New Deposit

The New Deposit page enables the customer to apply for a new term deposit. All the term deposit offerings of the bank are available for selection on this page. The customer can select any product offer in order to apply for a term deposit of choice.

While applying for a term deposit, the customer is required to identify the amount for which the deposit is to be opened, the tenure i.e. the term of the deposit and the holding pattern i.e. single or joint. Additionally, the customer is also required to define maturity instructions and also to select the current or savings account from which funds are to be debited in order to fund the deposit.

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To open a new term deposit:


ClosedHow does a term deposit work?

A term deposit offers a fixed interest rate for a fixed term. Interest rates differ from based on the term, the amount of the deposit and the interest payment frequency. A term deposit helps you to earn more interest income while providing you with ready funds, as and when required.

ClosedWhen will I start earning interest on my term deposit?

You will begin to earn interest from the day your term deposit is opened with the bank and an initial deposit is made. The interest is accrued in your account as per settings at host by Bank.

ClosedCan I open a term deposit in joint names?

Yes, it is possible to open the term deposit with up to two joint holders. Details of both the holders has to be provided while initiating the deposit.
