
A user may want to redeem his TDTerm Deposit is a deposit accepted by bank, for a fixed term, from customers. A term deposit is a liability of a bank with fixed maturity period., to meet an exigency or to invest in other options, or for any other personal or financial reason. Using this option user can redeem a term deposit.

The application provides a clear picture of the current position of the term deposit and net available balance that can be withdrawn by the user.

User can use any of the below payout options to redeem a term deposit;

This option allows Partial as well as Full redemption of the term deposit.

You are here How to reach here:

Dashboard > Quick Links > Redemption
Dashboard > Accounts > Term Deposits >Redemption
Dashboard > Accounts > Term Deposits > Term Deposit Summary > Deposit Number > Deposit Details > Quick Links > Redemption

To redeem the term deposit:


Closed Does the application allow the User to redeem a term deposit before the maturity date?

Yes, it is possible to redeem the term deposit before the maturity date, through the application.

Closed Does the application allow partial redemption from term deposit account?

Yes, depending on the term deposit product type, the user can perform partial redemption of his TD, online.
