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Agile Product Lifecycle Management Product Quality Management User Guide
Release 9.3.6
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4 Managing Product Service Requests

This chapter describes how you can approve, acknowledge and reject a PSR. Ensure you hold the necessary privilege to approve and reject a PSR.

4.1 Approving a PSR

To approve or reject a PSR, you must be an Approver for the PSR and hold the PSR Administrator role. Contact your Agile administrator if you need additional privileges.

To approve a PSR:

  1. Open a PSR. (Ensure that it is in the Review or Released status).

  2. Click the Approve button. The Approve to Review dialog appears. Notice that the User field is pre-populated.

  3. Enter Password if applicable.

    The Password field appears in the Approve/Reject window depending on the Password Required property setting for the current workflow status. For more information about workflow properties, see the Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

  4. Select the Quality Analyst and Originator you want to notify.

  5. Use the palette to add Approvers.

    A user cannot be an Acknowledger, Observer and Approver at the same time. An error message displays the name of the user who has multiple workflow roles.

  6. Add Comments, if any.

  7. Select the Send notification as urgent check box to mark the notification sent out because of this action as ”Urgent”.

  8. Click Approve.

  9. Click Finish.

4.1.1 Acknowledging a PSR

The Acknowledge workflow action requires the user to sign off that they reviewed a change. Acknowledgers can be Users, User Groups or Job Functions with Users, or Job Functions with User Groups. You cannot auto promote a workflow if all the acknowledgers have not signed off.

Figure 4-1 Change Status to Review

Description of Figure 4-1 follows
Description of ''Figure 4-1 Change Status to Review''

4.1.2 Rejecting a PSR

When you reject a PSR it appears in the workflow tab of and users associated with it are notified.

To reject a PSR:

  1. Open a PSR. (Ensure that it is in the Review or Released status).

  2. Click the Reject button located above the tabs. The Reject for Review dialog appears.

  3. Enter Password if applicable.

    The Password field appears in the Approve/Reject window depending on the Password Required property setting for the current workflow status. For more information about workflow properties, see the Agile PLM Administrator Guide.

  4. Select the Quality Analyst and the Originator you want to notify.

  5. Use the palette to add Approvers.

  6. Add Comments, if any.

  7. Select the Send notification as urgent check box to mark the notification sent out as ”Urgent”.

  8. Click the Reject button.

  9. Click Finish.

4.1.3 Closing a PSR

To close or promote a PSR to the complete status:

  • Close it manually (Provided you have appropriate privileges).

  • Set a Rule on the Relationships tab of the PSR so that the status of the PSR is Closed on meeting the conditions of that rule.

4.1.4 Actions Menu in PSR

The Actions menu lists actions that you can perform on the PSR.

Actions Implications
Bookmark Saves PSR as a Bookmark for future retrieval.
Subscribe Subscriptions notify you of changes on tables or of attributes on the objects
Save As Creates and saves a copy of the current PSR in the same or a different subclass.
Delete Deletes PSR.
Send Sends PSR to Users who have the necessary Roles and Privileges. Option to send the notification as urgent is also available.
Sharing Enables Users to grant other users privilege access equivalent to his.
Copy URL to Clipboard Enables you to copy and paste a link you are viewing in an email or document.
Audit Status Audits the status of an object to check if the workflow can progress further.
Audit Release Audits if you can release the object with the existing workflow status.
View Workflows Enables you to view the workflow states of the PSR.
Print Prints PSR.
Export Exports PSR to a delimited text file (CSV), a Microsoft Excel Notebook, or an XML file.
Create Quality Change Requests Enables you to create Quality Change Requests on the PSR.

4.1.5 Audit Status of a PSR

The Audit button enables you to audit the status of a PSR. It verifies if the workflow can move to the next state. It is performed automatically when the workflow of the PSR has to autopromote to the next state.

To audit the status of a PSR in Java Client:

  1. Open a PSR you want to audit.

  2. Click the Audit button at the top or right-click in the window; choose Audit Status from the menu that appears. The Audit Results for Audit Status dialog box appears. Correct errors, if any.

  3. Click OK.

To audit the status of a PSR in Web Client:

  1. Open a PSR you want to audit.

  2. Click the Actions menu and choose Audit Status. A message bar displays the message to correct errors if any.

  3. Click Close.

4.1.6 Audit Release of a PSR

An Audit Release is performed automatically when the PSR is promoted to the release state. The Audit Release validates if the settings of a PSR match Release status settings.

(For example: Entry Required fields, Status matching criteria)

You can release a PSR by using the Next Status button on the Workflow tab. If you set the AutoPromote property of the preceding Review status type to Yes, then you release the routable object (automatically when all the approvers have approved the change).

Before you release a PSR, you must audit it and pass the audit release. The system will validate the following audit for each status level:

  • For the Pending, Review, Released, and Complete status: Required fields for the current status level. (Your Agile Administrator determines the required fields in the workflow property settings.)

  • For the Review status: Checks approval of all Approvers.

  • For the Released status: Checks all the current release audit rules.

For details on how to release a PSR, see the chapter 'Routing Objects with Workflows' in Getting Started with Agile Product Lifecycle Management.

To audit the PSR for release in Java Client:

  1. Open the PSR you want to audit for release.

  2. Click the Audit Release button or right-click in the Agile Java Client window; from the menu that appears, choose Audit Release. The Audit Results for Audit Release dialog box appears. Correct errors, if any and audit again.

  3. Click OK to close the Audit Results dialog box.

To audit the PSR for release in Web Client:

  1. Open the PSR you want to audit for release.

  2. Choose Actions> Audit Release. Correct errors, if any and audit again.

  3. Click Close. Audit Window

Error/Warning messages on the Audit window have underlined hyperlinks which, on clicking, take you directly to the issue. The Audit window remains open while you resolve the issues. On resolving issues, you run the re-Audit button. Hyperlinks in the messages change color once you have clicked them.

Below are a few examples:

  • Status Audit Errors: Auditing the current status for the object to move to the next status without hindrance. The status audit is performed automatically when you use the Change Status function or the workflow attempts to auto-promote a PSR to the next status.

    For Missing Exit Required Fields: The workflow definition can have criteria that certain fields are required before leaving the workflow status. For example, you could specify that the Affected Item should have a description before being submitted.

Figure 4-2 Audit Status Results

Description of Figure 4-2 follows
Description of ''Figure 4-2 Audit Status Results''

Clicking on the hyperlink takes you directly to the Affected Items table which you must update.

Figure 4-3 Affected Item Table

Description of Figure 4-3 follows
Description of ''Figure 4-3 Affected Item Table''

For Missing Approvals: If reviewers have not approved. For example: If the status is Review or Release type and approvers have not approved, then clicking on the hyperlink takes you directly to the workflow page and sends a reminder to the missing approvers.

  • Release Audit Errors: Auditing the current status to release the routable object. Agile PLM performs a release audit automatically when the routable object is promoted to the first Released type status in the workflow.

Existence of a proposed New Rev Number: If the new rev number is the same as the old number, a Rev conflict an error message appears.