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Loans AND Finances

A loan is nothing but an amount of money that is lent by a bank to a borrower for a certain period of time. Banks charge borrowers interest for the amount lent. Hence, loan accounts are valuable income generating assets for banks. It is therefore important for banks to enrich the end user’s loan servicing experience so as to increase customer satisfaction and retention. In order to achieve this, banks are constantly making efforts to enhance the online channel banking experience for their customers by introducing and revamping loans servicing features on the digital platform.

The application provides a platform by which banks are able to offer their customers an enriching online banking experience in servicing their loans.

Customers can manage their banking requirements efficiently and effectively through the OBDX self-service channels. The loan module offers customers a host of services that include, but are not limited to, viewing their loan account details, schedules and balances and also the facility to make loan repayments.

Features Supported In Application

The retail loans module of the OBDX application supports the following features:


Loans Dashboard

The loans dashboard has been designed to showcase the lending profile of a customer. By viewing the loans dashboard, the customer should be able to gain an insight into the current position of his loans held with the bank.

Click on individual components to view in detail.

