3.1.7 Sampling Data

Sampling is an important capability for statistical analytics.

Typically, you sample data to reduce its size and to perform meaningful work on it. In R you usually must load data into memory to sample it. However, if the data is too large, this isn't possible.

In Oracle R Enterprise, instead of pulling the data from the database and then sampling, you can sample directly in the database and then pull only those records that are part of the sample. By sampling in the database, you minimize data movement and you can work with larger data sets. Note that it is the ordering framework integer row indexing in the transparency layer that enables this capability.


Sampling requires using ordered ore.frame objects as described in Creating Ordered and Unordered ore.frame Objects.

The examples in this section illustrate several sampling techniques. Similar examples are in the sampling example script.

Example 3-10 Simple Random Sampling

This example demonstrates a simple selection of rows at random. The example creates a small data.frame object and pushes it to the database to create an ore.frame object, MYDATA. Out of 20 rows, the example samples 5. It uses the R sample function to produce a random set of indices that it uses to get the sample from MYDATA. The sample, simpleRandomSample, is an ore.frame object.

N <- 20
myData <- data.frame(a=1:N,b=letters[1:N])
MYDATA <- ore.push(myData)
sampleSize <- 5
simpleRandomSample <- MYDATA[sample(nrow(MYDATA), sampleSize), , drop=FALSE]

Listing for This Example

R> set.seed(1)
R> N <- 20
R> myData <- data.frame(a=1:N,b=letters[1:N])
R> MYDATA <- ore.push(myData)
R> head(MYDATA)
  a b
1 1 a
2 2 b
3 3 c
4 4 d
5 5 e
6 6 f
R> sampleSize <- 5
R> simpleRandomSample <- MYDATA[sample(nrow(MYDATA), sampleSize), , drop=FALSE]
R> class(simpleRandomSample)
[1] "ore.frame"
[1] "OREbase"
R> simpleRandomSample
    a b
2   2 b
7   7 g
10 10 j
12 12 l
19 19 s

Example 3-11 Split Data Sampling

This example demonstrates randomly partitioning data into training and testing sets. This splitting of the data is normally done in classification and regression to assess how well a model performs on new data. The example uses the MYDATA object created in the previous example.

This example produces a sample set of indices to use as the test data set. It then creates the logical vector group that is TRUE if the index is in the sample and is FALSE otherwise. Next, it uses row indexing to produce the training set where the group is FALSE and the test set where the group is TRUE. Notice that the number of rows in the training set is 15 and the number of rows in the test set is 5, as specified in the invocation of the sample function.

sampleSize <- 5
ind <- sample(1:nrow(MYDATA), sampleSize)
group <- as.integer(1:nrow(MYDATA) %in% ind)
MYDATA.train <- MYDATA[group==FALSE,]
MYDATA.test <- MYDATA[group==TRUE,]

Listing for This Example

R> set.seed(1)
R> sampleSize <- 5
R> ind <- sample(1:nrow(MYDATA), sampleSize)
R> group <- as.integer(1:nrow(MYDATA) %in% ind)
R> MYDATA.train <- MYDATA[group==FALSE,]
[1] 15  2 
R> MYDATA.test <- MYDATA[group==TRUE,]
R> dim(MYDATA.test)
[1] 5 2

Example 3-12 Systematic Sampling

This example demonstrates systematic sampling, in which rows are selected at regular intervals. The example uses the seq function to create a sequence of values that start at 2 and increase by increments of 3. The number of values in the sequence is equal to the number of rows in MYDATA. The MYDATA object is created in the first example.

