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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Product Quality Management User Guide
Release 9.3.6
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5 Managing Quality Change Requests

This topic contains details on how to approve, acknowledge and reject a QCR. You must hold necessary privileges and meet the following conditions to approve or reject a QCR.

5.1 Approving a QCR

If the QCR specifies you as an Approver, then must verify the audit or corrective action for a specific item. For details, see the Getting Started with Agile Product Lifecycle Management Guide.

You must hold necessary privileges and meet the following conditions to approve or reject a QCR.

  • The QCR needs to be in review or released type status

  • You need the necessary privilege to approve or reject it in that status

  • You must be on the QCRs list as an approver or observer

To approve a QCR in the Web Client:

  1. Open the QCR you want to approve.

  2. Click the Approve button. The Approve wizard appears.

  3. In the Password field, enter your password, if applicable.

    The Password field appears in the Approve/Reject window depending on the Password Required property setting for the current workflow status. For more information about workflow properties, see Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

  4. Select the check boxes to notify the Originator, Quality Administrator, Approvers, Acknowledgers, and Observers. You can also notify users or user groups that you have approved the QCR.

  5. Click the Search palette and select the users you want to notify.

  6. In the Comments field, enter approver comments. Comments are not mandatory. To enable Comments, you must set Comments for Approval to Allowed in the Java Client.

  7. Click Approve.

5.1.1 Acknowledging a QCR

The Acknowledge workflow action of a QCR requires the user to sign off, that they reviewed a change. Acknowledgers can be Users, User Groups or Job Functions with Users, or Job Functions with User Groups.

As you change the status of the QCR, it needs to be reviewed by Approvers, Acknowledgers and Observers. Approvers approve the change, acknowledgers acknowledge the change and Observers are informed of the change.

To acknowledge a QCR:

  1. Create a QCR and change its status to CCB.

    Ensure to add an user with sufficient privileges as the Acknowledger for CCB status. For example: Admin.

  2. Login as Admin and navigate to the QCR.

  3. Click the Acknowledge button. In the window that appears, fill in the required details.

  4. Click the Acknowledge button.

  5. The Action in the Workflow tab displays Acknowledged to indicate that the change is acknowledged.

A user cannot be an Acknowledger, Observer and/or Approver. An error message displays the name of the user who has multiple workflow roles.

5.1.2 Rejecting a QCR

You can reject QCRs if they are not appropriate. For example, if you are a Quality Manager, and feel the corrective action taken by your team is not appropriate, you can reject the action.

To reject a QCR in the Web Client:

  1. Open the QCR you want to reject.

  2. Click the Reject button. The Reject wizard appears.

  3. In the Password field, enter your password, if applicable.

    The Password field appears in the Approve/Reject window depending on the Password Required property setting for the current workflow status.

  4. Select the check boxes to notify the Originator, Quality Analyst, and Reviewers.

  5. Click the Search palette to select users you want to notify.

  6. In the Comments field, enter Approver comments. Comments are not mandatory. You must set Comments for Rejection to Allowed in the Java Client.

    For details, see chapter 'Workflows' in the Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

  7. Click the Reject button.

5.1.3 Closing a QCR

To close or promote a QCR to the complete status:

  • Close it manually (provided you have the appropriate privileges).

  • Set a Rule on Relationships tab of the QCR so that the status of the QCR is Closed on meeting the conditions of that rule.

Typically, when you release a Change or an ECO related to a QCR, the Quality Administrator determines if you can resolve and close a QCR.

5.1.4 Actions Menu in a QCR

The Actions menu lists actions you can perform on the QCR.

Actions Implications
Bookmark Saves the QCR as a Bookmark for future retrieval.
Subscribe Subscriptions notify you of changes on tables or of attributes on the objects
Save As Creates and saves a copy of the current object in the same or a different subclass.
Delete Deletes the QCR.
Copy URL to Clipboard Enables you to copy and paste a link you are viewing in an email or document
Send Sends QCR to Users who have necessary Roles and Privileges. Option to send notification as urgent is also available.
Sharing Enables Users to grant other users privilege access equivalent to his.
Audit Status Audits the status of an object to check if the workflow can progress further.
Audit Release Audits the object to detect any errors that may prevent switching to another status
View Workflows Enables you to view the workflow status of the PSR.
Print Prints the QCR.
Export Exports the QCR to a delimited text file (CSV), a Microsoft Excel Notebook, or an XML file.
Create Change Enables you to create a Change directly from the QCR.
View Workflows Enables you to view the workflow status of a QCR Change Order in a QCR

You can create a change directly from the QCR, which enables you to release a change order to fix the problem. The Change you create from the Change appears in the Relationships tab of the QCR.

To create a change from a QCR in Java Client:

  1. In the Cover Page of a QCR, right-click and select Create Change.

  2. Select a Change object type from the Type list - MCO, ECO, ECR, Deviation, or Stop Ship.

  3. In the Number field, type a number or click the AutoNumber button to generate a number.

  4. The Add Affected Items to Change table lists all Affected Items of QCR and PSR. Select items from the list of Affected Items and PSR Items. If an Item is already associated with a Change, it still appears in this list so that you can initiate multiple changes related to one Item. The list shows unique items (if the item appears in the Affected Items and PSR Items, then it displays the item only once).

  5. Click OK.

Agile Java Client creates the Change and adds it to the Relationships tab of the QCR. The system copies the Items selected to the Affected Items tab of the Change (This enables you to separate the QCR into multiple Changes, each containing different Items).

To create a change from a QCR in Web Client:

  1. Open the QCR and select Actions | Create Change menu option.

  2. In the Create New dialog, select a Change object type from the sub-class list - MCO, ECO, ECR, Deviation, or Stop Ship.

  3. In the Number field, type a number or click the Autonumber button to generate a number.

  4. The Date Originated field is pre-populated.

  5. Click the Search palette to add Versions.

  6. Use the Search palette to add Affected Items. Select and double-click an object to move it to the Affected Items field.

  7. Click Close.

  8. Click Save.

Agile Web Client creates the Change and adds it to the Relationships tab of the QCR. The system copies the items selected to the Affected Items tab of the Change (This enables you to separate the QCR into multiple Changes, each containing different Items).