Loan Details

This screen contains all the loan account details. A user can view account’s basic information such as personal information, holding patterns, disbursement details, outstanding amount, and repayment details and arrears. In addition to account preferences, nicknames (if any).

You are here How to reach here:

Overview > Loan Account Summary > Loan Details

To view the loan account details:

Transactions -Search Criteria

You can also perform following account related transactions:

  1.  To view loan repayment schedule, click Schedule Inquiry.
  2. To view disbursement details, click Disbursement Inquiry.

Note: To navigate to Overview screen, click Back.


ClosedAs a corporate User, what are the loan accounts that I can view?

A Corporate User can view all the accounts that he has access to. This includes the accounts of his primary party as well as those of Linked parties.

ClosedCan I access my loan account 24/7, on the Online Platform?

The user can access his loan account, at all times except during system or transaction blackout.