N <- 20
myData <- data.frame(a=1:20,b=letters[1:N])
MYDATA <- ore.push(myData)
start <- 2
by <- 3
systematicSample <- MYDATA[seq(start, nrow(MYDATA), by = by), , drop = FALSE]

Listing for This Example

R> set.seed(1)
R> N <- 20
R> myData <- data.frame(a=1:20,b=letters[1:N])
R> MYDATA <- ore.push(myData)
R> head(MYDATA)
  a b
1 1 a
2 2 b
3 3 c
4 4 d
5 5 e
6 6 f
R> start <- 2
R> by <- 3
R> systematicSample <- MYDATA[seq(start, nrow(MYDATA), by = by), , drop = FALSE]
    a b
2   2 b
5   5 e
8   8 h
11 11 k
14 14 n
17 17 q
20 20 t

Example 3-13 Stratified Sampling

This example demonstrates stratified sampling, in which rows are selected within each group where the group is determined by the values of a particular column. The example creates a data set that has each row assigned to a group. The function rnorm produces random normal numbers. The argument 4 is the desired mean for the distribution. The example splits the data according to group and then samples proportionately from each partition. Finally, it row binds the list of subset ore.frame objects into a single ore.frame object and then displays the values of the result, stratifiedSample.

N <- 200
myData <- data.frame(a=1:N,b=round(rnorm(N),2),
MYDATA <- ore.push(myData)
sampleSize <- 10
stratifiedSample <- do.call(rbind,
                            lapply(split(MYDATA, MYDATA$group),
                                   function(y) {
                                   ny <- nrow(y)
                                   y[sample(ny, sampleSize*ny/N), , drop = FALSE]

Listing for This Example

R> set.seed(1)
R> N <- 200
R> myData <- data.frame(a=1:N,b=round(rnorm(N),2),
+                       group=round(rnorm(N,4),0))
R> MYDATA <- ore.push(myData)
R> head(MYDATA)
  a     b group
1 1 -0.63     4
2 2  0.18     6
3 3 -0.84     6
4 4  1.60     4
5 5  0.33     2
6 6 -0.82     6
R> sampleSize <- 10
R> stratifiedSample <- do.call(rbind,
+                              lapply(split(MYDATA, MYDATA$group),
+                                function(y) {
+                                  ny <- nrow(y)
+                                  y[sample(ny, sampleSize*ny/N), , drop = FALSE]
+                             }))
R> stratifiedSample
          a     b group
173|173 173  0.46     3
9|9       9  0.58     4
53|53    53  0.34     4
139|139 139 -0.65     4
188|188 188 -0.77     4
78|78    78  0.00     5
137|137 137 -0.30     5

Example 3-14 Cluster Sampling

This example demonstrates cluster sampling, in which entire groups are selected at random. The example splits the data according to group and then samples among the groups and row binds into a single ore.frame object. The resulting sample has data from two clusters, 6 and 7.

N <- 200
myData <- data.frame(a=1:N,b=round(runif(N),2),
MYDATA <- ore.push(myData)
sampleSize <- 5
clusterSample <- do.call(rbind,
                         sample(split(MYDATA, MYDATA$group), 2))

Listing for This Example

R> set.seed(1)
R> N <- 200
R> myData <- data.frame(a=1:N,b=round(runif(N),2),
+                       group=round(rnorm(N,4),0))
R> MYDATA <- ore.push(myData)
R> head(MYDATA)
  a    b group
1 1 0.27     3
2 2 0.37     4
3 3 0.57     3
4 4 0.91     4
5 5 0.20     3
6 6 0.90     6
R> sampleSize <- 5
R> clusterSample <- do.call(rbind,
+                           sample(split(MYDATA, MYDATA$group), 2))
R> unique(clusterSample$group)
[1] 6 7

Example 3-15 Quota Sampling

This example demonstrates quota sampling, in which a consecutive number of records are selected as the sample. The example uses the head function to select the sample. The tail function could also have been used.

N <- 200
myData <- data.frame(a=1:N,b=round(runif(N),2))
MYDATA <- ore.push(myData)                     
sampleSize <- 10
quotaSample1 <- head(MYDATA, sampleSize)

Listing for This Example

R> set.seed(1)
R> N <- 200
R> myData <- data.frame(a=1:N,b=round(runif(N),2))
R> MYDATA <- ore.push(myData)                     
R> sampleSize <- 10
R> quotaSample1 <- head(MYDATA, sampleSize)
R> quotaSample1
    a    b
1   1 0.15
2   2 0.75
3   3 0.98
4   4 0.97
5   5 0.35
6   6 0.39
7   7 0.95
8   8 0.11
9   9 0.93
10 10 0.35