3.1.6 Transforming Data

In preparing data for analysis, a typical step is to transform data by reformatting it or deriving new columns and adding them to the data set.

The examples in this topic demonstrate two ways of formatting data and deriving columns.

Example 3-7 Formatting Data

This example creates a function to format the data in a column.

# Create a function for formatting data.
petalCategory_fmt <- function(x) {
    ifelse(x > 5, 'LONG',
    ifelse(x > 2, 'MEDIUM', 'SMALL'))
# Create an ore.frame in database memory with the iris data set.
iris_of <- ore.push(iris)
# Select some rows from iris_of.
iris_of[c(10, 20, 60, 80, 110, 140),]
# Format the data in Petal.Length column.
iris_of$Petal.Length <- petalCategory_fmt(iris_of$Petal.Length)
# Select the same rows from iris_of.

Listing for This Example

R> # Create a function for formatting data.
R> petalCategory_fmt <- function(x) {
+    ifelse(x > 5, 'LONG',
+    ifelse(x > 2, 'MEDIUM', 'SMALL'))
+ }
R> # Create an ore.frame in database memory with the iris data set.
R> iris_of <- ore.push(iris)
R> # Select some rows from iris_of.
R> iris_of[c(10, 20, 60, 80, 110, 140),]
    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width    Species
10           4.9         3.1          1.5         0.1     setosa
20           5.1         3.8          1.5         0.3     setosa
60           5.2         2.7          3.9         1.4 versicolor
80           5.7         2.6          3.5         1.0 versicolor
110          7.2         3.6          6.1         2.5  virginica
140          6.9         3.1          5.4         2.1  virginica
R> # Format the data in Petal.Length column.
R> iris_of$Petal.Length <- petalCategory_fmt(iris_of$Petal.Length)
R> # Select the same rows from iris_of.
R> iris_of[c(10, 20, 60, 80, 110, 140),]
    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width    Species
10           4.9         3.1        SMALL         0.1     setosa
20           5.1         3.8        SMALL         0.3     setosa
60           5.2         2.7       MEDIUM         1.4 versicolor
80           5.7         2.6       MEDIUM         1.0 versicolor
110          7.2         3.6         LONG         2.5  virginica
140          6.9         3.1         LONG         2.1  virginica

Example 3-8 Using the transform Function

This example does the same thing as the previous example except that it uses the transform function to reformat the data in a column of the data set.

# Create an ore.frame in database memory with the iris data set.
iris_of2 <- ore.push(iris)
# Select some rows from iris_of.
iris_of2[c(10, 20, 60, 80, 110, 140),]
iris_of2 <- transform(iris_of2,
                  Petal.Length = ifelse(Petal.Length > 5, 'LONG',
                                 ifelse(Petal.Length > 2, 'MEDIUM', 'SMALL')))
iris_of2[c(10, 20, 60, 80, 110, 140),]

Listing for This Example

R> # Create an ore.frame in database memory with the iris data set.
R> iris_of2 <- ore.push(iris)
R> # Select some rows from iris_of.
R> iris_of2[c(10, 20, 60, 80, 110, 140),]
    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width    Species
10           4.9         3.1          1.5         0.1     setosa
20           5.1         3.8          1.5         0.3     setosa
60           5.2         2.7          3.9         1.4 versicolor
80           5.7         2.6          3.5         1.0 versicolor
110          7.2         3.6          6.1         2.5  virginica
140          6.9         3.1          5.4         2.1  virginica
R> iris_of2 <- transform(iris_of2,
+                  Petal.Length = ifelse(Petal.Length > 5, 'LONG',
+                                 ifelse(Petal.Length > 2, 'MEDIUM', 'SMALL')))
R> iris_of2[c(10, 20, 60, 80, 110, 140),]
    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width    Species
10           4.9         3.1        SMALL         0.1     setosa
20           5.1         3.8        SMALL         0.3     setosa
60           5.2         2.7       MEDIUM         1.4 versicolor
80           5.7         2.6       MEDIUM         1.0 versicolor
110          7.2         3.6         LONG         2.5  virginica
140          6.9         3.1         LONG         2.1  virginica

Example 3-9 Adding Derived Columns

This example uses the transform function to add a derived column to the data set and then to add additional columns to it.

# Set the page width.
options(width = 80)
# Create an ore.frame in database memory with the iris data set.
iris_of <- ore.push(iris)
# Add one column derived from another
iris_of <- transform(iris_of, LOG_PL = log(Petal.Length))
head(iris_of, 3)
# Add more columns.
iris_of <- transform(iris_of,
                    SEPALBINS = ifelse(Sepal.Length < 6.0, "A", "B"),
                    PRODUCTCOLUMN = Petal.Length * Petal.Width,
                    CONSTANTCOLUMN = 10)
# Select some rows of iris_of.
iris_of[c(10, 20, 60, 80, 110, 140),]

Listing for This Example

R> # Set the page width.
R> options(width = 80)
R> # Create an ore.frame in database memory with the iris data set.
R> iris_of <- ore.push(iris)
R> names(iris_of)
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width"  "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width"  "Species" 
R> # Add one column derived from another
R> iris_of <- transform(iris_of, LOG_PL = log(Petal.Length))
R> names(iris_of)
[1] "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Width"  "Petal.Length" "Petal.Width"  "Species"     
[6] "LOG_PL"
R> head(iris_of, 3)
  Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species    LOG_PL
1          5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2  setosa 0.3364722
2          4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2  setosa 0.3364722
3          4.7         3.2          1.3         0.2  setosa 0.2623643
R> # Add more columns.
R> iris_of <- transform(iris_of,
                    SEPALBINS = ifelse(Sepal.Length < 6.0, "A", "B"),
                    PRODUCTCOLUMN = Petal.Length * Petal.Width,
                    CONSTANTCOLUMN = 10)
R> names(iris_of)
[1] "Sepal.Length"   "Sepal.Width"    "Petal.Length"   "Petal.Width"   
[5] "Species"        "LOG_PL"         "CONSTANTCOLUMN" "SEPALBINS"     
R> # Select some rows of iris_of.
R> iris_of[c(10, 20, 60, 80, 110, 140),]
    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width    Species    LOG_PL
10           4.9         3.1          1.5         0.1     setosa 0.4054651
20           5.1         3.8          1.5         0.3     setosa 0.4054651
60           5.2         2.7          3.9         1.4 versicolor 1.3609766
80           5.7         2.6          3.5         1.0 versicolor 1.2527630
110          7.2         3.6          6.1         2.5  virginica 1.8082888
140          6.9         3.1          5.4         2.1  virginica 1.6863990
10              10         A          0.15
20              10         A          0.45
60              10         A          5.46
80              10         A          3.50
110             10         B         15.25
140             10         B         11.34

See Also:

The derived example script