0.02797831  0.07319952          2
3 0.9974216 0.0025783939  0.11998373 -0.08638716          2
R> head(predict(km.mod1,X,type="raw",supplemental.cols=c("x","y")),3)
            x           y       '2'          '3'
1 -0.43646407  0.26201831 0.9992236 0.0007763706
2 -0.02797831  0.07319952 0.9971310 0.0028690375
3  0.11998373 -0.08638716 0.9974216 0.0025783939R> 
R> # Text mining with ore.odmKMeans
R> title <- c('Aids in Africa: Planning for a long war',
+             'Mars rover maneuvers for rim shot',
+             'Mars express confirms presence of water at Mars south pole',
+             'NASA announces major Mars rover finding',                     
+             'Drug access, Asia threat in focus at AIDS summit',
+             'NASA Mars Odyssey THEMIS image: typical crater',
+             'Road blocks for Aids')
R>  response <- c('Aids', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Mars', 'Aids', 'Mars', 'Aids')
R> KM_TEXT <- ore.push(data.frame(CUST_ID = seq(length(title)),
+                                 RESPONSE = response, TITLE = title))
R>  # Create text policy (CTXSYS.CTX_DDL privilege is required)
R> ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.create_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")
R> # Text column attribute specification
R> km.mod <- ore.odmKMeans( ~ TITLE, data = KM_TEXT, num.centers = 2L,
+    odm.settings = list(ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL",
+                        ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS = 1,
+                        ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES = 3,
+                        kmns_distance = "dbms_data_mining.kmns_cosine",
+                        kmns_details = "kmns_details_all"),
+    ctx.settings = list(TITLE="TEXT(TOKEN_TYPE:STEM)"))
R> summary(km.mod)

ore.odmKMeans(formula = ~TITLE, data = KM_TEXT, num.centers = 2L, 
    odm.settings = list(ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME = "ESA_TXTPOL", 
        kmns_distance = "dbms_data_mining.kmns_cosine", 
        kmns_details = "kmns_details_all"), 
    ctx.settings = list(TITLE = "TEXT(TOKEN_TYPE:STEM)"))

clus.num.clusters                                  2
block.growth                                       2
conv.tolerance                                  0.01
details                                  details.all
distance                                      cosine
iterations                                         3
min.pct.attr.support                             0.1
num.bins                                          10
random.seed                                        0
split.criterion                             variance
odms.missing.value.treatment odms.missing.value.auto
odms.sampling                  odms.sampling.disable
odms.text.max.features                             3
odms.text.min.documents                            1
odms.text.policy.name                     ESA_TXTPOL
prep.auto                                         ON

2  0.5292307  0.7936566   0.7936566         NA
3         NA         NA          NA          1
R> settings(km.mod)
                   SETTING_NAME           SETTING_VALUE SETTING_TYPE
1                     ALGO_NAME             ALGO_KMEANS        INPUT
2             CLUS_NUM_CLUSTERS                       2        INPUT
3             KMNS_BLOCK_GROWTH                       2        INPUT
4           KMNS_CONV_TOLERANCE                    0.01        INPUT
5                  KMNS_DETAILS        KMNS_DETAILS_ALL        INPUT
6                 KMNS_DISTANCE             KMNS_COSINE        INPUT
7               KMNS_ITERATIONS                       3        INPUT
8     KMNS_MIN_PCT_ATTR_SUPPORT                     0.1        INPUT
9                 KMNS_NUM_BINS                      10        INPUT
10             KMNS_RANDOM_SEED                       0      DEFAULT
14       ODMS_TEXT_MAX_FEATURES                       3        INPUT
15      ODMS_TEXT_MIN_DOCUMENTS                       1        INPUT
16        ODMS_TEXT_POLICY_NAME              ESA_TXTPOL        INPUT
17                    PREP_AUTO                      ON        INPUT
R> print(predict(km.mod, KM_TEXT, supplemental.cols = "RESPONSE"), digits = 3L)
     '2'    '3' RESPONSE CLUSTER_ID
1 0.0213 0.9787     Aids          3
2 0.9463 0.0537     Mars          2
3 0.9325 0.0675     Mars          2
4 0.9691 0.0309     Mars          2
5 0.0213 0.9787     Aids          3
6 0.9463 0.0537     Mars          2
7 0.0213 0.9787     Aids          3
R> ore.exec("Begin ctx_ddl.drop_policy('ESA_TXTPOL'); End;")

Figure 4-1 Cluster Histogram for km.mod1

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of "Figure 4-1 Cluster Histogram for km.mod1"