4.2.10 Building a Naive Bayes Model

The ore.odmNB function builds an Oracle Data Mining Naive Bayes model. The Naive Bayes algorithm is based on conditional probabilities. Naive Bayes looks at the historical data and calculates conditional probabilities for the target values by observing the frequency of attribute values and of combinations of attribute values.

Naive Bayes assumes that each predictor is conditionally independent of the others. (Bayes' Theorem requires that the predictors be independent.)

For information on the ore.odmNB function arguments, invoke help(ore.odmNB).

Example 4-20 Using the ore.odmNB Function

This example creates an input ore.frame, builds a Naive Bayes model, makes predictions, and generates a confusion matrix.

m <- mtcars
m$gear <- as.factor(m$gear)
m$cyl  <- as.factor(m$cyl)
m$vs   <- as.factor(m$vs)
m$ID   <- 1:nrow(m)
mtcars_of <- ore.push(m)
row.names(mtcars_of) <- mtcars_of
# Build the model.
nb.mod  <- ore.odmNB(gear ~ ., mtcars_of)
# Make predictions and generate a confusion matrix.
nb.res  <- predict (nb.mod, mtcars_of, "gear")
with(nb.res, table(gear, PREDICTION))
Listing for Example 4-11
R> m <- mtcars
R> m$gear <- as.factor(m$gear)
R> m$cyl  <- as.factor(m$cyl)
R> m$vs   <- as.factor(m$vs)
R> m$ID   <- 1:nrow(m)
R> mtcars_of <- ore.push(m)
R> row.names(mtcars_of) <- mtcars_of
R> # Build the model.
R> nb.mod  <- ore.odmNB(gear ~ ., mtcars_of)
R> summary(nb.mod)
ore.odmNB(formula = gear ~ ., data = mtcars_of)
prep.auto    on
      3       4       5 
0.46875 0.37500 0.15625 
  ( ; 26.5), [26.5; 26.5]  (26.5;  )
3              1.00000000           
4              0.91666667 0.08333333
5                         1.00000000
          0         1
3 1.0000000          
4 0.3333333 0.6666667
5           1.0000000
  '4', '6' '8'
3      0.2 0.8
4      1.0    
5      0.6 0.4
  ( ; 196.299999999999995), [196.299999999999995; 196.299999999999995]
3                                                           0.06666667
4                                                           1.00000000
5                                                           0.60000000
  (196.299999999999995;  )
3               0.93333333
5               0.40000000
  ( ; 3.385), [3.385; 3.385] (3.385;  )
3                  0.8666667  0.1333333
4                             1.0000000
5                             1.0000000
  ( ; 136.5), [136.5; 136.5] (136.5;  )
3                        0.2        0.8
4                        1.0           
5                        0.4        0.6
          0         1
3 0.8000000 0.2000000
4 0.1666667 0.8333333
5 0.8000000 0.2000000
  ( ; 3.2024999999999999), [3.2024999999999999; 3.2024999999999999]
3                                                        0.06666667
4                                                        0.83333333
5                                                        0.80000000
  (3.2024999999999999;  )
3              0.93333333
4              0.16666667
5              0.20000000
[1] "3" "4" "5"

R> # Make predictions and generate a confusion matrix.
R> nb.res  <- predict (nb.mod, mtcars_of, "gear")
R> with(nb.res, table(gear, PREDICTION))
gear  3  4  5
   3 14  1  0
   4  0 12  0
   5  0  1  4